Prime Evolver System

Chapter 92 - 92 - The Worrisome Parent

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In the blink of an eye, the weekend passed, giving way to yet another Monday, trudging deeper and deeper into the grayness of this ugly season. 

It was the 21st of September, they were already in the third week passed by the bright and colorful summer, yet it was only now that the change could truly be felt.

Today, the land had finally left behind the happiness of the last month of the summer, and as if stepping through a dimensional gate, everything suddenly changed. The air turned colder, a rigid wind blew and heavy rain poured down to the world.

The thick blanket of gloomy gray was like a filter, nothing of the bright azure heaven could pierce through. In its place, only this colorless despair could be seen. The dark, rain-filled canopy of clouds cast a looming shadow over the busy metropolis below, leaving no patch of the last remnants of the summer's glory to seep through.

As the morning finally reached its prime and left behind its old friend, the dawn, the previously thin drops of heavenly tears roared with a loud, thundering echo. Heavy beads of cold drops started to escape from the puffy heaven above.

In the manner of seconds, the streets below turned alive with more splashes than what the eye could appreciate. Rain began to heavily pour onto the city, giving another cruel reminder of the changing of seasons. 

In front of a particular High School, a sea of youthful figures, students emerged from all around the streets and the incoming school buses or -in some cases-, cars. Groups of friends and clicks formed in an instant, taking their very last seconds before they were forced to take their places and began yet another week driving the 'hamster wheel'.

A few corners away, just to avoid the unnecessary commotion, a convoy of cars have made their stop instantly grabbing the attention of many of the pedestrian traffic. As they parked by the pavement, the frontal car doors were pushed open, and like faithful servants, the two brawny figures hurried to open the back doors and allow the two prominent figures to emerge. 

While one, a blonde-haired beauty of a woman was donned in an expensive-looking light blue, sapphire-colored business suit, the other one, a young man wore a vastly different, casual attire. 

His black, shoulder-length hair was neatly combed and pulled into a small ponytail at the back of his head. He wore a black, long-sleeved shirt beneath the long leather coat he wore once again. Apart from the new shirt, his dark blue jeans and black military-style boots remained the same as before. Even the dark, rimmed sunglasses he took from the very same guards that served them right now were loosely placed atop his head, looking and serving like a headband.

Walking up to his right side, the woman, Sera turned to the boy, fixing the collar of his shirt. 

"How do you feel, Lucien? Are you ready to get back?" She asked, her usual gentle, loving smile souring slightly as her tone shifted into that of a worrisome parent. "Remember, if you ever feel troubled, or uncomfortable… or just want to come back earlier… Just call me! Okay?

Lucien could only smile with a wry look, and nod at his worrywart of a guardian's words.

"Don't worry, I will be fine. Also…"

He pulled up the smartphone from her jeans' back pocket, and just to prove his newfound expertise, turned on the front screen.  "…you have made sure I could use the phone you have given me. Relax, if there's anything I will call. Otherwise, you probably know when to return. I will walk back to this spot, so we could avoid prying eyes. Just as we discussed like a thousand times already."

He sighed, though he was still smiling. Care and the love of a family member like this was an unknown experience to him just a couple of days ago still. Yet, now, he could finally appreciate these strange, newfound emotions, and for the first time in his so-far miserable life, feel like a real human being.

"Heh… You are turning cheekier by the day! Just let me worry about you. You can't even imagine how long have I been dreaming of this moment…" Sera said with a bright smile on her face. '…Even if our roles are reversed…' She added inwardly.

"We will come back around 5 PM, just as we discussed. That would give you ample time to explore the school grounds, and find yourself some club to join, so the Principal's worries would also be settled." Sera said. "Still, try not to stand out too much, okay? Remember that you are stronger and faster than your peers. There's no need to show off, try to just merge with the crowd as much as you can."

"Yes, I know. Don't worry, Sera. I will follow your instructions, I promised already." Lucien nodded, sighing at the umpteenth repeat of this very same conversation. Still, he couldn't force the smile to leave his expression. Everything that was happening was something he had never even dared to dream of happening. 

Even if he could only enjoy a single year of being a teenager, it was still much more than he had ever could hope for. He vowed, promised himself as well as Sera that he would enjoy his last chance at childhood to the fullest. Even if he didn't want to show off, or stand out, Lucien couldn't help himself but look forward to enjoying the full spectrum of what a senior year in an average-looking High School could offer. 

With a few extra rounds of good byes, he took his time and watched as Sera's convoy finally turned around the corner and she left to finally be a responsible adult and manage the company as she should.

As the cars left and he was now left alone, Lucien sighed once again, forcing the stupid-looking grin down and returning his aloof, insipid but calm expression back to his face and casually made his way towards the school. 

Excited chatter filled the fourth-floor senior grade class. An exciting new gossip dominated most of the morning discussion. It didn't matter of which group you belonged to, the rumors about a mysterious new transfer student were the only thing people could talk about. 

Even most of the staff were kept in the dark, they were only told this very morning that there will be a new student coming straight to twelfth grade. Catching everyone off guard, the teachers tried asking the principal, asking more, yet they were met with the usual response of 'You'll find out soon. Be patient until then.'

Being kept in the dark, they could only frown to express their displeasure, as no matter how hard they tried, the chubby principal was like an insurmountable wall.


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