Prime Evolver System

Chapter 74 - 74 - A Black Seed

Standing 5' 9" tall (AN.: bit over 175 cm for the rest of the world outside the US :) ) a burly, broad-shouldered man stood in front of the two blocking their way to pass forward.

His round, brown eyes stared at the pair coldly, his slightly puffy lips were pulled into a straight narrow line under his large nose and square-shaped face.

He had closely shaved, dark brown hair, his chin was covered behind a thin stubble.

Before his partner, a similarly built, but dark-skinned slightly older, and more wizened-looking bald man could speak up and inform this eager recruit, he had already stepped forward to block the way.

"Halt! This building beyond me is private property, entry is prohibited unless you have an official appointment! Present your papers or scram!" He hollered arrogantly, instantly clenching his hands into two balls of fists.

Lucien was quite surprised at the scene. Never before this would have he believed that events such as this could occur. An employee of the company, would actually block the way of the president, the CEO and act in such a haughty, bossy manner. 

"Tom, wait… you shouldn't… she is…" His assigned mentor tried to whisper some sense to his overly-zealous recruit, sadly to no avail. Either he didn't hear, or just simply chose to ignore the freely given advice, he retained his cold, dominant presence in front of the unfamiliar duo.

Sera looked bewildered for a few moments, as even though she mostly stayed away from worldly matters and just focused on herself, such a situation has never happened to her before. Being blocked entry to her own building was not something she ever dreamed of happening to her before today.

After the momentary stun, Sera's face slowly settled into an eerie smile, she turned to the walnut-skinned security guard, and with a warm, soothing tone she spoke up.

"May I have your name, little soldier?" She asked, leaning slightly forward in an alluring manner.

The figure froze for an instant before he fixed his stature and responded with the same coldness, retaining his strong, commanding presence.

"Stand back woman! You have no right to ask for my name. Can't you see I'm an employed guard of the lustrious De'Angelis Corp? How dare you to stand and block the way you trash!" He exclaimed, firing up himself as he continued to roar.

This response has taken Sera back, it was unlike what she would have expected from someone under her employ. More so, that this was the first impression her company and her men had made to the Young Master. 

Normally, she would have ignored such a haughty, arrogant attitude and would just call for one of the High Elders to reflect on her experience and ask them to correct such unacceptable behavior.

However, this time was special, she didn't want Lucien to think that such an attitude, such an employee would be accepted amongst the numbers of the company.

Still retaining her eerie, cold smile, Sera glanced over to the dark-skinned seemingly more experienced one of the pair. Her eyes pulled into tight crescents, she asked with a calm, but frighteningly insipid tone.

"You there, mister guard. Tell me, is this how you normally talk to people?"

"I… Miss, this isn't-"

Before the man had the chance to finish his stammering response, the haughty, arrogant man stepped between the woman and his partner. 

"What do you think you are doing, b*tch?! Are you deaf or retarded? Didn't I make myself clear? Get the f*ck away before I lose my patience and beat you up before calling the cops!"

Sera could only sigh with a bitter, disappointed look on her face as she turned to look at the young master. Strangely, she found him to be amused at the scene, a thin smile curving the edges of his lips.


Raising his palm, Lucien silenced the woman before she could say a word, focusing his gaze on the tall, brawny muscle head. He stepped before Sera, and slowly scanned over the man with his eyes.

"To me, it seems that you are the one with brain damage." He chuckled, breaking the tense air abruptly.

His impish tone and nonchalant attitude only served as further fuel to the arrogant guard. Clenching his fists even tighter, his body trembled with the rising rage. His eyes turning to this unknown youngster, he was seething.

"What did you say, you little sh*t? I dare you to repeat it!"

Despite being under the piercing gaze of the man, Lucien cackled at his words once again.

"You really are dumb! Wow!" He sighed, revealing a calm smile as he responded. "Let me repeat the question you were asked since it seems your feeble mind couldn't register it. I guess all this ugly muscle is the cause of your astonishing stupidity."

"You… little… DIE!" Unable to contain his wrath any longer, the man howled a mad war cry and fired a right-winged strike aiming at the seemingly unsuspecting boy's right temple. The man was fairly certain that this was all this farce would need and that the youngster would violently kiss the pavement before slipping into the darkness. 

After that, he was already thinking of firing a slap with his left and giving a good, unforgettable lesson to this wh*re before kicking her away with her little boy-toy.

Unfortunately, before he could relish in his own brilliance, suddenly, his right hand hit something that felt like a solid wall. A moment later, his fist was locked in a strong vice-like grip. No matter how hard he tried to pull and pry his hand away, it just wouldn't budge.

Breaking from his reverie, he looked shocked at the boy's right hand casually clenching around his fist. Before he could counterattack and fire a kick or a second strike, the boy moved, casually flinging his right arm and throwing the man to the ground without any visible effort.

As the large man helplessly crashed against the pavement, a strong kick to his chest sent him tumbling backward, crashing into his partner and throwing him to the ground as well.

As their short journey came to halt, the surrounding spectators have already formed a small circle around them. Many were already on their phones recording the unexpected spectacle and streaming it on the internet.

Ignoring the commotion, Lucien turned his head to the side, looking at the surprised-looking Sera. 

"I apologize if I was excessive, but I just couldn't stand this man. How could someone talk like that to the boss of this entire company?"

Hearing the boy's innocent-sounding question, Sera's worries instantly wafted away. She erupted into a happy, cheerful giggle. It took almost a minute before she could respond.

"You know, usually this shouldn't be the case, but as you can see every now and again, a black seed gets into the mix. Don't hate him, for he is just misguided and in need of some help."

Still dizzy from the unexpectedly powerful kick, the pair of guards slowly got back to their senses, missing the short discussion between the two.

Feeling humiliated, as the man tried to stand back up, he continued to grunt and seethe with anger.

However, before he could howl again, suddenly he felt a slap at the back of his head. Turning around, he saw his partner, already back on his feet, looking at him with a disdainful look.

"Why are you…"

"Shut up you idiot! You still haven't realized it yet? They are NOT outsiders but one of the higher-ups!"

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