Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

948. Chapter 948 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【52】

"Go." Before she could finish speaking, Mr. Rong interrupted her, then touched her head and said generously: "You can go if you want. Is your husband such a stingy person?"

Luo Anning reached up excitedly and kissed him on the face, "I knew you were the best!"

"Does that need to be said?" Young Master Rong raised his eyebrows, feeling very unhappy.

In fact, how can Mr. Rong be so generous? He is absolutely confident in himself, right? So what if An Ning eats with Du Xiaoran?

With a man like him who is top-notch in all aspects as a comparison, any man will pale in front of him. He is absolutely confident in his wife's vision.


For several days, Feng Churui returned to the apartment, breaking his previous words that he would not appear in front of her to make her worry.

Wu Xuewei still didn't adapt to it at first. After all, she knew that being with someone would have no results and still kept him in front of her eyes all day long. Not only did it not do her any good, but it would make her fall deeper into it.

After a few days, she gradually adapted to it, just treat it as the last good time, and cherish it.

"Xuewei, I've made a midnight snack, do you want to come over and have some?"

At nine o'clock in the evening, Wu Xuewei was watching TV in the living room. Feng Churui came out of the kitchen and took off her apron while asking for it. She actually wanted to say no arrogantly!

However, the aroma of the food wafted in the air, and she surrendered without any hope.

Seeing the change in the expression on her face, Feng Churui laughed softly, walked over, took her hand and led her to the restaurant. Wu Xuewei dropped the remote control and followed him so spinelessly.

"Is it delicious?" he asked with an elegant smile.

"It's delicious!" She replied without hesitation and in a sincere tone.

"Haha... That's good." He smiled with satisfaction. Seeing her eating happily, the smile on his lips deepened.

His craftsmanship is great, and Wu Xuewei is definitely the most knowledgeable about this!

After eating, she was deeply annoyed again, it was this move again!

Tempt her with midnight snacks every night! He’s tried and true!

He had clearly promised not to pay attention to him, but he treated him so coldly. He didn't feel anything when he was cold. He didn't expect her attitude to be cold. He always had a way to make her break!

Seeing the smile on his face, Wu Xuewei felt dazzled inexplicably, as if he was laughing at her: Look, you can't refuse me.

Staring at him angrily, she walked back to the bedroom with heavy steps. The doctor said that she had many wounds on her body and should not touch water for a while.

Not being able to touch the water meant not being able to take a shower. It had been a few days and she was almost overwhelmed by the strange smell on her body!

She couldn't stand it anymore tonight no matter what, she wanted to take a bath!

Feng Churui was clearing away the dishes. After cleaning up, he returned to the living room, turned off the TV, and then planned to go back to the guest room to take a shower. When he passed by the master bedroom, he heard a small scream.

He quickly opened the door and went straight to the bathroom. When the bathroom door was pushed open by him, Wu Xuewei fell to the ground naked, crossed her hands to protect her chest, closed her eyes and screamed: "Ah! Get out!"

What bad luck!

After taking a shower, the shower gel slipped off, and he looked at her naked. Wu Xuewei really hoped that there would be a crack in the ground at this moment for her to get in. It would be better than being so embarrassed now!

Feng Churui didn't listen to her words. He strode over and turned off the roaring shower. He picked up a bath towel and covered her body. He knelt down and held her chin, then raised her head and said, "Are you okay? Where did you fall? Already?"

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