Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

909. Chapter 909 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【21】

"Yes, Secretary Wu, with such a dedicated secretary like you, Mayor Feng will have no problem."

"You guys drink first, I'll go out and get some fresh air." The person at the center of the topic put down his glass, opened the door and walked out.

"Mayor..." Secretary Wu followed him out. As soon as he came out, he saw the man and woman kissing passionately opposite. With their necks intertwined, he saw the girl's face clearly and said in surprise: "Miss Xuewei?!"

He saw it, and Feng Churui naturally had a panoramic view of it all. Secretary Wu carefully observed the mayor's face. The mayor was in a bad mood tonight, and others didn't know it, but he could see it all.

The mayor, who has always been self-disciplined, rarely drinks too much even when socializing, but tonight he drank several bottles of foreign wine!

Under the influence of alcohol, Qiao Lun became increasingly hot and unbearable. He clasped her waist with one hand and caressed her waist and buttocks. He breathed heavily and asked against her lips: "Xuewei, do you want me?" Give it to me? Let’s do it!”

Wu Xuewei was panting heavily, raising her misty eyes to look at him, her lips slightly parted, but before she could say anything, an arm stretched out and pulled her forward fiercely.

"Wu Xuewei, how can you be so casual!" Feng Churui, smelling of alcohol, held her tightly, his handsome face was full of anger, and his tone was so low that he almost exploded.

Wu Xuewei ran into his arms, her head was dizzy, and his angry voice could be heard in her ears. She subconsciously raised her head and said with a smile, "Yeah, I'm just so casual. Do you have any objections?"

"Hey, what's going on with you, Uncle? Do you want to interfere if we fall in love?" Qiao Lun was offended, and he hit him with his fist.

Feng Churui pushed Wu Xuewei away from his arms, held the fist that was coming with the wind in one hand, and punched him with his backhand. Qiao Lun was unable to dodge and was punched alive, which further ignited his anger.

"Shi.t!" spat, and Qiao Lun rushed forward again.

Feng Churui caught his fist with ease, his eyes darkened, and he counterattacked mercilessly. The punches were fast and accurate, with the target focused on his face!

Qiao Lun was young after all, so he was no match for Feng Churui, who had learned professional fighting skills. After a few moves, Feng Churui mercilessly kicked him to the ground.

"Ouch -" Qiao Lun fell to the ground and staggered to his feet.

Wu Xuewei helped Qiao Lun up and asked with concern: "Qiao Lun, how are you? Are you injured anywhere?"

Jolon just shook his head, so painful that he could not speak for the time being.

Wu Xuewei looked at it and became even more worried. She angrily turned to look at Feng Churui, who didn't feel any guilt for hurting someone: "You're crazy! Why should you beat him? As the leader of a city, are you so lawless?!"

The stamina of the foreign wine came up. Feng Churui felt a little dizzy and frowned: "What did you say?"

"Qiao Lun, let's go to the hospital first and check if there are any injuries." Wu Xuewei gave him a stingy look and helped Qiao Lun, who was covering his abdomen with his hands, to go out.

Feng Churui's eyes darkened, and he stopped her. She went to the left, and he stopped her, and she went to the right, and he stopped her. Wu Xuewei raised her head bitterly: "Get out!"

For this man, she actually told him to get lost?

Oh, is this impatient partiality because he is so angry that he ruined their good deed tonight?


Is there anything to check? Do you think he will hurt his vulnerable parts and affect his future sexual happiness?

"Wu Xuewei, since you are so desperate, then I will help you!" Feng Churui grabbed her and dragged her out with terrifying force!

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