Prime Evolver System

Chapter 93 - 93 - The Homeroom Teacher

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Whilst most of the staff, be it old or relatively new were trying to make sense of the Principal's strange actions, there was one figure that did not share their enthusiasm.

Jonathan was in a bad mood ever since he returned from his little adventure exploring the sewers. Even worse, he got nothing to show for his efforts. He didn't got closer to finding traces of his missing daughter, and the nest, the only clue he found by spending all the money he had on that b*stard of an information broker ultimately ended him being forced to shake hands with the very creatures he despised the most.

Still, he could do nothing. The Alchazard Family assured him that they know where his beloved little angel is. They also gave proof in the form of a picture that she is safe and sound, even if shaken and terrified.

The picture that was taken through one of their assassin's efforts showed her dear one being kept in some sort of musty cell. She was wearing the same light green one-piece dress, albeit showing signs of wear and tear over time. Her face was disgruntled, she was clearly terrified and scared. 

She was shackled, in metal chains, like some sort of dog. Whenever he recalled the horrific scene of her beloved little darling's disheveled state, anger rose in his age-old heart. 

Jonathan clenched his fists, the loud cracks of his knuckles faded away amidst the loud and excited chatter of his peers.

He sat in the corner of the teacher's lounge, taking his sweet time enjoying his morning cigar. With the new contract he was forced to take on because of those forsaken monsters, the Alchazard Family, he ended up extending his visit to the states and take on this assignment as a cover.

He had to admit that those bloodsuckers were quite thorough when it came to these matters. They have already prepared the full package for him. The white-haired figure he talked to, the current heir to taking over after the current Patriarch retires in a couple of dozen years, has prepared him with a completely new identity. His new, fake identity had everything settled, with a history that could be traced back by the officials if the need would have arisen.

He had a new name Alex Thorn, a 45-year-old bitter, miserable old man. A decade ago, Alex and his family of four, had suffered a terrible car crash. Miraculously, or perhaps as punishment, he himself, the root cause was the only survivor of the horrific accident. 

His wife, a long, straight brown-haired woman going with the name of Samantha Thorn and their children, a young 10-year-old boy Alex Jr. and a 4-year-old little unfortunate angel, Ruby have unfortunately already all passed away by the time the ambulance has arrived.

To be honest, Jonathan was quite suspicious of the papers he received. The backstory, all the data, the identity were way too detailed for something that was supposed to be fake. There were even hospital and autopsy reports prepared with all the necessary details. Even the preliminary police investigation was attached to the folder the vampire lord have given.

According to it, Alex was deeply intoxicated at the time of the accident, his blood alcohol levels were several times above what would have been normal. Strangely though, even though the investigation came back as Alex being the one responsible, he was not incarcerated, but instead only fined a hefty fine. Although it was not detailed how a poor sod like Alex have come to such a fortune, he somehow paid his hefty fine of 1.5 Million Dollars and thus settled the matter.

After that, he seemed to have simply vanished from the face of the Earth completely. For the next 7 years, there was nothing heard about the now supposedly lonesome, grieving man. 

Well, until recently. After being presented with this new identity, Jonathan Kane, or as he was called now, 'Alex Thorn' has been hired as a temporary replacement to the current senior class as their old one was currently forced to take extended maternity leave.

When asked, the Principal was pretty vague on the matter, and simply said that there were some complicating circumstances revolving around the young teacher's situation. She will most likely not be able to return for the foreseeable future.

In any way, Jonathan wasn't too happy. This teaching job, this gig was also something he was instructed to take on. It was supposed to be his cover, and also the basis of his investigation that the Alchazard hired him to do. 

Rumors stated that one of the true leaders for this new faction, this new group of monsters, the 'Untainted' were hiding in this very school. It wasn't clear if it was a he or she, or if even he was a student, or maybe any of the staff at all. 

They only knew that one of the leaders, perhaps even the progenitor him- or herself were hiding in this place. This leader was a very powerful entity, on par with those sleeping old monsters, the ancestors. To be able to cull the growing threat they represent, and also to uncover the reason behind his daughter's kidnapping, Jonathan had to find out the identity of this figure. 

Thus in the last now more than two weeks he was playing the role of the homeroom teacher for the first class of the twelfth grade, senior class students. The rowdy rabble, the annoying little sh*ts were quite a chore to deal with. Especially the fact that the supposed 'Prince' is the uncrowned king of the students, Luke Pregan.

The boy was quite a character, infuriating with his fake, theatrical smile and forced benevolence. He acted like the 'knight in shining armor' to the students, playing the role of the diligent eager little student, hungry for knowledge. 

Worst of all, his charade, this 'mask' he donned seemed to work. Most of the youngsters were in favor of him, treating him as their Prince Charming or God. Even the teachers seemed to be in favor of him. Whatever he said, was treated like holy scripture both by the staff and his peers. 

Unfortunately for the boy, Jonathan was not like the others. He could easily see through the cracks of his display, see the vile, horrendous creature hiding underneath. He could guess what sort of atrocities he had committed whenever he stepped away from the spotlight. 

He was a bully. An aggressive animal that liked to torture those meek, introverted boys and even girls, forced them to do his bidding. 

Yet, despite all that, Jonathan didn't bother with him too much. He confirmed relatively fast that there was no way of him being the target, thus his actions were not for his to care about.


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