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Void roaring, like a wave of waves in the ocean, the entire battlefield has been greatly impacted, such as a major earthquake.

At the same time, everyone present was shocked, and from afar, Akazawa rushed.

An unimaginable pressure overshadowed Heaven and Earth in a flash, and many cultivator souls shuddered, as if facing a god, full of instinctive awe.

“This is the ultimate power of Extreme Yang Heavenly Furnace?”

Everyone was shocked, and they couldn’t say a word at all. The pupils of many older people also trembled.

Among the expanding Extreme Yang Heavenly Furnace, it began to spurt out the majestic flames, like a divine bird, and soared between Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Scorpio was covered for a moment, as if it had been burnt, showing a darkness.

“It is Extreme Yang heavenly fire, legendary Heaven Grade rare fire!” Someone recognized it and couldn’t help but turn pale with fright.

“I don’t think Tang Linfeng has this kind of means.” Long Hao looked bright, full of fervent expression.

If it were in the Blue Dragon Islands, he couldn’t help but grab it.

Chi chi chi…

Extreme Yang heavenly fire continues to spurt out, the scarlet of the scarlet, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the horrible heat, making the light curtain formed by the great array become distorted, as if to melt.

“Even even the great array can’t resist!” The people around, the expression is frightened, and the subconscious retreats.

The horrible Extreme Yang heavenly fire is extremely overbearing. If it falls on people, I am afraid that there will be a smog between the moments.

“The legendary supreme sun can refine All Heavens, can burn Myriad Realms… This Extreme Yang Heavenly Furnace really has a divine power of the supreme sun god furnace!” Long Hao snorted, just that moment, he actually There is a feeling that it will be burnt.

“Don’t panic, there is Saint present, the great array will definitely not break.”

At this moment, a strange Holy Light suddenly came down on the sky, like the radiance of the sky, sprinkled down and stabilized the great array.

At the same time, Heaven and Earth seemed to drop the rain, and the hot aura disappeared instantly.

“Which Saint is out, it is a good way.”

People just sighed in relief, but once again they were shocked by the loud noise.

Looking up at the eyes, the dark clouds of the sky have covered everything, thick like Wang Yang.

The flames steamed the air, causing a sudden change in the airflow in the sky, heavy rain pouring down, and also igniting Heavenly Thunder.

Void is shaking, the Scorpio is penetrated by the crazy thunder, and a vast expanse of pressure is coming, as if to crush the world and reopen Primal Chaos.

“This is the aura of Supreme Divine Ability!”

At this moment, everyone feels like a thunder, a horror of horror, direct hitting the soul, let them fall into the air.

“The Lei Yin is really powerful. I still have a trump card until now.” Some Free and Unfettered Holy Land’s disciplines are full of anger.

“But it’s too exaggerated. Law Manifestation Realm powerhouse is so terreifying?”

The power of Supreme Divine Ability is not unseen.

But this horrible power is too terrifying.

If there is no strengthening of the strength of Great Array by Saint, I am afraid that once the crazy thunder pours out, it will turn into a place of death.

“Divine Ability – Violent Thunder Heavenly Prison !”

At this moment, Lei Yin is also mad, regardless of its huge consumption, forcibly spurred more powerful strength of Heaven and Earth, Heavenly Thunder became more and more violent.

Ka-cha 嚓…

The crazy thunder fell one after another, as if the real Heavenly Tribulation came, the whole earth was trembled, everything in the battlefield collapsed completely, and it was turned into a powdery land by lightning.

Then, people were shocked to see that the crazy thunder fell down, not only did not dissipate, but it was very solid, like the pillar of the sky, tightly and regularly arranged, and instantly formed a huge thunderbolt prison. .

The entire battlefield has been shrouded in it.

There is a mysterious engraving mark flash on each of the thunderbolts, constantly inspiring the densely packed thunderbolt, which seems to completely refining the entire battlefield.


In the distance, Si Kongsheng and the others sweated coldly on their foreheads.

“Unexpectedly, in just ten days, she was ten times stronger!”

When they followed Bai Yutang to attack Big Dipper Holy Land, they tasted this trick and almost lived and died in thunderbolt prison, and still have a lingering fear.

I can see it again today, and I feel even more scared.

Even if a Law Manifestation Realm powerhouse falls into it, I am afraid it will not last a quarter of an hour.

Extreme Yang Heavenly Furnace has been subjected to intense lightning strikes and has been riddled with holes.

“Senior Brother Tang ……”

“Brother Feng !”

Numerous disciples, horrified faces, Liu Yunyan’s charming face, suddenly became white.


Tang Linfeng suddenly issued a loudly shouted, opened a mouthful of blood essence, and landed on Extreme Yang Heavenly Furnace.

In the meantime, Extreme Yang Heavenly Furnace rays of light Dasheng, full of brilliance, like a divine gold watering, completely recovered.

A three-legged divine bird rushes into the sky, and the sound of the tweet vibrates nine heavens, resounding through the clouds.

In a flash, two extreme firm and fierce, the strongest to the violent strength collided hundreds of times, the infinite devastating strength poured out to the horror to the extreme, the earth shook, myriad spirits panic.

Bang bang bang……

The vast battlefield was destroyed by the power of thunderstorms, and the scorpio was penetrated by a huge hole by the divine bird. The earth was penetrated by the crazy thunder, and there was a scene of the end.

“My God, it’s terrible. If you go to the Golden Core Realm powerhouse, I’m afraid I’ll die hundreds of times in an instant.”

“This is the gap between realm… difference between Heaven and Earth!”

Because Long Hao has been too defying before, so many people think that the Law Manifestation Realm powerhouse is not strong enough.

It was not until the outbreak of this shocking war that people suddenly woke up.

From them, they deeply felt the huge gap between manpower and strength of Heaven and Earth, which was never compensated casually.

The war is over.

But people’s moods, but they can’t be calm for a long time.

Looking at the riddled earth and the residual force of destruction, people feel cold in the back.

And Tang Linfeng and Lei Yin, lying on the broken land, almost all the blood will drain, no more fighting power.

“But boss suffers.”

For this result, people are expected, but they feel incredible.

After all, under such horrible destructive power, it is a miracle to survive.

In the end, Extreme Yellow King stood up and announced that the two were tied.

Because they have suffered extremely severe trauma, the combat power is completely lost, and the later trials will no longer participate.

“Oh, hateful!”

After Wei Liu and Fang Tianhua came up and lifted Lei Yin, they looked at the wounded body and the face was extremely severe.

Ling Shu also quickly stepped forward and eagerly directed the two men: “Fast, first take the heart pills to Senior Sister, I will treat her.”

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