Prime Evolver System

Chapter 102 - 102 - The Returned Young Lord

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"Do you see that? Can you understand it a bit more now?!" Luke sneered, his gaze turning vicious all of a sudden.

Jack was barely able to contain himself. He wasn't sure what was going on exactly, but one thing he understood was that he was suddenly thrown into the middle of it. Yet, he wasn't willing to back down and leave his newest and quite sad if we are being honest, only friend by himself.

This mysterious new boy, this transfer student, and his 'Guardian' as he referred to her before, were the only two people in this world that decided not to push them down some more. Ever since his grandfather's sudden passing, Jack was left by himself. 

He didn't know if it was luck or just the lack of care due to him turning 18 in just a bit more than two months, the government didn't even bother with him, despite him turning officially an orphan. Nobody came to visit him, nobody even cared about the small piece of land of his grandfather's dojo. It's not like it had any visitors, or students after all.

He was alone, he was poor, he was dirty, thus he quickly became the favored target of rampant bullying. The subject of beatings… being singled out during the High School Martial Arts Club training…

No matter how pathetic it sounded or looked, Jack was already quite used to this treatment by now. 

Funny how their fate was similar with Lucien, and how they didn't realize this until much later…

"Luke Pregan! What is the meaning of this?!" Suddenly, a raspy, rough voice came from behind, roaring like a ferocious alpha to the ill-behaving part of his pack.

The angry shout instantly broke the tenseness of the situation and forced Luke to lower his raised right arm. He also instantly fixed the expression on his face, and by the time he turned around to face the owner of the voice that he also planned to enact his wrath upon at some point, Jonathan Kane stood there. He was still wearing his dark leather raincoat and rimmed hat, seemingly just coming back from the usual cigar he liked to take in-between lectures.

Luke forced his usual, theatrical smile back on his face as he swirled around his feet, facing the elderly teacher with his fake, respectful act of an honorary student.

"N-nothing at all Mr. Thorn. We were just talking to the new student. After all, he did not introduce himself at all. We only know that he is 'Lucien', but we still don't know even his full name, much less who he is, or where he came from." 

Luke explained, acting the good, and inquisitive but 'good-natured' student professionally. 

"Yes, Mr. Thorn! We just wanted to get to know and try to befriend Lucien here! Nothing more!" Tony, the brawny bull-like teen, one of Luke's trusted muscles have added, speaking with the same respectful, timid-sounding tone that did not befit his robust stature at all.

Jonathan sneered at the clearly, obviously fake display of these two. Yet, he couldn't really be bothered to waste any effort on their theatrics. He was still quite disgruntled and annoyed after all. So far, two weeks have passed and he hasn't got an inch closer to finding out the supposed leader of this new faction, this new breed of monsters.

Still, he shouldn't just leave the boys to continue playing with fire. After all, whilst he was fairly certain, Lucien wasn't his assigned target, he was still far from being an ordinary teenager. The fact that he couldn't even inspect the true depths of this new transfer student, was something that made him wary.

Also, he had received some information about him already. His informants have finally come back with a piece of surprising information related to the boy's background.

Jonathan sneered with a clearly contemptuous, disdainful gaze at the two for a bit before he scoffed at the linebackers standing around Jack and Lucien's desk still.

"You all bunch of trash! What the hell are you still doing in my classroom?" He hollered angrily, causing many of the girls and weaker boys to turn stiff under his reverberating volume.

"If it wasn't clear enough…" He waved towards the back door still open behind them. "…GET OUT!"

Immediately, as if they were finally exempted from some divine punishment, blood seemed to return to their frozen limbs, and the group of boys ran, scurried away without saying anything else.

"As for you two…" As the sturdy sportsmen hurried left the scene, lest they would earn the ire of this terrifyingly frightening old man and be subjected to further punishment during the next PE, Jonathan turned to face the now two standing perpetrators.

"…and I guess for the rest of you sorry lot…" He shifted his gaze, scanning the rest of the remaining student body coldly. As his scrutinizing, piercing gaze went over them, every single one of the young men and women shivered under the invisible pressure. Everyone except for the two strange peculiarities, two desks in the room. One in the front, as they were exempted, since Jonathan knew these two girls to be innocent, and not-so-shockingly, the one at the back, by the window.

Lucien didn't even bother looking in the old man's direction, he was still lost in his own hazy daze as he kept on being more and more interested in the back, the closed-off yard of the school. 

A small garden of vibrant lush, colorful herbs were hiding below a single dilapidating metal roof, supported only by two wooden beams at the sides. Still, he could see those vibrant, healthy and somehow mystical-looking leaves peaking out from the edges, somehow reminding him of the fantastical scenery of Eden, Sera's sub-dimension.

He didn't care about the old man, nor what he wanted to say. He already felt that he did a great service to the old man, as these pesky bugs, annoying pests were still breathing. Despite the rage that his other self, Pravitas felt, and how he wanted to absorb these primitive primates, Lucien managed to hold himself back and keep his profile on the down low. Just like how he promised Sera, he was doing his best!

Seeing how the boy, Lucien could withstand his pressure, Jonathan was surprised, shocked inwardly even. Still, he did not let it show on his face, as he returned his attention to the standing blonde boy and his gorilla a second later and spoke with a disdainful tone.

"You still think that the whole world revolves around your will, Mr. Pregan? Just because your father and mother managed to put something down the table, that does not mean that such a spawn as yourself can push his weight around like there's nothing to be afraid of."

Luke was once again shivering with anger as he was made into a joke by the vicious, cruel words of this old man. Yet, before he could voice a complaint in the best way he could think of, Old Man Jonathan continued nudging his head and pointing at Lucien's direction.

"There will come a time when your arrogance will meet someone that you just cannot offend. Someone that even your dear father, or brother can't save you from. Someone like him, the returned Young Master of the De'Angelis Empire."


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