Prime Evolver System

Chapter 95 - 95 - Hierarchy

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The young man that entered instantly mesmerized the entire classroom, at least for the girls' part. Hungry, predatory… lustful even, gazes were focused on the enigmatic, inscrutable young teen. 

His attire, though it wasn't over the top, it told that his family was at least upper-middle class. Yet, even then, his bearings, his demeanor was different. 

First of all, the boy, Lucien didn't seem to carry himself with the arrogance that defined 90% of those second-generation rich young masters, or how they are referred to in the Far East: Lucien didn't show the qualities of a nouveau riche.

Holding onto the simple-looking dark school bag in his right hand, Lucien shifted his gaze, turning his head, and looked at the old man for further instructions. 

Jonathan groaned in annoyance at the sight, though he was also slightly intrigued by the boy. For the first time since he came here, he found the first figure that he couldn't just read from a single glance. There was something within him, a certain aura of mystery that the boy seemed to shroud himself with. This strange obscurity was not something an average youngster of his age should have.

Still, he couldn't feel a hint of energy coming from him. He didn't have the aura, the presence of the supernatural. He certainly didn't seem anything more than your average feeble, mortal human, at least from a first glance.

Yet, his gut feelings were screaming at him the more he got closer to him. His instincts, honed through decades of hard work were alarmed at the mere sight of a human 17-year-old young man?!

Jonathan couldn't understand this peculiarity, thus he decided to take a closer look at his supposed background later on. A small investigation just to ease this restlessness in the old clock so to say.

As their gazes met once again, Jonathan sighed with annoyance as he was pulled back from his thoughts once again. His cold squinted eyes, quickly scanned over the classroom, eventually resting at an empty seat beside the lonesome bullied young scrawny orphaned boy, Jack. Although there was another seat, right next to the self-proclaimed douche, the 'Prince' of the school, Jonathan could easily guess the conflicts that would arise between the two. 

Not wanting to throw even more oil to the already growing fire that he was quite certain would explode into a giant clash sooner or later, he pointed towards the back row seat, right beside the window.

"There. You can sit next to Jack there. By the window." He then scoffed as he nodded with his head, urging Lucien to scurry away. "Go, don't waste my and the class' time any further with pointless farce. Take your seat and shut up until the end of the lecture."

Lucien nodded, turning towards the startled, but at the same time, slightly happy-looking young lone boy, his only friend at the back. To be honest, he was quite satisfied with this seating plan, he was hoping he could sit next to him. Though he didn't really care about the other option or the rest of the class, Lucien was happy to be able to meet with the only friend he made so far in his life. Even if the circumstances were anything but something one would want to remember, to Lucien it was a memorable event.

Luke was frowning, growing angrier by the minute as he looked at the new transfer student, and his ability to instantly steal away all the attention he was supposed to be having. He was a proud descendant of the mighty Pregan's, one of the top powers of this country. He was a genius, excelled in every area. All the fame, all the glory, all the attention, at ALL times were his to bask in. 

Yet, now this was taken away, stolen from what would be rightfully his. Even if just temporarily, the feeling of nothing more than the same as this peasant rabble was a vile, repulsive thought. 

No, he couldn't allow this to continue happening. His number one spot can never be threatened. This new boy needs to understand, he HAS to learn how life works.

'He will fall in line. Either by submission be it voluntary or assisted… He will understand never to go against me again.' He seethed inwardly.

He turned his gaze towards a short, dark brown haired rough brawny young boy sitting at the other side, giving him the command through a silent, vicious and cruel smirk-filled nod to take action immediately and humiliate this outsider for his blatant disrespect.

Tony, one of the faithful, -strong but at the same time-, brainless muscle of his understood the order and nodded in return with a matching cruel grin stretching across his mostly hairless face to his boss before shifting his attention to the casually approaching Lucien. 

Walking amidst the piercing gazes filled with a wide range of emotions, Lucien's so-far unobstructed path, suddenly met an unexpected hurdle in the form of a foot that suddenly shot forth, in an attempt to trip him up and cause him to fall face-first to the floor.

The attempt wasn't half-bad actually, as the timing was spot-on. A normal, average student would have probably fallen into this vile trap and unless he was dexterous enough, would have suffered a great blow to their dignity. Today being Lucien's very first day back into society, this could have turned into a fatal blow, ruining his student life right before it had a chance to start.

'Hmmm… That's not very nice…' Lucien quickly gleaned on the owner of this disgraceful trap. Seeing how the boy didn't even try to hide and was looking at him with a cruel, predatory look in his eyes, Lucien could only shake his head with disappointment. He was merely a thug, a muscle hired by someone to do the deed. 

Judging by the fleeting glances this mostly hairless gorilla was taking towards the other side, the center of the room, Lucien didn't need to ponder too much on the true mastermind, the boss behind this idiot.

Lucien could also sense the gaze of the old man at them. He clearly saw everything, yet he remained silent. Was he testing the grounds? Was he ignorant, did he simply not care? Lucien didn't know. 

'Well… If you all like to play, don't let me ruin your fun… Just be sure not to bite more than you can chew… I'm not the same boy that can be bullied anymore.' Lucien smiled lightly, making up his mind and resuming his pace after a momentary pause.

He raised his right feet just as he was about to crash against the fleshy obstruction. Not too high, as to avoid suspicion, but just enough so that he placed his feet just above the presented bone, the unprotected sheen of his poor victim who was still mistakenly thinking of himself as being the hunter.

The long, drawn-out moment passing, the so-far dominating silence was suddenly replaced by a loud shout coming from behind Lucien.


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