Prime Evolver System

Chapter 100 - 100 - Shame And Punishment

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While Lucien was slowly starting to experience the various ups and downs of school life, at the other side of the bustling Metropolis, the convoy have finally managed to wrestle through the busy morning traffic and arrive at their destination.

In front of the glass towers of the De'Angelis Corp's forefront building, the convoy of cars drove to the side and entered the parking lot. Though it caught the attention of many, the darkened bulletproof glass made sure that nobody could peek inside. The mysterious passenger remained safe, her identity was not exposed.

As they made their stop, and the back door was opened by the drivers, the emerging mature lady did not resemble the bright, carefree, and loving motherly figure at all. Instead, there was a cold, rigid outlook on her visage. Her back was straight as she carried herself forward with pride and a justified arrogance. 

She calmly strutted forward, approaching the rune-covered metal elevator doors of the hallway directly. Her army of bodyguards surrounding, nobody even dared to stare in their direction, lest they would earn and then be subjected to their anger.

Arriving in front of the rune-covered metal doors, Sera repeated the same movement as she did with Lucien just last Friday, and as the door opened up to her command, stepped into the elevator car.

"You all wait here. Nobody is to come to the top floor unless I give permission." She commanded, her voice being as cold as it could get. A deep frown could be seen in her expression, it was clear she wasn't in the best of her moods.

"As per your command, Gr-, *khm* Master!" The brawny men saluted, shivering at the thought of almost slipping up in their response. They were instructed ever since the Young Master returned that he is the only Grandmaster the first person, the one that should have their utmost, unquestioned loyalty. She is only his guardian, his first and only disciple in his previous lifetime. If anything she could at most, be called Master, Lord, or preferably, simply Miss. 

Though she was aware that they wouldn't be able to force themselves to change after decades of servitude, she did give them the opportunity. Sera was already happy if they could stop referring to her as Grandmaster. It was disrespectful towards Lucien, her beloved rejuvenated Lord.

She nodded at the saluting warriors as the doors closed, and cracked the joints in her knuckles as she waited for the elevator to slowly rise above the dozens of floors and reach the top executive floors.

The disrespectful behavior they have displayed, the blatant, greedy, disgusting attitude, is not something she could easily forgive. Sure, Lucien might have decided to give them a chance, but she couldn't just leave it at that. These men and women were selected directly by her, saved from their miserable fates back in their childish years.

They were taught, trained, and raised by her. They should have been the best gift she could have presented when her master finally returned. Yet, when the time finally came, what did they do? They disrespected the one person, they should have sworn up to. The first and most important testament. The founding principle of the De'Angelis Sect that stood behind this conglomerate, the giant capitalist machine has seemed to have been forgotten over the times.

She wasn't just angry at her disciples' attitude. No, Sera was mad at herself as well. This whole fiasco, this whole… first impression they have made was an utter failure, from start, all the way to the finish.

Starting from the front guards… Which company CEO would be stopped at the entrance of his or her OWN building and be barred from entering? Which other company would make such an embarrassing oversight?!

Her lack of presence, her lack of willingness to step out of the shadows and lead was the root cause of such a shameful, humiliating display.

Ignoring what happened at the meeting, as she was about to put some quick band-aids on that matter shortly, in the end, the small discourse with one of the Core Disciples! How could one of the most brilliant, most talented young generation warriors be tainted with such a mortal attitude? 

Why didn't his master, -although it was another matter what happened to him after learning his sudden demise-, teach, no INGRAIN the core values of what should be cultivated if one wanted to shred his mortal shackles and step into the realm of Demis, the Realm of the Powerful.

Sera frowned as she pondered on these thoughts. She was ashamed, disgusted with herself all throughout the weekend. She felt that she did not deserve to be in the presence of her beloved Lord. Not after she made a series of such gruesome mistakes. 

Not until she fixed each and every one of them.

As the elevator bell rang, signaling that she arrived at her destination, the top floor, Sera's face twisted, contorted into a twisted, cruel, vicious smirk that flashed away as soon as her high heels stepped onto the velvety carpet and she slowly made her way towards the offices of the Grand Elders or High Executives.

Though she agreed to not kill these little vermin off, she never said she would not dish out some punishment…

"A-anyway… What did you just say?" Sidney, the brunette girl asked, shaking her head as she turned away from the commotion. 

Her raven black, slightly slanted, almond-shaped eyes that hid behind her rectangle-shaped glasses resembled that of an innocent little kitten. She creased her thin, plucked, and slightly arched eyebrows higher as her curiosity was piqued.

"Ehehe, what else Sid! Just open your eyes!" Zoe giggled allowing her dyed tousled, midnight blue shiny hair aflutter in the air.

Zoe or Zoe Martinez was an 18-year-old girl, looking like your typical rebel, the type with the thick black, gothic make-up, dark eyeliner, and shadows. She was a slender, slim girl, roughly the same height as her best friend. Still, despite her age leading against her best friend Sidney Rivera, her childlike, petite body would tell a different tale. Regardless, it was a far cry to say she wouldn't have her own unique allure.

She had a long, tousled unruly set of usually unique-colored dyed set of hair, though she preferred either the dark shade of navy blue, or some straight-up black, or onyx to match the color of her hooded eyes. She had a thin, straight pair of plucked, well-groomed eyebrows, just like her friend, a pointed chin with a wider forehead.

Her heart-shaped head was mostly dominated by either her bored look or her trademark, teasing wolfish grin. The small dainty nose and the thin, glossy lips were just icing on the cake that was Zoe's unique beauty.

Her pale, white skin was almost glowing under the bright neon lights in the classroom, which gave a bright contrast to her usually dark style of clothing, which in a vague way did resemble that of the new transfer student's, though she also colored her nails in the same gothic style.


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