Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

518. Chapter 518 Let’s go to South Africa. How about sending you there?

Looking at her scheming face at this moment, he smiled secretly in his heart. He never realized before that the beautiful face of the woman he loved was such a vicious heart.

"Listen to me first. According to my study progress at that time, there was no time for me to have a child. So, I secretly took the newly developed drugs in the institute and planned to have a medical abortion. Unexpectedly, the newly developed drugs were out of the academic circle. I made a mistake and the child was not aborted, but it hurt my vitality. Finally, the teacher found out and asked me to give birth to the child, and I made up for his academic progress. At that time, my physical condition simply did not allow me to give birth to the child. Even if there is the slightest mistake, the teacher will make a decision after weighing the pros and cons. And I have no choice."

Tang Chao was stunned, what is this?

Well, why did you have a daughter again? This woman Mo Xiyan is really not a peaceful person!

Let alone a daughter, I am afraid that if she gave birth to a son, Rong Yan would not be able to give up Luo An Ning and marry her.

She didn't even have to think about the matter of mother being more valuable than son.

"I hid in the dormitory and gave birth to a daughter in ten months of pregnancy... But I didn't expect that the failure of the medical abortion caused irreparable damage to her. She is deaf and may have mental retardation... At that time, I thought my life would be better after giving birth to my daughter, but I didn’t expect it to be such a fatal blow. I was afraid of her and always felt that she was taking revenge on me because I wanted to abort her. When I see her every day, I I was afraid, scared, and even wanted to... strangle her to death."

Mo Xiyan smiled with a dissociated expression, a little scary: "I suffered from postpartum depression. The teacher was afraid that I would kill the child, so he secretly sent the child out of the island... After I recovered from the depression, I always forgot about the child. It wasn’t until... my uterus was removed that I suddenly remembered it.”

"You just want to tell me that we have a deaf and mentally retarded daughter who was sent away by Zhou Zhong?" Although Rong Yan was smiling, his eyes had no warmth and were shockingly cold.

"I know you won't let me go if I treat An Ning like this... I didn't think about it before, so I felt wronged that my daughter was homeless. Now that I think about it, I can't ignore it. After all, she is also your daughter, Please find her, take her back to the Rong family, and give her a good living environment. I have nothing to ask for, I just ask you to be kind to our daughter."

"Pah, pah, pah—"

Rong Yan chuckled and clapped. It must be said that her play was choreographed perfectly.

It’s also very painstaking.

She was rendered into a helpless and miserable woman, and her image suddenly became great.

"What a selfless mother. It's really touching. Haha..." Tang Chao, who was leaning against the door frame, also sneered.

What a woman who won’t shed tears until she sees the coffin!

Throwing away the cigarette butt in his hand and extinguishing it with his toes, Rong Yan looked at Mo Xiyan on the ground and said in a low voice: "Fortunately, you are desperate to see me. It just reminded me to think carefully about how to deal with you. . How about I send you to South Africa?"

South Africa?

What does he want to do?

A look of fear flashed in Mo Xiyan's eyes. She would never go to a place like South Africa!

Tang Chao reminded her kindly, "When you go to a place like South Africa, you are either mining or comforting men. You obviously belong to the latter."

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