Feng Yuxi's eyes turned gloomy, and his breathing became painful.

Staring deeply at her with hatred, he hurriedly looked away.

He didn't dare to meet her eyes, not wanting to be stabbed again.

Rong Chong'er stood under the shower, shivering from the cold. Feng Yuxi pursed his lips, turned off the water, walked away a few steps, took a bath towel, threw it over, and covered her head.

"Take off your wet clothes, dry yourself and come out immediately."


The servants were cleaning up in the bathroom, while Rong Chong'er sat blankly on the imperial concubine's couch. The doctor was applying medicine and bandaging to the wound on her wrist. "Fortunately, the wound is not deep, so there is no need for stitches, otherwise it would have to leave a scar. The wound will be used within three days." Don’t touch the water and apply ointment three times a day.”

"Is there anything else that needs attention?" Feng Yuxi raised his head and asked carefully.

The doctor said: "Smoking, alcohol, and spicy foods are taboo. Try to eat light foods. Do not eat soy sauce and other melanin-containing condiments, which can easily cause melanin in the wound."

"I know, I'll pay attention."

Feng Yuxi wrote it down carefully. After the doctor went out, he reached out and gently held Beloved's bandaged wrist, rubbing his fingertips on the gauze, feeling both distressed and distressed.

How could she be so stupid.

Even if she committed suicide, Asheng's life would not be restored.

The tip of Feng Yuxi's heart felt as if it had been soaked in lemons, sore and uncomfortably sore. After all, it was because he didn't take good care of her and failed to fulfill his responsibility to take care of her that he gave her the opportunity to hurt himself.

"Go to sleep, I'll be here to watch over you." He couldn't leave her even a step.

He couldn't imagine that she would be confused and do something irreparably stupid again.

Rong Chong'er was originally in a state of despair, but upon hearing his words, she immediately stood up, her eyes full of anger: "I don't want it! Get out."

Feng Yuxi frowned and said: "I'm going out? Do you dare to promise me that you will really just sleep in the bedroom and do nothing? Me going out? Do you dare to promise me that you won't be crazy again when I go out? Smashing the mirror and cutting yourself?"

His gaze was unblinking, with a heavy pressure.

The tone is also very aggressive.

Rong Chong'er was speechless by his question. Yes, she didn't dare to promise him this.

Because even she herself doesn't know what she will do in the next second.

She was on the verge of an extreme mental breakdown, and every minute and every second was a torment for her.

She wants to be freed more than anyone else...

"Since you can't promise me, just sleep well." Feng Yuxi pulled her without hesitation, pushed her to the bed and lay down, and pulled the quilt to cover her.

He sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes softened a bit, "Go to sleep."

At this time, it might be better for her to sleep and wake up.

Rong Chong'er glared at him fiercely, turned around, and faced him with the back of her head.

Where she couldn't see, Feng Yuxi smiled helplessly.

After struggling for so long, Rong Chong'er quickly fell asleep, but she slept in a hazy state, waking up and sleeping in and out. Even she didn't know whether she was asleep or not.

Two hours later, she opened her heavy eyelids. Her whole body was weak and she struggled to sit up immediately.

Feng Yuxi, who had fallen asleep on the bedside, heard the noise and opened his eyes to see her about to get up. The next moment he reached out to support her and sat up. Rong Chong'er felt very tired. After sleeping this time, it was worse than never before. Still tired after sleeping.

She was angry when she got up, and she didn't eat dinner, so she was hungry and angry now, and the person next to her was Feng Yuxi, so she waved away his hand in disgust.

"I'm hungry."

"The food has been warming in the kitchen. Come on, let's go downstairs to eat."

He stretched out his hand to hold her, but Rong Chong'er twisted and dodged. She frowned, "Why didn't you do it for me?"

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