Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

876. Chapter 876 The mouth is showing off, but the heart is surrendering【38】

Thinking about it, she has never made him angry since they met, right?

She was inexperienced and didn't know how to calm him down. She sighed heavily, rolled on the quilt, and yelled: "It's so annoying!"

In the middle of the night, while sleeping and waking up, Lu Momo vaguely comprehended An Xiaoning's words, Men, just coax him.


Yes, just coax it! Think about it, didn't he also pester her like a shameless dog-skin plaster, pestering her in various ways?

After making up his mind, Lu Momo chuckled and slept peacefully. The rest of the night was dreamless.

Early the next morning, Lu Momo picked up his cell phone as soon as he got up and called Tang Chao.

As expected, the phone rang several times and was cut off. When he called again, it rang several times and was cut off mercilessly.

Lu Momo curled his lips, stared at the phone and muttered: "What, tsundere! You were clearly looking at your phone and you hung up!"

However, the arrogant Tang Shao deliberately rang a few times before hanging up, which gave Lu Momo great confidence. He was still angry, waiting for her to coax him!

If she doesn't answer the phone, she can still send text messages! He will watch it anyway!

"I'm so smart!" She praised herself since she didn't know what modesty was, and quickly edited a text message with her fingers:

[Tang Chao, please stop being angry, okay? I know I'm wrong! 】

After seeing the message that the message was sent successfully, she looked at it suspiciously and muttered: "Am I too strong in tone? How about being coquettish and cute?"

After thinking about it, it was still feasible, so I edited another text message and sent it: [Dear Achao~ I know you are wrong. You sir have a lot, so don’t be angry with me, okay? ~( @^_^ @)~By the way, Ouba~ I have booked two movie tickets, so let’s watch them together in the evening~(≧▽≦)/~]

When Tang Chao was having breakfast, his cell phone was placed on the dining table. It vibrated once, then vibrated again, and then he picked it up leisurely, pretending to be indifferent, nonchalant and not in a hurry, while drinking milk. , while unlocking the phone.

Looking at the first message, a proud smile appeared on his handsome face. When his eyes moved to the second message, his pupils widened instantly, and a mouthful of milk spurted out——

Depend on! Is Lu Momo okay?

My dear, I can still accept it when I'm flattered, but others... Oba... are a bit incapable of accepting it, okay?

Is she possessed by a ghost or a ghost?

"You bastard, do you want to die?!" Mr. Tang, who had milk sprayed on his face, let out an angry roar. Tang Chao was so frightened that he almost threw his phone away. When he looked up, he saw that his father had been sprayed with milk. With a miserable look on his face, Tang Chao smiled bitterly, quickly pulled out a few tissues and leaned over to wipe the old man clean.

"Old man, this... is a mistake, it's just a mistake! Hahaha..." After saying that, before Master Tang could react, he ran away with oil on his soles.

Just after escaping from the restaurant, he heard the sound of the table being lifted behind him. Tang Chao bent over with his hands on his hips and exhaled, and smiled: "Fortunately, I can run fast~"

After waiting all morning, Lu Mo Mo didn't get a reply from Tang Chao. She was so annoyed that she cheered herself up: "Lu Mo Mo, the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard! If you don't give up this second, you will win the next second." There is hope! Isn’t it just a Tang Dynasty? It’s so trivial!”

After many twists and turns, she found Ah Cheng's phone number and wanted to know where Tang Chao was. Since he didn't come to her, she had to go find him, right?

Unexpectedly, when Cheng answered the phone and heard her voice, he immediately hung up the phone in panic. When she called again, Cheng almost cried and begged for mercy: "Miss Momo, please don't hurt me, okay? Mr. Tang is angry now. If Mr. Tang knows that I am talking to you on the phone in private, he will tear me apart! Don’t ask me where Mr. Tang is. I don’t know. If I know, I can’t tell! That’s it. , Goodbye Miss Momo!"

"Hey... Acheng, Acheng!" Lu Momo was really shocked. When did Acheng become so timid?

A big man actually said that she was harming him. How come she was harming him? She just wanted to ask where the Tang Dynasty was. At most, at most he was a traitor and his crime would not lead to death!

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