Prime Evolver System

Chapter 94 - 94 - Rumors And Introductions

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In the many classrooms that, as the time mercilessly marched towards the dreaded 7:30 AM, the main topic of discussion was about the news, rumors circulating about a mysterious new student joining their ranks.

Inside the senior grader's classroom, the twelfth-grade students had the same rowdy chatter filling up the air.

"Did you guys hear the latest news?" One short ash brown-haired boy exclaimed turning his attention to the rest of the class. He was known for being quite well informed, already showing the skills for the prospects to an exciting future.

"What news? What did you hear?"

"Don't leave us hanging man!"

"What are you talking about?"

Instantly, the gazes of almost everyone in the class turned to him. Eager questions hoping to hear some juicy bits were fired in his direction.

The boy, Eric chuckled at the hunger his classmates were showing, clearly relishing in the spotlight, the attention he was receiving.

"Well…" He began, enjoying the moment just a bit longer. "…I heard, that we will be getting a new student this year! A transfer student coming from abroad!"

"What?!" Many exclaimed with shock and surprise instantly. Excitement reached new heights in the minds of many as they fired questions after questions related to this mysterious newcomer.

"What do you know? Is it a boy? Is he handsome? Where is he coming from?" The girls were the most zealous, their imaginations racing wildly, they launched dozens of questions in an instant.

The boys weren't lagging too far behind either, some were hoping for some new exotic beauty, a new fairy to join their class, hopefully, instantly launch herself at the top of the student rankings.

"Well, all I know is that the new student supposedly came from somewhere from Europe, and that-"

Suddenly the hollering of the school's bell put an end to the discussions. Right at point, half-past seven sharp, the closed door of a classroom on the 3rd floor was pushed down.

Instantly, the last bits of whispers were quelled, despite hungry for more, the students quieted down, just as the white, painted wooden door was pushed open and the ominous figure of the old man, the new homeroom teacher, Mr. Alex Thorn have appeared. 

Like in the last two weeks since this creepy, terrifying-looking old man has since been coming every day to torment them, the noises almost instantly died down.

Apart from one particular young man, sitting at the center of the class, all the gazes were showing a bit of terror amidst their compliance. Unlike Ms. White from last year, this new teacher was anything but kind.

Even the owner of the only defiant gaze in the room, the slicked-back platinum blonde-haired young man had a deep frown souring his handsome face. His amethyst blue eyes were staring at the dragged, worn-looking deep brown raincoat the old man always wore with deep unhidden repulsion. 

'Disgusting old creep. Just you wait, I will force you to know your place sooner or later…' He remarked mentally, quickly shifting his expression back to his usual cheery-looking smile. 

Though it seemed that the old man have not even glanced at him and that he was safe, both of them knew that it wasn't the case. The old man's senses were unnaturally sharp, which he had already proved on multiple occasions, despite the fact that only two weeks have passed since the start of the school year.

Jonathan slowly trudged over to his seat, playing the role of the old creep and dragging his fake-hurt left leg behind his right. He scratched his silver, scruffy beard, and grunted with deep annoyance as he shifted his gaze between the empty desk and the student body looking at him.

"You brats." He spat out his usual greeting to start the day. Still, despite his rudeness, the class had to show proper respect, even if they weren't given. Unlike the other high schools, North Creek had some deeper, eastern-tied traditions, that they were strict about.

As every day, the class president, a curly, light-brown-haired, bespectacled girl stood up from his front-row seat closest to the door and greeted. 

"Good Morning Mr. Thorn!" 

Following his words, the rest of the class repeated with a bored, unenthusiastic manner. 

"Yeah, yeah, that's enough you little b*stards." Jonathan cursed, growing visibly more and more annoyed each day he was forced to suffer at a place like this. He was not the type that should be allowed near children at all, much less teaching them… history, and giving life guidance! 

He was a fighter, a hunter of the nightly demons. A disgruntled and disowned but at the same time necessary part of the modern society. Without people like him, keeping the monsters at bay, those bedtime stories that the parents tell their children to scare them to obedience could very well turn out to be more than just myths and legends.

People like him, working in the dark, away from the prying eyes are what truly kept this modern world running. Many disgusting, vile monstrosities lurked just barely away from the average citizen's eyes. 

Yet, he, a legendary fighter, was now forced to handle a group of rowdy brats?! On top of that, he now had another little sh*thead, another rich prick, heir of some prominent family come and annoy him even more.

'That d*mned fatso!" Jonathan cursed at the principal as he scanned through the crowd, taking his time.

Eventually, he sighed with annoyance, grunted once, and shouted towards the still-open door.

"Don't just stand there, come inside and introduce yourself already! I don't have all day!"

His shout raised the attention of everyone in the room. Instantly, all the eyes were fixed on the doorway, watching tensely as the shadow slowly began to grow from the hall. There was no verbal response to the old man's shout, but the sound of footsteps confirmed that the rumors may have very well been true and that there was someone waiting outside the classroom.

With bated breaths, the girls and even the boys were focusing their gazes on the doorway, following the route as the long, elongated shadow took the form of a youthful figure and their owner stepped into the light.

With an aloof, cold look on his face, Lucien stepped into the classroom, making his grand return to society after so many years. Still, he was not like that scared, helpless poor boy back in the orphanage, or even in the Facility.

No, that was put behind him, he was reborn. He was a new man. He was no longer weak.

Calmly and steadily, ignoring the piercing gazes that were trying to bore a hole into his head, Lucien walked up to the teacher's desk, looking nonchalantly at the old unhappy old man.

He did not say a single word at first, as he slowly looked around the room. Eventually, his gaze rested on a single young man, sitting at the very back seat, dressed in shoddy, cheap clothes.

He gave a barely perceptible nod towards his way. Following that, finally his lips parting, he curtly introduced himself to the class.

"Hello. You can all call me Lucien."


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