Prime Evolver System

Chapter 101 - 101 - Prideful Creatures

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The gothic-styled beauty, Zoe pointed towards all around, giving special attention to how the commotion has grabbed all the action in the classroom, proving that the main cast of this borderline theatrical play.

"Just look at the gazes, those trance-like, lost eyes of these bitches are giving them…" She then looked at the boys looking with complex, somewhat angry, jealous glances. "Also, check out the guys… If gazes could kill… those two would be long dead by now! I would be baffled if the boys wouldn't gang up on him to put him in his place! I would love to see it! Too bad we don't have PE until the middle of the week!" She giggled at her own mischievous thought.

"Hmpf! Who cares about those gangsters!" Sidney harrumphed again, not showing too much concern about the new boy, but instead already growing some prejudice against him. She was lumping him together with the other bastard, the masked bully, the great 'Prince' from the get-go even if that wasn't truly justified. "Why do you care about him anyway? Focus on what matters instead Zoe!"

The girl next to her was her best friend as well as the class president of their junior and all the previous years. She was Sidney Rivera, the class' nerd, and generally not-too-popular studious bookworm.

She wore rimmed glasses that hid her gorgeous exotic eyes and thin, slightly arched eyebrows. Her straight set of brunette shoulder-length hair was neatly combed and pulled into a ponytail hanging behind her head.

Judging by her stature, she seemed slightly shorter compared to either the new elderly teacher or even compared to Zoe as well, roughly making her around 5'15" (AN: 156 cm) tall.

Due to the thick, ugly sweater, most of her figure remained hidden, though the generous thickness she protrudes, adding to the slender, feminine-shaped neckline suggests a generous, gifted figure hiding underneath of it all.

Sidney picked up the book from the side of their shared desk and placed it with a bit of excessive force in front of her best friend.

"This Zoe! If you don't start taking your studies seriously, your future will be bleak! It isn't just about getting into a well-known university, but you will have issues even graduating successfully! Is that what you want for yourself?!" Sidney lectured with a stern look on her face.

"Eh… Boooring!" Zoe booed at her little nerdy friend, pushing her back against the chair whilst returning to her previous, bored, and sleeping posture, and buried her face in her folded arms over the desk. The book only served as a sort of uncomfortable but passable pillow for her.

"Tiger?" Luke was caught off-guard with this seemingly random remark, making him break character for the first time since he came back with his retinue. "What do you mean by that?!" He asked, with a bit of harsh coldness seeping through the facade of his voice.

In return, Lucien simply shook his head and smiled.

"It doesn't matter right now. You will understand it eventually." He then waved with his hand in a dismissive, derogatory manner. "You and your little group can go now. I do not care about you, or whatever way you try to present to me your pride. Go play somewhere else."

His shockingly aloof and cold remark caused several waves of gasps to ripple across the student-base in the classroom. Even Luke, who was prepared for a wide array of responses and has played out several revisions of their 'supposed' first discourse inside his head was taken aback by the brashness and crude reply. He was honestly caught off-guard and turned stunned for several moments before he could formulate a comeback.

From the far side of the room, Zoe was shaking, trembling as she tried her utmost to push down the laughter, and not to erupt into a loud, unconstrained chortling giggle at the scene. 

Her eyes were two brightly, happily curving crescents as she enjoyed the show to the fullest. 

"Oh my God!" She muttered, giving a gentle nudge to Sidney. "Did you hear that? Honestly, this guy is awesome! To be able to speak like that to a powerful figure like the Young Master Pregan… If nothing else, he sure is brave!"

"More like an ignorant idiot." Sidney snorted, trying to sound disdainful, although the hints of concern that glimmered in her gaze did betray her ever so slightly. "He has no idea who he is going up against. I don't think it's brave to play with fire like that…"

"Eh, who knows… maybe he is strong! Maybe he doesn't have to fear them!" Zoe remarked, not willing to let go of the idea of the great show that she hoped to witness in the coming days.

"W-what did you say?!" After some time, Luke's face contorted, twisting into an uglier frown, he asked with a rougher tone than before. The facade of the friendly neighborly classmate was nowhere to be seen suddenly. The cold glint that could be seen in his eyes, gave a momentary glimpse into the dark twisted soul he hid inside of him, betraying his monstrous, vicious and cruel nature for a brief moment.

Lucien's remark was just that much more damaging, it came that unexpectedly, for a brief moment, Luke did lose himself. The joints in his knuckles crackled with a barely perceptible audible tone as he clenched his fists for a moment and straightened his back.

"Do you have any idea who you are talking to?!" 

Yet, despite the first look of his honest, real self, the presence of this vengeful creature hiding inside of him… despite how it scared almost everyone else in the room, including the poor Jack who was shivering beside his new friend and deskmate… Lucien remained unaffected by all of it.

He shrugged his shoulders with the same aloof manner as before and calmly but at the same time, with an emotionless rigid cold tone, he spoke.

"No. I do not. Nor do I care about it." He then turned his gaze back to the window, finding more interest in the outside world once more, thus marking the end of this conversation not too subtly.

Luke was shaking, shivering with the anger and rage he was feeling. This new boy, this arrogant transfer student, just doesn't seem to get the message. He didn't only not seem to be scared, afraid of him by the slightest, but even shown such blatant disrespect and dared to be disinterested? 

"Alright… That's just great!" Luke snickered, his lips contorting into a terrifying smirk. "I see, how it is…" 

He then raised his right hand in the air, his palm open and facing the boy. As if a holy order was placed upon the classroom, suddenly the previously shocked, angry, scowling groups of boys surrounding them, turned silent, their gazes matching with a similar contemptuous coldness as what resembled that of highly trained soldiers.

Their backs went stiff as they stood at attention following a silent command.

"Do you see that? Can you understand it a bit more now?!" Luke sneered, his gaze turning vicious all of a sudden.


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