Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

886. Chapter 886 The mouth is showing off, but the heart is surrendering【48】

No matter how timid Lu Mo was, no matter how unprepared he was, Tang Chao helped him get dressed, tidied up and carried him out of the room.

"Master Tang, Mistress! The car is ready, Master Tang is waiting for you two!" As soon as Ah Cheng saw the two of them coming out together, he changed the title without Tang Chao reminding him.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Mr. Tang nodded appreciatively. Lu Momo blushed shyly, and then buried his face in the man's arms, leaning on him with his whole weight.

"Okay, tell the old man, we'll be there in a minute." Seeing her embarrassment, Tang Chao bent over and picked her up. Lu Momo's legs were still weak, and she was happy to be carried away by him. Tang Chao was so upright. He carried her all the way out of the hotel, attracting passers-by to look at her and talk about her.

After getting in the car, the car drove all the way towards Tangmen. Lu Momo was so nervous that he kept drinking water. Seeing her like this, Tang Chao smiled very thinly: "I said Lu Momo, isn't it just to meet the old man? As for you being so Are you so nervous that you’re almost scratching your head?”

"You don't understand!" Lu Mo rolled her eyes at him. She had her own concerns.

Lanna was just one step away from becoming his wife and Mr. Tang's daughter-in-law, but something unexpected happened before the wedding. He would definitely have a problem with her in his heart. Furthermore, Lanna lived in Tangmen. She should also have a good relationship with Mr. Tang, but she is a complete outsider.

She had not forgotten the back injury that Tang Chao had brought with him when he went to Japan. It was a gift from Mr. Tang, which showed how angry he was about Tang Chao's regretful marriage.

If he was so angry towards his own son and dealt such harsh blows, it was hard to guarantee that he would not have any grudge against her, a person who had nothing to do with him.

Lu Mo looked worried, Tang Chao stopped making fun of her, touched her head, and coaxed her in a non-serious manner: "Touch your head, stop thinking about it, be good! What are you afraid of? It's not me." Are you here? Can the old man eat you? Show off the same momentum you used to hate me!"

Lu Mo pouted and hugged his neck weakly. She shrank and shrank into his arms, "What if your father doesn't like me? Will he object to us being together? What should I do? I'm still scared..."

"I am marrying you, not the old man. As long as I like you, it is not a reference. Whether he likes you or not is not a reference. Don't worry, the old man will not object, I promise you." Tang Chao said with confidence, with a look on his face. Calm wisdom.

Rarely seeing such a side of him, Lu Momo immediately felt at ease. He lay obediently on his shoulder and absorbed the pure masculine scent of him. He smelled so good that he narrowed his eyes.

Ah Cheng received the order and bought a lot of gifts in advance. It was said that Lu Mo Mo specially prepared them for Master Tang. In fact, Mr. Tang deliberately took advantage of Master Tang's preferences and asked him to prepare them. Of course, these gifts were given by Lu Mo Mo. I didn’t know it until I arrived at Tangmen.

With a look of being moved, Lu Mo ignored the gazes of many mazi and circled his neck. Tang Chao was pulled to lower his head. She took advantage of the situation and gave him a big kiss on the face.

Tang Chao was stunned for a moment, and then he pinched her chin like a prank, leaned over and gave her a loud smack in the face. Lu Momo ducked away with a smile, and when she looked at her smile, he laughed too.

The two of them looked silly, which shocked Ah Cheng and the others. Is that man with a silly look really their wise, mighty, handsome and handsome Mr. Tang?

ps: Happy New Year to my darlings, there will be a male god soon~

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