One second, remember, “Literature bus.” Excellent windows read free of charge!

After a war, in addition to City Lord Mansion, the capital city was basically ruined.


golden light powerhouse in Bào luàn was driven by suppress and kill, and the rest were expelled, with only one cold defeat.

In relative terms, however, in this sudden attack, the situation in the city of Phnom Penh was well lost in all regions.

Shortly after that, Lin took the war back from the city of the nine regions.

Long Hao and the others, Guardian Front tower, rebating the futility of powerhouse in the lost ancestral community and winning 10,000.

Long Hao, as City Lord, killed eight false ancestors King, the greatest of its work and the only three thousand kung fu.

And the feathers helped people destroy puppet shells with a thousand degrees of strength.

Huang Chong Guo, like King Realm expert, scored 3,000 kung fu, and the remaining 3,000 dudes are divided across the interior of powerhouse.

In the palace, there is a smile when people listen to the woods.

The war, although harsh and alarming, was also highly rewarded, and many spoils of war were divided by them, in addition to a great deal of skill.

Long Hao face-to-expressionless asked, “How’s the situation in other regions?”

hearthis, Lin has some hair and sighs, “It’s terrible, it’s terrible!”

According to Lin, just last night, there were intense attacks on all regions, of which 36 had been broken down and one regional city, and Profound Yellow had lost more than 1,000 powerhouse on the side of the world, and there were still a person Saint Poverty.

So far, dozens of other urban areas are in the midst of intense fighting.

“I can’t imagine that I was too old for Holy Land, Great Saint, to fall, and even the city was broken!” Chow was like a dark wrinkle.

“We’ve set up nearly 300 districts in golden light, and we’ve only been attacked one of the 10 points in the middle of the night!”

After listening to this fatalities statistics, people’s faces are not very good.

In addition to the large number of towers destroyed, which could affect the stability and transport capacity of the air passage, it was also alarming to note that the thousands of powerhouse in the first place were located.

As you know, the remaining powerhouse is the elite of Profound Yellow World, each of whom is the innate talent, the strong nexus of strength and King Realm expert, many of whom are the same side or friends of the population.

That was the case with so many attacks that people were saddened in their hearts, and there was no fear of war in the aftermath.

“Lin Junior Brother, can there be intelligence on the part of the fraudulent community?” The sword wrinkle asked.

hearthis, people have come to spirit, and in the past they have hardly known anything about the wizards, and now through this war, perhaps one or two more.

After all, knowledge of each other will prevail.

In this case, the forest has no eyes, no rhetoric, no more.

But at least 50,000 people, and the number of Saint is about 300! “

“50,000 people?”

“Three, 40 Saint?”

When Lin opened his mouth, people were shocked to stand up.

As you know, the 100,000 people are not ordinary powerhouse, the weakest of which are the foundations of the Niño border, and King Realm is not a minority, while the opposite Profound Yellow World party is only 10,000 and Guardian is in golden light.

In addition to this, one hundred and eight superior level King, one hundred and eight of the French army, Peak-Stage King of Profound Yellow World.

And in this war, 10 King Realm expert, who could single-pick Saint King Realm expert, were called the Ten Kings of War by the French community.

These people, every one of them, are amazing, Divine Ability’s vast generation, destroying energy.

It’s their strongest enemies.

This is the information that has been provisionally obtained, but it is enough to be alarmed.


the face of nearly five times as many enemies as anyone would feel pressure on the mountain.

Only Long Hao brief remark, the face is as calm as ever.

For the enemy of the same realm, he was not afraid, even in the same number.

It is precisely a matter of public neglect that has been brought to his attention.

That’s Saint’s number.

It is reasonable that the two Great World wars should be fought by both sides, with Saint Great Emperor together.

Even in order to avoid the destruction of golden light, Great Emperor Realm powerhouse was suspended, but the number of Saint Francis was too small.

Profound Yellow World, where only 10 Saint guard was originally present, is not more than 10.

On the one hand, 50,000 people were mobilized to fight, and the determination to occupy the golden light community was essential, but the number of Saint was only 3,40.

Long Hao could not believe that the number of Saint was so small in two Great World.

That is why there is only another reason.

“Isn’t Saint Great Emperor’s battlefield not in golden light?”

This time, Long Hao was right.

Los Al-Quds.

This is the three regional cities occupied by Profound Yellow World powerhouse.

During the war last night, Voloon Great Saint Poverty, Profound Yellow World powerhouse collapsed, which became a temporary large battalion of powerhouse in the fraudulent ancestral community.

The central city of Ross, which has become a ruin, has a big tower, such as a steep mountain peak, and the imposing way is going to be majesty and shining with a depressed Holy Light.

This tower itself is a Saint Magical Artifact, with room.

Of the top empty space, more than ten sacred images, such as the high day, were spread out of each of them with a stronger saint might.

下方,有几位King Realm 虚祖界powerhouse ,跪伏着通禀战报。

“As of today, we have captured 40 Profound Yellow World positions, and more than 30 remain in combat.”

“Profound Yellow World’s reinforcements have also arrived, and the battles are glued.”

Hearing the subordinates, the most bright black shadow in high air, suddenly coldly snorted, interrupted them.

“Waste, a bunch of waste!”

Terrifying saint might erupt, such as the pressure of 100 000 sacred mountain, making it possible for King King, all of them to shake on the ground and not to shoot.

Other sacred shadows also have some anger.

“I conquered 50,000 people this time, and there are countless golden light people working together, and all of this has been achieved by the sudden attack!”

“Profound Yellow World as Great World, whose strength is certainly not the same.”

“It is true that Profound Yellow World powerhouse’s excellent array, artifact refining and puppets are extremely restraining and difficult to deal with.”

“But this sudden attack has failed to achieve its full success, and now they have been prevented, and then they want to attack the city again, and it’s just not that easy.”

Hearing all Saints talk, the black shadow in the high sky, trembling, seems to be burning.

“The holy war will erupt after January, and we must attack the golden light community and build the shjiè Tōng channel within this time.”

After a while of thought, the Black Holy Shadow took a decision to “send back a message, then connect the army to come and take golden light in a month!”

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