Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

947. Chapter 947 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【51】


Returning to Rong Mansion, as soon as he entered the living room, he saw the little guy standing up on his own, holding on to the edge of the coffee table and walking around, while his father was sitting lazily on the sofa, holding the remote control in one hand to change the channel. From time to time he raised his hand to look at his watch, looking a little impatient.

"Young mistress, you are back!" The servant greeted her and took the coat she took off.

Hearing the sound, the big one and the small one turned their heads at the same time, staring at her with two pairs of dark eyes, and Luo Anning burst into laughter.

"Mom!" Xiaoshuai raised his delicate head proudly, retracted his hand, and was able to stand on his own without support.

That proud expression seems to be saying, ‘Mom, look at me, praise me, praise me’!

"Hey." Mr. Rong looked for his presence on the side: "What's there to be proud of? I will leave when I am one year old, and you will only stand up when you are one year old."

Sure enough, when the little guy heard this, he was stunned. After that, he pouted his little mouth and tried to walk towards Luo'an Ning.

There was a thick carpet, so the two of them weren't worried that he would fall, and it wouldn't hurt anyway.

Luo Anning glared at Young Master Rong, "Are there any fathers like you?" Forget it if you don’t encourage it, just throw cold water on it!

Seeing the little guy holding his balance with his hands slightly open, and his short legs bouncing towards him, Luo Anning squatted down and opened his arms, "Baby, come here, come to mommy."

The little guy chuckled and walked more vigorously. He walked all the way to her, jumped into her arms, hugged her neck with his short arms, and put his mouth straight towards her face. Come up and kiss.

Seeing the mother and son being so affectionate, Mr. Rong strode over, lifted the little guy into his arms, pulled An Ning over and leaned over to kiss her heavily on the lips, and then carried his son upstairs, walking Said: "Okay, you should go to bed. I have never seen a little kid so energetic at night..."

Xiao Shuai screamed in protest, but Young Master Rong slapped him on the butt: "No one will come to save you even if you scream until your throat is broken! Come take a shower with me!"

Luo Anning followed behind, looking dumbfounded. The father and son were taking a bath in the bathroom. After washing, the little one was taken back to the nursery to sleep.

After Luo Anning put Xiao Shuai to sleep, she returned to the bedroom, went into the bathroom to take a shower, and then returned to C. superior.

At this time, Young Master Rong was already impatient with waiting. He pursed his lips and stared at her for a while. Then he turned over and pressed her under him, kissing her lips with thin lips.

Luo Anning pushed him, "Um...wait..."

"Can't wait any longer!" The man began to breathe heavily, and quickly started to remove the obstacles with his hands and feet...

Soon, there was a burst of excitement in the bedroom. Yin and C. interest.

Afterwards, Luo Anning lay limply on his chest. Young Master Rong touched his beloved wife's slightly sweaty back and couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her forehead: "Honey, you are awesome!"

"Screw you, you're not serious." Luo Anning blushed at his explicit praise, and then remembered what she wanted to tell him.

After going over the matter in her mind, she hesitated whether to tell him or not. She raised her eyes and glanced at him, and only spoke after receiving a look from him indicating that she should speak.

"By the way, I met Xiao Ran in the restaurant today. He said he would stay in S city for a few days, and I would have a meal with him, just to catch up with him as old friends."

As soon as Young Master Rong heard Du Xiaoran's name, he frowned slightly, and his handsome face looked obviously unhappy. Luo Anning raised his head and gently stroked his sexy thin lips with his index finger: "I told you we are old friends. Let’s talk about old times, if you don’t agree, then I…”

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