few days later, the city of Phnom Penh was attacked again.

The fugitive community powerhouse, which came to the attack, was not very numerous, and the position was too strong to be retreated by Long Hao and the others lightly.

After this test attack, the situation has gradually stabilized.

But Long Hao and the others are not at all alert, because they all know that after the test, it means a more intense attack, coming.

So people are stepping up cultivation, trying to raise strength to the limit in real time of Great War.

Long Hao was also absent, using the proceeds of spoils of war, again evolved over 10,000 Flying Dragon artefacts, not far from King Realm 5th Layer.

On this day, a small town away from 10000 Li in the city of Phnom Penh came a few unstable guests.

“Give you half an hour to kill all the people in the town!” A silhouette, wearing a white tent, in a senseless tone.

“All extermination?”

“Young Master, how many thousands of people are here?”

Looking at each other in dismay.

hmph, how about tens of thousands? It’s just some low dick that’s all. “

Those who wear white tents laugh, and sound full of breath: “In order to save this plan, they must die.”

Those people in the purple tent changed their face and finally moved on.


Soon, a great array got up and covered the whole town.

The relentless slaughter started when those golden light people had not yet reacted.

Those who wore purple tents were powerful in the Niño border, and there was also a respect for King’s repression.

They made a decision, very ruthless, and it was just Death God’s presence for those who were unarmed, planted base down golden light.


less than a minute, the blood fire swallowed the whole town.

In a ruin, the only one still remains unresolved, with only one stone building.

The slaughterhouse is sitting in the stone building, watching the blood fire outside the window, and the tongues plunder a smile.

At the same time, Great Sect of the Stone Building opened, the man in the white tent, walked in and showed a young and ugly face.

“I don’t think DuYoung Master came by himself.” The slaughter of arms said with a smile.

This is me, Young Master, Du Chenglong.

“You have promised to cooperate with this young master since you’ve been told?” Du Chenglong speaks straight.

“Of course, like DuYoung Master, Long Hao has humiliated me on several occasions, and I want his life.” Cold saying, “The slaughter is going to win and look to Du Chenglong Road:” But I still have to ask how young Master’s plan is. “

Du Chenglong turned out one side of Jade slip and handed over to the winner: “Very simple, you have to bring them to the Moon Mountains in the name of Long Hao, and as for the rest of us.”


slaughter opened his eyes, and the fox doubted: “For a few of the same side, Long Hao is willing to take a risk?”

“That’s because you don’t know him.” Du Chenglong came out of a chest with bamboo, staring at the slaughter of said solemnly: “Would you like to cooperate?”

The slaughter of the eyes turned around, thinking about the moment: “Last question.”

“Now is the time of war, and if all of them are killed, Saint will have to be scrutinized, then…”


Du Chenglong tortured a said with a smile: “What does it have to do with us when they don’t have the power to attack the positions of the infidel world?”

hearthis, the slaughter’s eyes are shining, and there’s a puzzle smile on your face, the spin is nodded.

“Long Hao, you must be dead this time!”

This is the common voice of both.

Seven, nine, Puz City.

“Who are you? What’s the matter with us?”

Ling Shu and Ji Hanshuang looked at each other and confirmed that no current man was known.

“The next slaughter, Long Hao City Lord of the Nineteen Areas, sent me here.”

“City Lord discovered in the Moon Mountains a position of powerhouse in the fictitious ancestral community, and wanted to ask for help, which is a good opportunity to make good work, and asked both not to refuse.”

After presenting his identity, Token, the massacre has prevailed over a sincerely pleaded paradigm.

“As such, Long Hao why don’t you personally communicate, but let you come.” Ji Hanshuang has some fox doubts.

It is premature to anticipate this massacre and to calm down, saying, “We in the city of Lord have to act with caution, given the frequency of the current fighting, which is likely to be intercepted by the false ancestral powerhouse.”

“This Long Hao, always like this. It’s not good to find out where the clan powerhouse is found, but if it’s for greed kung fu, it’s dangerous.”

Ji Hanshuang couldn’t stand two whispers.

Although she had just been seconded from Profound Yellow World during the war period, she had been confronted with the fictional world powerhouse, aware of the weirdo of those people, Divine Ability.

But in her memory, Long Hao does not seem to have done much, so there is no doubt.

“The more Long Hao acquired, the better for us, Big Dipper Holy Land, and Senior Sister Ji said no more about him.” Ling Shu laughed, and then he promised the time and location of the massacre.

After returning to town, Ling Shu’s face was filled with the desired smile: “I haven’t seen Junior Brother Long for a long time. I hear he’s got strength stronger now, all of which is the city Lord in the last area!”

Ji Hanshuang curl one’s lip: “Power is stronger, but the nature of that greed interest is nothing different, and I don’t know what Junior Sister likes.”

“Senior Sister Ji, don’t be blind…” Ling Shu’s shuang eyes, pretty face red.

Sixteen regions, Wei Liu and Fang Tianhua, also saw the victory.

In the event of victory, there is no doubt about two people, and the quick answer has come.

After that, he ran a few more places, and his surprising discoveries, as Du Chenglong said, were Big Dipper disciple of Long Hao’s generation, and the promises were quick to say that there was no doubt.

“hehe, this side is so serious!”

After everything has been done, the slaughterhouse will look at the direction of the city of Golden, and the rays of the light of very ruthless will shine in its eyes: “May you join Yellow Springs, if you do.”

Ninety-eight districts, Golden City.

A big Dipper disciple also went to Golden City when the massacre reached out to Big Dipper disciple.

“City Lord, there’s a big Dipper disciple outside the government asking for an urgent look.” Lin came to Long Hao’s Closed House and said it.

“Big Dipper disciple.”

After a suspension of cultivation, Long Hao Fox frowned asked, “Who is it? What is it?”

“She called herself Sword King, said it was the same side that was in danger and came to seek help.”

“Thousands of Feathers Sword King?”

The name, Long Hao, was told that it was Big Dipper Holy Land side, but there was no exchange between him.

But since the thousands of women Sword King came to ask for help, as the side, Long Hao was still off, meeting her side.

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