Seeing Feng Yuxi's current appearance, to be honest, Luo Anning, who had watched him grow up since childhood, couldn't bear to say anything anymore, but she looked at her daughter who was still crying in a coma.

There were some words she had to say: "Yu Xi, just listen to Aunt An Ning once. Beloved is in a low mood now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of the shadow of Asheng's departure in a short time. And you have the most direct relationship with Asheng's departure. , when she sees you, she will inevitably think of Ah Sheng. Even if she wants to keep a normal attitude toward you, how can you calm her down when she thinks of Ah Sheng's death? Look at Beloved, she has never cried since she was a child. You know it too. I know that Beloved has always liked you since he was a child, and he still likes you even when he grows up. When you were in high school, your Uncle Rong and I didn't know about the things between you, but we just turned a blind eye. Just close one eye. During that time, it can be said that Beloved felt extremely uncomfortable. When she was sober, she would not cry. She would pester Xiaoyao and Ajun to take her to drink every night. Visually crying and making a fuss. We all know this, but you don’t."

Luo Anning's voice was calm, without the slightest hint of blame, as if she was talking about the most ordinary thing. However, even though her face looked the same, Feng Yuxi still heard the blame in her words.

Whose child is not the heart and soul of their parents? Why did he, Feng Yuxi, hurt Beloved's heart so much in the first place, and now he can come back whenever he wants, and take care of Beloved if he wants to?

Feng Yuxi understood this truth, but he refused to give in at all.

Not only did he feel guilty for Asheng in his conscience, but deep down in his heart, he felt unspeakable worry and distress for Beloved.

"Aunt An Ning, I..." Feng Yuxi clenched his fists and his voice was slightly choked. His throat seemed to be stuck with something, and he couldn't go up or down. It was extremely uncomfortable.

Luo An Ning smiled faintly and raised her hand to signal him to stop talking, "Yu Xi, I have been here, and I can somewhat see how you feel about Beloved. But, Yu Xi, forgive Aunt An Ning for not letting Beloved go. I’ll take care of you. Look.”

She pointed her slender fingers at Beloved, who was still crying, with slightly wet eyes, "How much Beloved likes Ah Sheng? Well, she likes it so much that even if a mother like me says something bad about Ah Sheng, she can blush and follow her. I'm anxious. Yu Xi, Asheng's importance to Beloved is no lower than your status in her heart back then. Now in this sensitive period, I hope you can temporarily stay out of her sight and don't let her touch anyone's feelings. After all, when she sees you, she will always remember that Asheng died trying to save you. Of course, Aunt Anning is not asking you to avoid Beloved for the rest of your life, but she just hopes that you can help her after she comes out of this emotional trough. , when she can let go of you, it won’t be too late for you to show up again. Yu Xi, what do you think?"

Luo Anning gently and slowly asked the question to Feng Yuxi. In her impression, Yuxi had always been a child with a calm personality. Perhaps because of his family's political affiliation, he always looked at things with more worries than others, and also Be more thoughtful. She believed that with her words, Yu Xi could understand her good intentions as a mother.

Mr. Rong stood aside, never saying a word from beginning to end, silently wiping his daughter's tears with a tissue. Every time he finished wiping, new tears flowed out, soaking his face and covering the pillow.

His handsome eyebrows frowned.

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