Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

517. Chapter 517 Four years ago... I gave birth to a daughter

The Tang Dynasty's words were concise and concise: "Luo Shaodong died, and Mo Xiyan committed suicide."

Luo Shaodong was able to endure so many tortures before dying, which can be regarded as a bit of a man, but that Mo Xiyan really opened the eyes of the Tang Dynasty.

How shameless a woman can be is vividly demonstrated in her.

It has reached the point of breaking up with each other, and even wants to use himself to make a fuss.

The hand holding the tie paused, a smile appeared on Young Master Rong's lips, and a gloomy look flashed across his eyes: "Only after death is clean. Send him to be cremated, and deal with the unknown corpse. What's going on with Mo Xiyan."

"What else can happen? I want to see you if I want to die. My body has recovered. It depends on how you handle the next step."

Rong Yan's eyes were dark, and the corners of his lips slowly raised into a smile with unknown meaning.

In the basement, a dim yellow light rendered the airtight room particularly depressing.

There was only a bed and a simple bathroom in the room, and nothing else.

Mo Xiyan sat on the bed with her hands on her knees, looking at the ground dully, muttering to herself.

The iron door opened with a creaking sound. She quickly raised her head when she heard the sound, saw the man behind Tang Chao, and rushed forward excitedly.

"Yan, you finally came to see me!"

"Be honest!" The two horse boys grabbed her as she rushed forward and pushed her to the ground.

Tang Chao leaned against the door frame, took out two cigarettes, handed them to Young Master Rong to light, and then lit them himself and started puffing away.

It has nothing to do with watching the show.

Mo Xiyan was lying on the ground, trying to get up with difficulty. Rong Yan came over, the tall figure squatted down, and a puff of smoke was frivolously sprayed on her face, with a mocking smile on her thin coral-red lips.

His voice was very low, like the prelude to a brewing storm: "You want to see me so much, what's wrong?"

Mo Xiyan choked and coughed until tears came out, but she reached out and grabbed his sleeve without giving up, and said hastily: "Yan, there is something that I never told you..."

Taking out his hand without changing his expression, Rong Yan took a deep breath of cigarette, stood up calmly, and looked down at her: "What's the matter?"

"Four years ago... I gave birth to a daughter."

Tang Chao stood up straight and opened his eyes in surprise. Rong Yan was startled, and then a deep laughter burst out from his chest, "Liar who talks lies, it seems that lying is no longer enough for you now." It’s as simple as breathing.”

"I didn't lie to you! Everything I said is true!" Mo Xiyan hugged his legs and raised her head to look at him in panic.

Kicking him away mercilessly, Rong Yan said calmly: "Do you think I will still believe you?"

"Do you not believe it or not?" Mo Xiyan was kicked away, but she laughed and looked at the handsome man in front of her with a cold light.

Rong Yan narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath of smoke.

"Four years ago, before I left, we had sex every day, and we didn't use birth control... After I left, I found out that I was pregnant. At that time, all information on the island was closed, and there were only newspapers delivered from outside the island every day. I I want to tell you, but the situation simply doesn’t allow me to inform you in any condition!”

Rong Yan sneered: "Then, you gave birth to a daughter? Well, let me ask you, where is your daughter now?"

An expression of surprise and joy flashed across Mo Xiyan's face: "Yan, you are finally willing to believe me!"

"Where is my daughter?" Rong Yan asked impatiently.

He wanted to see how many lies she had yet to tell!

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