Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

875. Chapter 875 The mouth is showing off, but the heart is surrendering【37】

Lu Momo was completely immersed in the wonderful animation and couldn't extricate himself. He also temporarily forgot about the man with a strong presence beside him.

Tang Chao clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. If he could breathe fire, two flames would have shot out from his eyes.

Look what good things she has done!

He was sincerely explaining, expressing his heart, expressing his position, proving his innocence, and telling her that his feelings were actually the same as hers, but what about her? !

What is she doing?

Eating potato chips, drinking yogurt, and watching anime, you already treat him as a little transparent, okay!

Grabbing the pillow and throwing it at the TV, Tang Chao stood up angrily, "Lu Mo Mo, you've had enough! I've told you so much in such a low voice, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

Lu Mo Mo was startled by his sudden big move. All the potato chips that were fed to her mouth fell on her body, and her lips opened. Just when she was about to speak, Tang Chao waved his big hand and held his forehead with a headache: " Okay, don’t say anything! Let’s all give each other some time to calm down.”

After saying that, he left without looking back.

What does it mean to give each other some time to calm down?

Lu Momo couldn't figure it out. She just responded a little and was awkward for a moment. Why did he get so angry?

Is he stimulated?

When she got up and chased downstairs, she could only see the butt of the windy Koenigsegg in the distance and the dust kicked up by speeding.

In the evening, after Lu Mo called Tang Chao several times but was hung up, she curled her lips, feeling a little aggrieved and guilty. After thinking about it, she finally called Luo Anning for comfort.

Luo An Ning listened to her tell the whole story and laughed wildly. Lu Mo Mo shouted without confidence: "An Xiao Ning! I asked you to give me the idea. I didn't let you laugh for so long, okay?"

Luo Anning finally suppressed her laughter, and then said jokingly: "Okay, Mo Mo, you are the only one who can make Mr. Tang so embarrassed! I give you 32 likes!"

"An Xiaoning! You are still laughing at me!" Lu Momo stamped his feet: "I didn't mean it. I was watching anime at the time. Who heard what he said. It's not my fault, right?"

"Well, do you want to hear lies or the truth?"

"...Tell the truth."

"Of course it's your fault. Who else should I blame if I don't blame you? Theoretically speaking, it's very impolite for you not to listen carefully when others are talking to you. Besides, when you have conflicts, no matter you Intentional or unintentional, okay, let’s assume it was your intention for the moment, but Momo, you know? Your ignorance directly became the trigger for Mr. Tang’s anger, because... you actually dared to bring such a lawless Mr. Tang to I ignored it completely! Momo, you are really my pride, Trojan~! Also, you hurt his male self-esteem, it’s no wonder he’s not angry. As a man, just coax him. Okay, Rong Yan You are calling me, hang up, bye~"

Lu Momo's head was full of black lines, she was wronged, she really didn't mean it, okay?

It was true that she felt awkward, but she also knew that he couldn't be blamed for this incident. Who knew that it made him so angry.

Also, An Xiaoning, are you giving me advice, or are you just listening to a joke? From the beginning to now, you haven't stopped laughing, okay?

Lu Momo rolled around on the bed all night, unable to fall asleep. He didn't know how long it would take for that guy from Tang Dynasty to calm down after being angry.

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