Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

990. Chapter 990 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【94】

"We are about to return to the United States. Are you sure you want to quarrel with me in the remaining time?" Feng Churui looked at her lightly. Sometimes he didn't understand why a woman could do something that seemed so simple to him. Trouble over things.

The strange thing is that now that it was another woman who was having a bad temper, he had already thrown away her hands and left. She was the only one who was having a bad temper. Although he was speechless, he still patiently tried to communicate with her.

Seeing that he had become so different from himself, Feng Churui smiled bitterly, kicked her packed and closed suitcase aside, and stretched out his long arms to pull her into his arms.

Wu Xuewei twisted her body, her eyes were already angry and shining like stars. Feng Churui tightened her grip, then pinched her chin and surrendered: "Okay, don't be angry, just smile, okay?"

Miss Xuewei's tone was harsh: "Sorry, I'm in a bad mood and can't laugh!"

"Are you sure that you will be able to leave willingly the day after tomorrow, or tomorrow?" Feng Churui said: "In my opinion, the longer you stay, the more nostalgic you will be and the more reluctant you will be to leave. Since it doesn't matter if you leave early or leave late, You have to go, instead of making you feel more reluctant to give up as time goes by, it would be better to send you away forcefully from the beginning."

"You are right and I am wrong, that's enough." Wu Xuewei was still very depressed. How could she not understand the truth he said?

I'm just angry at his lack of interest!

Are they considered a couple now?

When other couples were about to break up, their boyfriends would try their best to create romance and ask her to stay, but he didn't say a word to stay. He was hurriedly talking the night before and booking the flight tickets early the next morning, as if he wanted her to immediately As if leaving.

Who else would feel better?

This is either frustrating or frustrating!

Her temper was quite measured. If she were the kind of girl who wouldn't die unless she tried to commit suicide, she would definitely get into a fight with him and turn red in the face.

Feng Churui had no way of knowing her thoughts unless she said them out, thinking that she was having trouble with him because she didn't want to go back to the United States to study.

In fact, Mayor Feng is also a very lucky man. In his previous relationship, due to his status as mayor, his girlfriend was extremely sensible and considerate, so it did not matter if he was busy at work. Distract yourself from your love affairs.

Wu Yuqing's engagement was even more worry-free. He was more casual about the daughter-in-law candidates selected by his parents. He chose Wu Yuqing, who seemed to be more compatible with him. After that, the parents of the two families should be busy. On the day of the engagement ceremony , he took the time to attend as the leading actor.

After the ceremony, they hurried back to the city hall for a meeting.

During the engagement, Wu Yuqing would not bother him. She knew how to behave appropriately. Every time she asked him to have dinner, if he refused, she would wait a long time before asking him out.

And he understands her thoughtfulness, and will occasionally ask her to have dinner with her when he is free. When there are social banquets and dinners that require a female companion, she will be on call. In his opinion, the perfect fiancée for the twenty-four filial piety must be Wu Yuqing. Belongs.

It's a blessing and a blessing, since his previous relationships didn't distract him too much, so when it came to Wu Xuewei, he was at a loss and felt helpless and frustrated.

Because he didn't even know how he could make her happy if she was always awkward.

She doesn't worship money, she doesn't have many high requirements for material things, and she only eats delicious food when she can, so she doesn't feel very disappointed if she doesn't have it.

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