Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

887. Chapter 887 The mouth is showing off, but the heart is surrendering【49】

Mr. Tang was almost impatient waiting in the hall. Tang Chao came belatedly holding Lu Momo's little hand. Seeing Mr. Tang with a domineering look on his face, Lu Momo shivered.

Two years ago, when she was introduced to Mr. Tang by Mr. Tang Chao at a banquet, Mr. Tang, who was smiling at that time, was very amiable and amiable in her eyes, not intimidating at all!

But now, my god, who can give her a magic that can make her invisible immediately? She wants to be invisible! You can't see me, you all can't see me!

Tang Chao ignored Mr. Tang's angry glare, lowered his head and whispered to Lu Momo, but the volume was enough for everyone present to hear: "Baby, this is our dad, call someone quickly."

Lu Momo swallowed and glanced at Mr. Tang cautiously. The sound of "Daddy" was stuck in his throat and he couldn't spit it out. Seeing this, Tang Chao gave her some time to buffer and waved his big hand.

Ah Cheng immediately came in with a lot of gifts and put them all on the coffee table. They were so full that they almost squeezed out Mr. Tang's tea cup.

Tang Chao struck while the iron was hot, "Old man, I bought this for you silently. The gift is light but the affection is heavy. Just remember her kindness in your heart. We don't want to play with the empty words of thanks."

Mr. Tang slapped his palm on the armrest of the sofa. This bastard, I didn't say anything. He had to finish it all by himself!

What does it mean that you don’t want to say thank you, just remember how good she is?

Does he want to thank you? !

What a damn bastard, all the tricks are on me! You even dare to block my road!

Don't give this girl any chance to make things difficult!

When the two men's eyes were locked, Lu Momo was mentally prepared. He took a deep breath, showed a big smile, and tentatively called out softly: "Dad..."

Mr. Tang took a sip of tea and ignored her, treating her as nothing.

Lu Momo tightened his grip in embarrassment. Mr. Tang was unhappy. Why should he embarrass his wife like this?

"Old man, if you don't respond to this call, then your grandson's future grandfather will change hands!" Mr. Tang curled his lips indifferently and said coolly, "What are the weaknesses of my father? If the son doesn't know it yet, then it's okay." Too bad!

Not only does he know it, but he knows it right!

No, when Mr. Tang heard that he had a grandson, he immediately lost his composure!

He coughed twice in embarrassment and looked away from the teacup to look at Lu Momo. He had seen this girl before, but he didn't expect that this bastard boy couldn't get around her even after going round and round.

Being looked at by Master Tang, Lu Mo plucked up the courage and held Tang Chao's hand with a firm look on his face: "...Dad, A Chao and I are here to visit you today, hoping to get your permission to let me be with him. "

Mr. Tang put down the teacup, rubbed the ring on his thumb with one hand, and stared at her with hidden eyes: "What do you like about Ah Chao?"

The question was so straightforward, and what was implicit in the words was undoubtedly his money and status.

Tang Chao frowned in disapproval. He took a step forward and was about to argue with his father. Lu Momo immediately pulled him and shook his head at him silently. Then he turned his head and met Master Tang's eyes again. He was neither humble nor overbearing. Said: "What I fall in love with is him. He treats me tenderly, protects me, and dotes on me. Love is the most sincere and honest feeling in the heart of a person. Even if all the attached values ​​and values ​​​​of him are discarded, Wealth, I will still love him.”

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