Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

970. Chapter 970 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【74】

"Thank you, I'll go in first." After saying thanks, Wu Yuqing walked rhythmically on high heels.

The high heels made a clear clicking sound on the ground, and as they got closer and closer, Wu Xuewei's heart tightened. By the time she realized what she was doing, she had already ducked behind a large column on the side.

Hiding behind the pillar and watching Wu Yuqing walk into the office building, Wu Xuewei suddenly realized that this was the embarrassment caused by different identities.

If she was Feng Churui's fiancée, then she was the one who confidently walked into the office building today, instead of hiding behind the pillars like a shady mouse and not daring to see anyone.

Holding the food box in her hand, she leaned against the pillar, hoping to wait for Wu Yuqing to leave before she went in. She waited for more than an hour.

At noon, civil servants all walked out of the office building to have their meals.

Wu Xuewei's feet were numb when she stood. She kicked her legs to circulate the blood. As soon as she switched to the other foot, she looked to one side and saw Feng Churui and Wu Yuqing walking out together, chatting happily.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about, but they both had smiles on their faces. The man was handsome and the woman was Shuyuan. Putting aside their personal feelings, to be fair, they were really well matched.

A talented man and a beautiful woman, a golden boy and a beautiful girl.

Anyone who sees it will feel that they are a match made in heaven.

She had been standing behind the big column. No one noticed her, no one. She hoped that he would have the slightest telepathic connection with her, even if he just turned his head and glanced casually, but he didn't.

Watching the two people walking away from each other, Wu Xuewei looked down at the food box in her hand, the tip of her nose felt sore. She had been busy all morning. What was she doing?

He never said anything about liking her or loving her, let alone who she was to him and in what capacity she lived with him.

Wu Xuewei's vision began to blur. She sniffed and blinked away the tears that were about to come out. She was sad at the same time, but also afraid that everything he was doing now was because he had forced her, so he was responsible for her.

From beginning to end, he only said that he and Wu Yuqing would not get married.

I won’t marry Wu Yuqing, but I haven’t said that I want to marry her either.

No matter how confused her heart was, she would have so many random thoughts, especially seeing the scene of him and Wu Yuqing leaving together, it stimulated her even more.

Unwilling to wait like a poor creature, she hesitated and picked up her phone to call him.

"Xuewei, are you okay?" The phone was answered, and his deep voice reached my ears through the radio waves.

Biting her lip, holding back the sourness rolling in her heart, Wu Xuewei said, "Uncle Feng, where are you?"

He pondered for a moment and said, "I'm having lunch with my colleagues outside. What about you? Have you had lunch?"

Having lunch with colleagues?

Could it be that Wu Yuqing is his colleague?

She didn't go. Wu Yuqing came to the city hall to look for him because she was worried that he would be busy and forget to have lunch...

Not giving up, she asked again: "Male colleague or female colleague?"

"Why are there so many questions today?" He was confused, and then asked: "What would you do if you were a female colleague?"

"There are not many questions, I'm just curious. A female colleague is a female colleague, what else can I do? By the way, I just want to remind you that it's noon, remember to have lunch. Also, thank you for the reminder in the morning. Well, it's nothing It’s over, I’m hanging up.”

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