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After the timely rescue of the people, Tang Linfeng and Lei Yin were quickly separated from their lives, but they were injured for three minutes and had to be nursed for a while.

Since both of them lost their combat power, there were only twenty-four people left in the 3rd round.

Everyone has two or two battles, but it is no longer necessary to draw lots.

“3rd round First Stage…”

Without the slightest stop, the meeting of the 3rd round began immediately.

But at this moment, a stream of light fell from the sky and automatically fell into the hands of Tang Linfeng.

Among the streamers, there is a strange light symbol, which is filled with sturdy saint strength, which must be from Saint.

The light symbol was opened, and a majestic and solemn voice was immediately passed to Tang Linfeng’s in the depth of one’s soul: “this Saint Fei Yu, who intends to accept you as a disciple, you can consider it.”

At the moment of “Fei Yu ? Great Saint Fei Yu !”, even Tang Linfeng was a bit worried.

Instead of defeating the opponent, he suffered a heavy blow and lost his strength. He did not expect to be favored by Great Saint Fei Yu.

Because the Great Saint Fei Yu is not an ordinary Saint, it has been cultivation for thousands of years, and the strength is unpredictable. In Free and Unfettered Holy Land, it is quite a top presence.

“Brother Feng, what are you doing, please promise.” Liu Yunyan urged him.

Tang Linfeng reacted and quickly bowed down to heaven to respect the ceremony: “disciple would like to worship Great Saint as a teacher!”

The people around them all cast envious eyes.

Above the high heavens, Great Saint Fei Yu’s majestic face, a rare smile.

At the same time, Lei Yin, who was being healed, also received an invitation from Saint.

Moreover, it is not one, and there are three optical symbols falling at the same time.

“Fuck, Big Sis is too fierce, and it was taken by three Saints at the same time!” Wei Liu’s small eyes were so big that he didn’t mention much envy.

“Look at the three Saints. Maybe Supreme Elder Zi Yan also looks at the Senior Sister. If you can be seen by Sword Saint Tian Jue, then…” Fang Tianhua took a deep breath, and it’s also a look. .

Sword Saint Tian Jue, the expression of awe and admiration on all the Big Dipper disciple faces.

This is a peerless fierce person who dares to work with the Great Emperor. It is definitely the Master candidate that everyone dreams of, and Sword Saint Tian Jue is also the Big Dipper Holy Land. Currently, the most promising accomplish Emperor man!

Even Long Hao is quite looking forward to it.

Although he is not good at Sword Dao, there is such a Master cover, and the whole world is still not traversing, absolutely more than a crab!

Look at Yang Jun and you know, it’s really daring, no one can’t do it, even Big Dipper Saintess’s face is not awkward, which is not unrelated to Sword Saint Tian Jue’s overbearing master.

However, unlike the expression that everyone is excited, Lei Yin’s eyes are a bit embarrassing.

But in the end, she still opened the light symbol under the urging of everyone.


Great Saint Kong Ming !

Great Saint Qian Jie !

Saint King Zi Yan !

“Great Saint Kong Ming and Great Saint Qian Jie, both of which are masters of thunder’s rules, must have taken a look at the innate talent of Senior Sister on thunder, but did not expect two Supreme Elder Zi Yan to make an invitation.”

Among the three Great Saints, Saint King Zi Yan’s strength strongest, and its high value, is most popular among the disciples.

However, Great Saint Kong Ming and Great Saint Qian Jie, thunder have long been Perfection, and the help of Lei Yin is also great.

In the eyes of everyone, no matter which Saint is chosen, it is great good fortune.

At this time, above the high heavens, the three Saints are still arguing.

Great Saint Kong Ming is an old man with white hair and white hair, but his body is burly, his face is rough, his spirit is full of heads, like a fierce mad dragon, his eyes are staring at Supreme Elder Zi Yan: “Purple, when you When I received Lu Yao as a disciple, didn’t I just look at Lei Yin? Why should I compete with me now?”

“Yes, I am a major undergraduate with the empty meditation, and Lei Yin should be our discipline.”

Great Saint Qian Jie is a black clothed middle age person, surrounded by black thunderbolt, imposing manner deep overbearing, like an incarnation of a dark god.

“hehe…” Supreme Elder Zi Yan smiled and suddenly, Holy Light ran, like a blossoming flower.

“This time, Heavenly Stars Five Thunder Art is only a scrap, originally thought that Divine Ability Realm is her limit, but did not expect that even the Law Manifestation Realm has broken through, although I do not know how she did it, but the potential has been Obviously, this Saint certainly has to fight for it.”

See Supreme Elder Zi Yan does not mean to return, Great Saint Kong Ming and Great Saint Qian Jie have been coldly snorted.

“If that’s the case, let Lei Yin decide for himself.”

At this moment, the light character flew back, and the three Saints looked at it and suddenly stopped.

Unexpectedly, Lei Yin actually refused.

Yes, all three Saints were rejected by Lei Yin.

“Big Sis, you are not sick.”

Everyone was shocked, and Fang Tianhua rushed forward to see the physical condition of Lei Yin.

Unexpectedly, she was scared off by Lei Yin: “You are sick, roll!”

Seeing everyone is a pair of inexplicable expressions, Lei Yin took a deep breath, and said: “I already have a Master, naturally it is impossible to apprentice again.”

“Is there a Master? Why don’t I know?”

Fang Tianhua, a glimpse, immediately thought that Lei Yin had not been promoted to true disciple recently, otherwise they would not have to participate in the core disciple assessment.

Moreover, this is Saint, who is better than Saint, can Lee Yin be turned back?

Long Hao is also very curious. He sees from Lei Yin’s expression that Lei Yin does not have the slightest regret for rejecting the three Saints. This shows that her master is definitely not weaker than the three Saints, and maybe even more Strong.

“In addition to Holy Lord and Sword Saint Tian Jue in Holy Land, it seems that there is no stronger than Saint King Zi Yan?”

The Big Dipper Holy Lord has lived for thousands of years and has been impacting the Great Emperor Realm. There is no time to teach the discipline, and everyone knows.

Moreover, Long Hao has never heard of Yang Jun, Sword Saint Tian Jue received the news.

“Who would it be?” Long Hao couldn’t figure it out.

“3rd Wheel 6th Stage, Heavenly Sword Holy Land Ye Cheng, against Big Dipper Holy Land Long Hao !”

After hearing the news that Long Hao was going to appear, people returned back to his senses and turned their attention to the battlefield.

Ye Cheng also broke through the Law Manifestation Realm, but the strength was much worse than Tang Linfeng and the others, and even more than Long Hao’s opponent, only three punches were defeated.

“Beat Ye Cheng so easily?”

Long Hao’s strong strength seems to once again make people think that the Law Manifestation Realm powerhouse is no different.

In the seventh game, Ling Shanhai appeared and his opponent was Jian Lingyun.

This war is very eye-catching.

Both are the long-established genius disciple, and they all break through the Law Manifestation Realm. In the eyes of people, this will be a shocking showdown.


Can be followed, a scream hit.

People just turned their attention to the battlefield, and found that Ling Shanhai’s chest cracked a shocking sword mark, and the body flew out of the battlefield.

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