Prime Evolver System

Chapter 75 - 75 - A Single Mistake

The walnut-toned man suddenly paled as realization had finally hit him. The words of his peer that he ignored letting his haughty, unfounded pride reign rampant controlling his behavior had finally been registered in his mind.

With a horrified look and a wide-eyed gaze, he shakily turned his attention towards his partner. His lips quivered as he vehemently tried his best to deny the cruel reality, the most likely fatal mistake he had just made, he shook his head.

"N-no… That's not possible!" Desperate for some salvation, he hastily scanned over the duo, clasping into the tiniest bits of detail he could spot. "T-they don't have IDs hanging on their bodies! A-also… the b-boy is way t-too young to be an employee!"

However, in response, he only received yet another slap to his head. The chiding look of his peer caused the man to squirm uncomfortably in place.

"You idiot, what do you know?! You are a fresh recruit, you have no idea what is going on beneath the surface!" 

The dark-skinned, more experienced guard hit the back of his young partner's head once again with as much force as it was still acceptable. 

"I have tried warning you to stay put, but you just didn't listen, you idiot! Now, look at the trouble you caused!"

Then, the man turned towards the peculiar duo, his expression instantly changing into an apologetic, humble smile. He glanced at the medium-length, black-haired teen briefly, before ultimately gazing at the blonde angelic beauty as he gave a deep bow.

"Please Young Master and Miss don't take the words of this fool's words to heart. He is still new, just started working this morning, and had not had the chance to completely memorize the faces of everyone."

"W-wha-… W-why?" The young recruit, still feeling the stinging afterburn of the slap, turned wide-eyed with shock as he heard his elder peer's humble words and subservient stance towards these two. Still, though confused, he remained silent through the matter. Though nor did he show any signs of remorse either.

Though she wouldn't mind the matter normally, Sera really wanted to show the best first impression she could for the company and the legacy she has built over the years. 

Yet, right before they could even take a single step inside the company grounds, they were stopped and insulted, by her very employees. How humiliating, how shameful such a situation could be?

Her usually calm, gentle, and carefree look was cold as she ignored the begging guard and gazed coldly at the arrogant newbie. 

Still, before she could speak up and enact her judgment, Lucien raised his hand, freezing the words in her in the process. He turned and looked at her with a calm, nonchalant smile, instantly melting her heart.

"Don't bother with it. If you are mad because of me, then please, just let it go. I don't mind it at all. I am not sure if there are any regulations regarding the official attire or any type of uniform, but for all intents and purposes, we do look like some random civilians. Don't punish him anymore, I believe he suffered enough." He said, turning towards the young walnut-skinned guard sitting at the cold hard pavement, looking at everything that was happening with a bewildered, confused look. 

However, as the youngster that flung him to the ground with such ease as if he was just a piece of crumpled paper turned his attention and looked at him, a shiver ran through the young guard's back. An instinctual sensation of fear shook his very being. 

For some inexplicable reason, as their eyes met, he felt his very soul shiver in fright under the anomalous sensation of pressure this seemingly harmless-looking lean teenager radiated. Even worse, his smile, which felt genuine, caused all the hairs in his arms to stand up at attention. He felt incredibly uncomfortable and wanted to end this farce as fast as possible.

He was already feeling immense regret about his idiotic display from before. Taking a second look, he knew that he was conceited, but he just couldn't help it. He felt so proud, so happy when he finally got accepted in one of the best places in the city. 

His path to a better future was set; he would no longer follow after his deadbeat father and be something other than a pathetic alcoholic, struggling to support his family. No, he finally stepped onto the path that could lead him to that glorious or more precisely, illustrious future.

Fame, glory, and money would be his, and if he were to play his cards right, and showcase his talent, be proactive he could even step higher in the societal ladder and perhaps one day be a captain, or maybe a manager even!

Yet, this very same notion, this mentality is what seemed to cause an abrupt end to his personal story to the coveted fame! His proactive mentality, paired with his ignorance and stupidity made him fall back to the pit of despair.

Would this be the end of his career? Did he majorly f*ck everything with one single mistake? 


He would not let one mistake end all of his dreams. What use for this useless pride, if it would drive him back to where he escaped from?!

Coming to a decision, the young recruit finally reacted. He regained control over his shivering, trembling body and threw himself back to the ground. He knelt down on the ground, throwing his body to beg and even more, kowtow to the cold-looking miss, and even for the young teen.

He didn't even care that a sizable crowd had since gathered and surrounded them by now. He ignored the sea of smartphones that were recording every second of their actions. Taking one deep breath, he exclaimed with a new, much more humble, and honest-sounding tone.

"My senior colleague is right! I understand how idiotic my actions were! Please, I know my mistakes! I beg you, give me a chance to prove myself and I will show you both who I truly am!"

His shift in tone caused a thin smile to spread on Lucien's expression. Looking at Sera, he gave a slight nod at her.

In the end, Sera could only sigh, shake her head and acquiesce to the Young Master's request. 

Looking at both of the begging guards groveling on the floor, she stepped forward and first reached for the senior one, raising his gaze up from the ground.

"Since the Young Master asked for it, I will also not bother with the matter any further."

As if a light was finally lit and the end of a dark and endless tunnel, the still kowtowing recruit's expression brightened. He looked up from the ground, looking with a growing, hopeful-looking smile at them. 

"Keep in mind, however," She added, looking down with a cold expression at the man "…that if you offend, or cause discomfort in any way to the Young Master one more time, no matter how so, being fired would be the least of your worries. Did I make myself clear?" 

A dreadful, cold sensation washed over the groveling young recruit as Sera suddenly threatened him. As he was forced to bear the front of the attack, he couldn't help but ask himself mentally: "What on Earth are these two monsters?!"

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