Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

971. Chapter 971 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【75】

Biquge, the fastest update of the sky-high price of the new wife: mistakenly committed a dangerous affair with the president!

After saying that, Wu Xuewei hurriedly hung up the phone before he could return.

She was afraid that if it was any later, he would hear her crying voice.

She watched him and Wu Yuqing walk out with her own eyes, how could they be having lunch at the same time? If she hadn't seen that scene, she would have believed his words, but after seeing it, she couldn't deceive herself anyway.


Wu Yuqing came back from the bathroom and saw Feng Churui distracted with his cell phone. He sat down opposite him and asked curiously: "Arui, what's wrong with you? You can also be distracted by staring at your phone."

Feng Churui put the phone into his pocket calmly, then smiled: "It's nothing."

In my heart, I felt that Wu Xuewei's phone call was a bit strange, but I couldn't tell what was strange at the moment. Her tone was the same as usual. Before she had time to think deeply, Wu Yuqing started talking to him about the wedding.


I walked out of the city hall and wandered aimlessly on the streets. It was winter, and the cold wind blew on my face like a knife, which hurt.

Pedestrians walked in a hurry, but she was the only one, wandering without knowing the direction or purpose. The food box in her hand also became heavy.

Unknowingly, we came to an open park. The trees had lost their spring and summer greenery, and the park looked a little depressed.

Sitting on the bench, she opened the food box, took out the vegetable boxes one by one and placed them on the bench. She poured the soup and drank slowly with her head lowered.

The soup is hot, but my heart is already cold.

I drank some in the apartment, and it tasted obviously sweet, but why does it feel bland now?

A pair of dirty feet with holes and exposed toes came into view. As soon as Wu Xuewei raised her head, she saw a homeless man in ragged clothes and a stench standing in front of her. She subconsciously wanted to pick up the food box and leave.

When the homeless man saw that she had put all the food into the food box, he grabbed it arbitrarily. Wu Xuewei held on tightly, "What are you doing? Don't steal my things! I can give you money..."

The homeless man pushed her to the ground with force, picked up the food box that fell to the ground and ran away.

Wu Xuewei fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long time. What was this?

It doesn't count that she saw Feng Churui and Wu Yuqing having lunch together. Even the meals she carefully prepared were snatched away by homeless people. Was it because she was not pathetic enough?

Putting a hand on her eyes, she lay on the cold ground and cried bitterly. It was a way to vent her feelings and grievances.


When Wu Xuewei returned to the apartment in the afternoon, she was startled by the aunt who opened the door.

Her eyes were red and swollen, her body was dirty and covered with dust, and she looked like she was lost. The aunt looked at her and took her hand: "Miss Xuewei, what's wrong with you? Have you cried? Why are you like this? Dirty, did you fall?"

Wu Xuewei felt a touch of warmth from her aunt's caring look, and she smiled tiredly, "Auntie, I'm fine, I just fell. It hurt a little, so I cried."

"Are you really okay? Are there any injuries on your body? Oops, no, you have to check carefully..." The aunt said nonchalantly, bending down to check her legs.

Wu Xuewei stopped her and repeatedly stressed that she was fine, "Auntie, I'm a little tired. Let's go and take a nap first."

After saying that, she entered the bedroom, locked the door, and let her aunt knock on the door, but it wouldn't open.

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