Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

910. Chapter 910 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【22】

Wu Xuewei was caught off guard and pulled by him. She lost her footing and fell to the ground. He squatted down impatiently, grabbed her waist, lifted her up, and carried her on his shoulders.

Wu Xuewei beat him desperately and screamed: "Feng Churui, let me go! Get away, don't touch me! Let me down..."


"Chief S!"


After being thrown into the car, before Wu Xuewei could escape from the other door, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. Feng Churui's voice became a little darker: "Go back to the apartment."

The driver responded, immediately started the engine and drove back to the apartment.

Wu Xuewei was pulled back by him, the car door was locked, and he let go of her. She leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes to rest, as if the scary man just now was not him, but just an illusion for a moment.

Thinking of Qiao Lun, even if she no longer wanted to have any contact or communication with him, Wu Xuewei still had to say: "Put me out of the car!"

The man remained motionless and seemed not to hear.

Wu Xuewei pounced on him, tearing and beating him, "Feng Churui, are you still a human? You'd better pray that Qiao Lun is okay, otherwise I won't let you go!"

"Shut up!" A low voice sounded, and the next second, her whole body was waved to the car mat.

Wu Xuewei was still stunned. Looking at this scene, he closed his eyes impatiently again. It was only then that she smelled the strong smell of alcohol on his body. She could see him clearly through the street lights coming in from the car window. A drunken blush on the face.

In my memory, I had never seen him drunk. This time, Wu Xuewei got up and sat back down without saying a word.

Being silent doesn't mean she gives up. Once the car stops, she will always find a way to leave!

The driver broke the silence: "Captain S, we're here."

Before the car stopped, Feng Churui opened the door and got out, then dragged Wu Xuewei, who was still huddled in the car. Before closing the door, he said: "Drive the car back first and come over tomorrow morning."

"Okay." The driver drove away in the Land Rover.

Feng Churui rubbed his forehead and pulled her upstairs tightly with one hand. Wu Xuewei knew that this was his apartment and understood what going up would mean, so she struggled more and more fiercely.

"Feng Churui, you sanctimonious hypocrite, let me go! It turns out you are nothing more than that. I was really blind before I fell in love with you!" Wu Xuewei said provocatively, but she would not have said these words when she was sober. Yes, but now that she is a little drunk and impatient, she dares to say anything!

Feng Churui ignored her struggle and pushed her into the elevator, "If you say one more thing, believe it or not, your bad friends will be sent back to the country immediately tomorrow!"

"How dare you!" Wu Xuewei gritted her teeth and glared at him fiercely. His body was shaking slightly with anger.

"You can try it, I dare not."

After getting out of the elevator, Feng Churui picked her up, unlocked the door, walked into the bedroom, and threw her to C without mercy. Go up and start to t-shirt your clothes.

Wu Xuewei was thrown to C. The whole body bounced a few times before she stabilized. Seeing his movements, she panicked and backed away slowly: "What are you going to do?"

"Aren't you going to sacrifice your body?" The shirt was thrown away by him, revealing his strong and sexy upper body. Feng Churui continued to take off his belt with an expressionless face: "You are not cheating on anyone!"

He was so unfamiliar that she was scared. She jumped off the other side of C, picked up a pillow and protected it in front of X, trembling and said: "Uncle Feng, are you drunk? See who I am? I am Wu Xuewei! I This is the person you have always regarded as your niece! What you are doing is incest. Lun, don’t you feel disgusted?!”

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