Prime Evolver System

Chapter 99 - 99 - The Two Tigers

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Lucien was clear that everything playing out was just a mere ploy set up by none other than this annoying 'Prince' so that he could bask in the glory of light and show a positive side to win him over.

The only question that he couldn't find an answer to at the moment: Why?

Why take the effort to win him over? A boy that he should have absolutely zero information about, a nobody that hasn't even bothered to come in contact with him. It was him, or his minion that took action first, so the question stands. Why the effort? 

Going a step further, why take so much effort, such a play just to get his attention. Lucien had to admit that he couldn't find an answer to this mystery, finally raising a bit of his interest in the matter. 

With a sigh, he finally turned his head and looked at the still kneeling, apologetic boy, Kevin.

Kevin was fuming with anger inside. He was utterly humiliated and shamed. His reputation was quickly proceeding towards the point of being non-recoverable, just to appease an arrogant, unknown outsider. Yet, he had to play this unwelcome role he was cast. He was to play the part of the perfect entry for his boss, Luke. 

He was forced to utterly shame and humiliate himself, completely destroy the sliver of respect he have earned throughout his time as a member of the student body just for someone who can't even be bothered to spare a look at him. 

Still, he could do nothing. He couldn't go against the words of the Young Master of the Pregan family, that would be the same as committing suicide. Heck, even his little brother and parents would be pulled down just because he couldn't control his emotions.

Thus, with gritted teeth, and whilst clearly seething with rage and hatred, Kevin could do nothing but do his best to be as subservient as he could, and keep his gaze plastered on the floor whilst he repeated his words once again.

"F-forgive my harshness, Lu-Lucien. I… I acted out of line."  He spoke with a small stutter due to his boiling, chaotic storm of emotions, stealing a few fleeting glances at the boy as he did.

Yet, he could only frown and click his tongue despite him humiliating himself in such a brutal manner right at the beginning of his senior school year… after wasting so much effort… He was still being ignored. 

Worse, he was considered below the scrawny dog sitting beside this transfer student. Unlike him and all his efforts, the meek loner of a boy, the stupid little parentless b*stard, and the unofficial punching bag of the Martial Arts Club, Jack's standing was placed higher than him?!

Kevin could barely hold himself back, The skin on his clenched fists was white and pale as snow. He was holding it so tightly, that all the blood have long been pushed away, leaving nothing to circulate. It was only because of his care for himself and lack of sharp nails that he didn't bore below his husk and opened a wound.

Kevin was trembling, shaking with all the rage that he was still trying his utmost to keep it down. Trying to force this theatrical display, this honest-looking respectful stance as long as he could, his trembling, twisting expression was creating quite a comical sight.

The moment, which only lasted barely a minute was felt like hours for the onlookers, before finally the leader and perpetrator of everything, the so-called Prince decided to step up.

He took a step forward, whilst giving a barely perceptible shake with his hand behind his back, ordering Kevin to get away, he had completed what he was assigned to. Not missing his given queue, the boy silently got up from his kneeling position, snorted something disdainful-sounding under his nose, and stepped back, hiding behind the ring of henchmen barging into their classroom.

"Hello there, Lucien…" The young man greeted, pausing right after his first few words as he realized he still had no idea what the full name of his new schoolmate was supposed to be. He looked at him with a bright smile, and instead inquired, rather than continuing with his original line of thought. "…I'm sorry, I didn't catch your full name, Lucien. May I ask for it now?"

He kept his bright, honest-looking smile on his face, shining in the spotlight that he was already so used to. Not even a second later, he decided to be more proactive and added a bit more to his words.

"Sorry, how rude of me." He gave a slight bow. "My name is, Luke Pregan, and just like you, I am a senior grade student, although I have been here since the beginning and haven't transferred. Also, allow me to offer my sincerest apologies for the treatment you have been given so far. You see, boys are boys, and they like to play around. I'm sure you understand, there was no ill-will in any of them, they were just playing."

He spoke with a honey-like tone, trying to sound as sweet and friendly as he could, even if he was disgusted by the inside. Even though he was offering these bright, happy-go-lucky theatrics on the surface, he was already planning his revenge later on. Taking a glance at the startled-looking Jack by his side, the basics of a sinister scheme was starting to take shape in his mind. 

He had to fight the urge to reveal his honest grin, as he waited for the boy in question, Lucien to react or respond in any way.

Lucien still wasn't sure why did this annoying fly keep on pestering him ever since he stepped into the classroom. So far, he tried to keep a low profile and simply ignore everything he tried, but not even an hour passed and this so-called Prince, this Luke was already in a full-on assault.

He didn't even need to bother with the clearly fake smile he was given. He could see the darkness inside his soul, he could feel the murderous, sinister, borderline killing intent he was radiating.

He understood that he was being tested. Which side did he belong to? Will he be a true beta, a prey to be hunted, bullied, or perhaps, will he step up, be the alpha he was meant to be?

He was aware of the idiom from the times back when he could enjoy a good book back in the orphanage. 

Eventually, as everyone was waiting for him, he could no longer play ignorant. Lucien sighed and finally spoke with the same cold, emotionless tone he did when he introduced himself.

"So, I guess you are the tiger?"


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