Feng Yuxi was startled, then laughed, and raised his hand to touch her head, but she dodged it.

He was not annoyed and said with a chuckle: "Okay, whatever you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

That smile was very light and shallow, but it was also extremely happy.

"Whatever." Rong Chong'er just wanted to tease him and didn't want to eat anything.

It can be said that she has lost all her appetite.

"Come on, go downstairs and wait, I'll do it for you right now." Feng Yuxi took her hand and led her downstairs half-forced.

Rong Chong'er was sitting on the sofa in a daze, while Feng Yuxi had already rolled up his sleeves, put on his apron and started cooking in the kitchen.

The servants were already used to it, and they all left the kitchen to make room for him.

Twenty minutes later, Feng Yuxi's three dishes and one soup were served. All the dishes prepared by the servants had been removed. There were only three dishes and one soup freshly baked on the table. It was a very homely meal, not flashy. The presentation and exquisite attention to detail are just very warm.

Rong Chong'er only moved her chopsticks a few times and then stopped eating. She stood up and left the table, despite Feng Yuxi's efforts to persuade her to stay.

Sitting back in despair, Feng Yuxi picked up his chopsticks, but didn't know how to put them down.

From the eldest young man who only knew how to heat milk, to now he can cook a few home-cooked dishes and the taste is pretty good. His progress is undoubtedly huge.

Because he wanted to make something for Rong Chong'er to eat, he used to spend time in the kitchen and learn from the servants. After failing over and over again and practicing without getting discouraged, he reached his current level.

Feng Yuxi now understands why some people say, "If you want to capture a man's heart, capture his stomach first." It's not just women who want to capture a man's stomach with cooking skills, but he does the same. .

I prepared a table of dishes and waited for her to eat them with great anticipation. The mood was one of excitement, nervousness, and a feeling of excitement, but I could only hold on tight so as not to scare her.

It turns out that being ignored by someone you care about is such a painful thing.

It's a pity that he only realizes it now.

Was Beloved also so helpless and panicked when faced with his indifference?


It's quiet at night.

In Rong Chong'er's bedroom, Feng Yuxi made the floor beside the bed. In order to watch her all the time, he did not hesitate to use force to move in.

Even if Rong Chong'er resists again. No, all objections are invalid.

In the quiet air, her shallow and even breathing could be vaguely heard, slow and comfortable.

Guessing that she might have fallen asleep, Feng Yuxi quietly stood up, sat down by the bed, and looked at her peaceful little face through the bright moonlight outside the window. His fingertips touched it uncontrollably and slowly rubbed it. .

He sighed inaudibly, "It would be great if I could be this good even when I'm awake..."

His lips pursed, and he hesitated for a moment before leaning forward, bringing her lips to hers, and kissed her softly.

The love that I dare not express is just because I am afraid that she will be hurt.

He didn't want to use his fiery feelings to stimulate her fragile heart in this special period.

Returning to his bed, Feng Yuxi pulled up the quilt, closed his eyes, and felt extremely satisfied.

The night seemed to be peaceful forever.

In the middle of the night, Feng Yuxi heard a movement and panicked. He immediately opened his eyes. The sight made his heart almost stop beating!

Rong Chong'er seemed to be sleepwalking, muttering to himself, step by step, opening the floor-to-ceiling windows and walking towards the balcony outside...

Feng Yuxi seemed to be hit in the head, and was stunned for a moment. When he realized what he was doing, he immediately rushed over, hugged her tightly from behind and dragged her into the bedroom.

"A Sheng came to see me...A Sheng is waiting for me there...Look, he is standing in front of me, A Sheng is smiling at me..." The whole person was thrown on the bed*, Rong Chong'er slowly Half sitting up, he whispered to a ball of air.

Feng Yuxi didn't believe in ghosts and gods, but at this moment, he felt a chill running down his spine!

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