Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

991. Chapter 991 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【95】

This made Feng Churui, who wanted to please her, unable to do anything.

With a sigh, Feng Churui rubbed his forehead tiredly, "Xuewei, don't be like this..."

"Don't be like this? Why don't you? Why, I make you feel tired, don't you? Are you tired of me?" Wu Xuewei's eyes turned red without warning, and her eyes quickly filled with crystal tears, and she forced herself to hold back Don't let them fall off.

Feng Churui was a little annoyed by her sudden tears and said in frustration: "Wu Xuewei!"

He made her cry because he was so angry at himself. As a boyfriend, he really failed.

"You're being mean to me!" Wu Xuewei felt even more aggrieved now, with tears falling down. She felt that what she did had made him feel tired, and now he was being mean to her. She felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry. One game.

"I'm not..." Feng Churui tried to explain to her, but with tears falling down her face, she didn't want to listen to him at all. She stubbornly stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears. She saw an opening and wanted to run out.

Feng Churui grabbed her with quick eyes and hands, held her tightly in his arms, caressed her head, and she accused her of being cruel. Now he didn't even dare to speak louder, he just lowered his voice and said in her ear: "I didn't mean to hurt you, but my tone was a little harsh. I didn't bother you, and I didn't feel tired. Okay, it's all my fault. Don't cry, okay? If you don't want to go back to the United States today, then don't go back. Think about it tomorrow. If you want to go back, you can go back tomorrow. If you want to go back, you can go back the day after tomorrow. Just stop crying, okay?"

Feng Churui suddenly remembered that Secretary Wu once said in a chat with him that when his wife quarreled with him, as long as his voice was louder, it didn't matter what the point of the quarrel was. The point was that her wife would directly attack him for yelling at her. In the end, he lost. Come down.

Every time he quarreled with his wife, as long as she burst into tears, in the end, no matter whether it was his fault or not, he would be defeated and he would quickly hug his wife to coax her and admit his mistake.

Feng Churui thought that he was really not an ordinary person. Wu Xuewei had accused her and made her cry all morning. He didn't know whether he should be proud or self-examination.

He was older than her, and she was only a twenty-year-old girl, so it was natural for him to let her go.

One of the two people has to bow his head first, so that the other can step down, right?

Wu Xuewei lay in his arms, mischievously wiping all the tears and snot on his shirt, then raised her head, her eyes were as red as a little white rabbit, her temper came and went quickly. When she spoke, her voice also changed. A little hoarse: "I won't be angry with you anymore. I decided to go back to the United States today."

Feng Churui thought she was still angry, "Xuewei, don't force yourself. If you don't want to go back, don't go back yet."

"There is no force, you are right." Wu Xuewei sniffed, "You have to leave early or late."

The important thing is that the awkward fight has been over, and he has lowered his posture to coax her. She should listen to him and go back today, not wanting to cause him any trouble.

"Are you really not angry anymore?" Feng Churui was still skeptical.

Wu Xuewei pouted and glared at him: "Do you really want me to be angry with you like an unreasonable shrew?"

"Ha..." Feng Churui was amused by her, "Now that you're done with your anger, kiss me."

Just kiss, no matter how angry you are, you would be a fool not to eat the tofu!

Wu Xuewei hugged his neck and pulled his head down. She stood on tiptoes and kissed him. She was not reserved or reserved at all and gave him a solid kiss.

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