Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

874. Chapter 874 The mouth is showing off, but the heart is surrendering【36】

Looking at Lu Momo with bulging cheeks, he coaxed and flattered: "Lu Momo, why are we angry with a child? It's not worth it, isn't it? Are you tired? How about I be taken back by you? I don't want to. It’s okay to carry it on your back, then just hold it!”

"Go away, who wants you to hug me!" Lu Momo pushed away the man who was about to come over to hug him, hummed, and walked out quickly as soon as the elevator opened.

Back in the apartment, Lu Momo walked to the refrigerator and took out a lot of snacks, and carried them to the sofa. While tearing open the snack packaging, he looked for the TV remote control. After searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. He was so angry that he could bite the puffs. It's crunchy.

When she was helpless, a remote control was stretched out in front of her without any warning. Tang Chao leaned over and winked at her: "Lu Mo Mo, are you looking for this thing?"

"No!" Lu Momo couldn't help but turned his head, sat on the sofa and continued to eat snacks.

Her little thoughts were all written on her face, and Tang Chao didn't criticize her. He turned on the TV, tuned to the anime channel she watched most, threw away the remote control, and crowded in next to her, sitting down next to her, shamelessly. She reached out and took out snacks from the snack bag in her hand.

Lu Momo stared at him as if he were facing a formidable enemy and looked down upon him: "Hey! Why are you eating my puffs?!"

Who saw her eating snacks and said with contempt that all she ate was junk food? !

Now he has completely forgotten what he said, forgetting about it, and even grabs snacks from her!

It's so... so shameless!

"Seeing how delicious you eat it, I want to try it too." Tang Chao said of course, "It tastes pretty good, a little better than expected."

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't eat from me. If you want to eat, you can buy it yourself! I don't have much in stock!" Seeing his thieving hand reaching out again, Lu Momo quickly shrank and pressed his whole body against the back of the sofa. , hugging his snack tightly with both hands.

Not only that, he also circled all the snacks around him into his arms. His really nervous look was just like a primary school student drawing the 38th line!

"You're stingy." Tang Chao sneered softly and leaned back on the sofa. Lu Momo didn't refute. He was just stingy, and he didn't plan to change it anyway. Without him to fight for it, Lu Momo would eat even more. Cheerful.

After a while, Tang Chao said softly: "What are you making a fuss about? That little brat wants to call me daddy, and I don't want to. And didn't you see it? I'm very serious. I scolded her and told her that she wouldn't dare to do it again. Let's talk about Lanna, she and I are completely innocent. This encounter was completely by chance. If I knew they would be there, I wouldn't have taken you there. It was terrible to see.”

"Crack, bang, bang..." Chewing potato chips.

"I've said everything I need to say, why didn't you say anything?" Tang Chao turned to look at her, his eyes glaring at her face. From his expression to his eyes, everything was screaming, please forgive me, please forgive me, please forgive me. I’m not angry anymore! I’m not angry anymore!

"Gulu gulu..." Drinking yogurt.

Lu Mo Mo VS Tang Shao, Tang Shao was completely defeated!

Drooping his head dejectedly, Mr. Tang sighed sadly and looked over from the corner of his eye. No reaction? !

"Oh——!" Mr. Tang thought to himself, he should have heard it this time, right?

"Hahahaha..." Hearing the laughter, Mr. Tang immediately raised his head, with a smile of joy and satisfaction on his face. When he saw clearly that Lu Momo was smiling at the TV, not him, his face turned pale. It's dark. How fast should it be?

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