After making the ice, it was already dark.

If it weren’t for the exceptionally bright moon in this world, it would really be impossible to see five fingers at night.

The beast-eared ladies returned to the tent with the ice they had made.

Forestry also held an ice cube and returned to the tent with the bouncing cherry blossoms.

Go back to the tent and put the ice away.

As soon as Forestry lay down, Sakura climbed onto Forestry like an octopus.

“Karma, didn’t you say you were going to give Sakura a massage?”

Sakura wrapped her legs around Forestry’s thighs, hugged Forestry’s arms tightly with both hands, and said in Forestry’s ear.

Hayashi smiled and replied by patting Sakura’s shoulder with his other hand.

“You hold me like this, how can I massage you.”

“Lie down on your stomach and I’ll give you a massage.”

After Forestry finished speaking, Sakura quickly moved to the straw mat on the side, butt ii up, and lay there.

Then Forestry began to massage Sakura up and down.

At this time, Susu came out conveniently, and just passed outside the tent.

I heard Forestry keep asking Sakura, “Does it hurt here?” Does it still hurt? Is it comfortable? ”

Listening to Forestry’s voice, Susu remembered that when he was in the clearing, Forestry said that he would return to the tent to give Sakura a massage.

Susu was curious about what massage was.

Just as I tried to open the tent to take a look, I heard Sakura screaming comfortably.

Susu listened, and Sakura’s voice was mixed with a few words.

“Karma, don’t, ah~~~………”

Susu blushed when she heard it outside the tent, and finally covered her face and ran away.

While running, Susu’s mind was also full of curiosity and doubts, what are forestry and cherry blossoms doing?

But if Susu pulls open the tent, you can see that forestry is just stretching the cherry blossoms.

As a result, Forestry discovered that Sakura’s flexibility can only be described as terrifying.

Sakura was lying on the ground, and Hayashi could wrench her legs directly to her neck.

Forestry was also amazed, as if he had found a new toy, and kept breaking Sakura into strange poses.

Sakura’s face didn’t look pained at all, and Forestry kept asking Sakura if it hurt.

Sakura, on the other hand, said that she was just itching and didn’t feel pain.

In the end, forestry came to the conclusion that the cat-eared lady is worthy of being a cat-eared girl.

Finally, Hayashi held Sakura and lay down on the straw mat to fall asleep.

Susu didn’t sleep well all night, and his thoughts were full of forestry and what Sakura was doing in the tent.

Sakura’s voice has also been lingering in Susu’s ears, and it can’t be dissipated.

The brain can’t help but start fantasizing that forestry is giving itself a ‘massage’.

When Hayashi woke up the next morning, Sakura didn’t know where she had gone.

Forestry first checked in every day, and after getting another hundred points, he left the tent.

After getting out of the tent, Forestry found that it was still cloudy today.

Then Forestry saw a few people from the hunting team just walking out of the tribe with bows and arrows, wanting to take advantage of the cloudy day to go out hunting.

Forestry also has something to do today.

The lemon tree found yesterday, forestry is going to dig it up and plant it in the tribe.

That lemon tree is a really good thing, except for the berries, which is a fruit found in the world of forestry.

After washing his face and gargling with a bucket of water, he set off towards the lemon tree with a shovel made by digging a well earlier.

With the mark left by the forestry industry, it quickly found lemon trees.

Then forestry without saying a word, directly excavated.

Forestry dug carefully, for fear of digging up the roots of lemon trees.

After digging for hours, the forestry industry finally dug up the lemon tree.

When he returned to the tribe with the lemon tree, Forestry suddenly found that there were only a few beast-eared women left in the tribe.

Temporarily placing the lemon tree on the ground, Forestry found the ponytail and asked.

“What about the rest of the tribe? How suddenly it was gone. ”

The ponytail lady was stunned when she saw Forestry opening her mouth for a moment, and only after hearing Forestry’s words did she react and answer.

“That… Yun just came back and said that they had caught too much prey, and a few of them could not bring it back, so they called everyone away. ”

Listening to the ponytailed lady’s explanation, Forestry nodded.

Originally, the forestry industry also wanted to ask them which direction they were going, and he also went to help them bring their prey back.

But the lemon tree that the forestry has just brought back is still there, and if you don’t plant it in the ground quickly, I’m afraid it won’t be saved after a while.

Forestry shook his head, then turned around and went to plant trees.

Carrying lemon trees, forestry came to the edge of the vegetable garden.

A clearing was cleared again, and Forestry began to dig a hole with a shovel.

After the lemon tree was planted and then watered, the beast-eared ladies also pulled the prey back.

More than two dozen beast-eared women dragged more than a dozen prey with difficulty.

After returning to the tribe, they all sat on the ground with their asses like a collapse.

But everyone’s faces were still full of happy smiles.

The few remaining beast-eared ladies in the tribe also surrounded them.

Forestry followed suit.

Forestry looked at the beast-eared women, all sitting on the ground panting.

Even Sakura was so tired that she sat on the ground with her tongue sticking out, her hands supporting the ground.

But looking at so many prey, the beast-eared ladies were all cheering happily.

“Great, so much prey, it’s enough to eat until winter!”

The beast-eared lady who was sitting on the ground to rest also showed a happy smile.

Since the bow and arrow, the hunting party has never run away from their prey when they see it.

After going out today, it may be because it was too hot a few days ago, and today these beasts all ran out to feed.

So today, along the way, they encountered a lot of prey, and in a short time, they caught these dozen prey.

But they just want to catch so much prey.

When it was time to return to the tribe in the end, it was difficult.

They tied a dozen prey together with vines, and seven of them worked together, but they couldn’t drag them down.

In the end, I can only let the transport return to the tribe to call people, and drag them back and forth together.

Forestry looked at the exhausted beast-eared lady, and was very distressed.

The last time I was in forestry, I thought about finding wheels and carts in stores.

A tool that saves time and effort to transport things.

But I didn’t find it, only a copy of the Luban Book.

But the things recorded in the Book of Luban are not just wheeled carts.

As a representative of the ancient ingenuity of flower growers, the price of Lubanshu makes forestry prohibitive.

Forestry shook his head helplessly, and then walked forward.

When the beast-eared lady of the hunting team saw the forestry, they all looked at the forestry with a smile, and their eyes were full of expectation.

Forestry smiled softly at them, and then spoke.

“It’s amazing, I caught so much prey.”

With a simple compliment, several beast-eared ladies of the hunting team seemed to have eaten honey, and the smiles on their faces became extremely bright.

Forestry picked up vines from the ground and then lightly dragged a dozen prey to the clearing.

The beast-eared lady who dragged these prey back to the tribe in the back all opened their mouths in shock.

The twenty-odd of them were so laborious to drag, but the forestry dragged it as if it was not laborious at all.

Sakura also knew how heavy these prey really were this time, sitting on the ground with wide eyes, and said in shock.

“Why is the strength of karma so great, this is also too powerful.”

The other beast-eared ladies were already speechless in shock, just opened their mouths and nodded mechanically.

The forestry dragged the prey to the place where the animals were often slaughtered, only to find that the beast-eared women were still standing in place, not moving.

When I turned my head, I found that they all had big mouths open, and their jaws seemed to be dislocated, looking at themselves in shock.

Forestry shook his head helplessly, and then spoke.

“What are you still stunned for, don’t hurry over and divide the prey.”

“So much prey, when does it take to make jerky.”

When Forestry said this, the beast-eared lady reacted.

The last time, those prey were busy until dark.

Now these dozen heads, everyone is even busier.

The beast-eared lady who reacted quickly went to get the bear claw bone knife and other tools to unravel the prey.

Others go to collect firewood, then drill wood for the fire and prepare bacon.

Sakura is also holding a bone knife to help cut her prey.

Looking at the busy appearance of the beast-eared ladies, Forestry slowly walked to the side stone and sat down, and opened the system store.

Forestry began to search for tools that could be used to transport its prey.

Just watching those beast-eared girls collapse to the ground with exhaustion, Forestry was very distressed.

So forestry decided that it had to find tools or methods to transport its prey.

Otherwise, every time I go out to hunt, I don’t dare to hunt too much prey.

Moreover, even if a small amount of prey is killed, it must be transported back to the tribe.

Forestry began to check the goods in the store one by one.

Looking at the shelves one by one, the forestry was dazzling.

But I just didn’t find what I was looking for.

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