Just as he took a breath, Rong Chong'er climbed out of bed again as if being pulled by something, and walked out with unfocused eyes.

Before his violently beating heart could calm down, Feng Yuxi broke into a cold sweat again, took three steps at a time, stepped forward and hugged her.

"Beloved, there is no Asheng, everything you see is an illusion... It's not Asheng, there is no Asheng..." Feng Yuxi put his chin on her shoulder, his voice was hoarse, and his arms tightly wrapped around her waist My limbs refused to relax even a little bit.

Without Ah Sheng, there is no Ah Sheng in this world. He disappeared and ceased to exist...

"Beloved, let's not look for Asheng, okay? From now on, let me love you, okay? Give me a chance and let me prove it to you, okay?"

He held her tightly, and he was determined not to say these words when she was awake.

I can only cowardly confess my feelings while she is unconscious.

Under Feng Yuxi's iron-like restraint, Rong Chong'er's struggling body gradually softened. The moment she fell, Feng Yuxi held her firmly in his arms.


Regarding everything that happened last night, Rong Chong'er had no memory at all the next day. It was just that he was not in good spirits, which may have something to do with not sleeping well last night.

Feng Yuxi wanted to ask her several times whether she was sleepwalking last night, or whether she had a nightmare and woke up to find Asheng.

Rong Chong'er rubbed his forehead tiredly and supported his head with one hand, unable to bring up any appetite for the breakfast on the table.

Feng Yuxi swallowed the words that came to her lips and called her family doctor to examine her.

The family doctor came quickly.

Rong Chong'er frowned and stopped rubbing her forehead: "I'm not sick."

She is very resistant to doctors.

The family doctor just smiled gently and said, "Miss Beloved, I think you don't look very well. What do you think about giving you a checkup?"

"No, I'm fine."

"This..." The family doctor was in a dilemma, and his eyes for help turned to Feng Yuxi who was standing aside.

Feng Yuxi nodded slightly, and the family doctor left. Feng Yuxi sat down next to Rong Chong'er, tilted his head, and asked softly: "Chong Er, have you done your physical examination this year? I happened to have the time to do it. Why not come together?"

Rong Chong'er was drinking milk by herself and said nothing to his flattering words.

Feng Yuxi held his forehead with one hand, shook his head and laughed. There was really nothing she could do.

Finally, Feng Yuxi asked Xiaobai for help. Xiaobai hung up the phone and immediately bought a plane ticket and flew to the imperial capital.


"Oh my God, Beloved, are you staying up at night to become a heroine to rob the rich and give to the poor? Why are the dark circles under your eyes so heavy? Wait... what's going on? Why are your eyes so bloodshot?" Xiaobai's voice was soft and waxy. Nuan, it was obviously a surprise, but it was said in a soft tone, just like her person, soft and timid.

Seeing the familiar person, Rong Chong'er flattened her mouth, blinked, and didn't say anything. Her eyes turned red first.

Xiaobai was frightened and hurriedly raised his hand to touch her face, coaxing softly: "Beloved, be good, don't cry."

"Sister Xiaobai..." Rong Chong'er rushed over and hugged her tightly.

Xiao Bai almost didn't get knocked down, and took two steps back before standing firm.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Be good, Beloved, don't cry..." Xiaobai patted her back and comforted her.

Rong Chong'er choked with sobs and couldn't say a word. She just called Sister Xiaobai one after another and cried wildly in her arms.

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