Looking around, forestry is really upset.

I felt that this system was very unintelligent, so I silently asked the system in my mind.

“System, doesn’t the store have a search function? With so many commodities, do you have to find them one by one? ”

“Ding! Detects that the host makes a reasonable request, the system store is automatically updated, and whether to pay 1,000 points to download the latest version of the system store. ”

Forestry listened to the prompt sound of the system, and when I listened to it earlier, I thought that the system had changed, and it was so easy to talk.

But when he heard the last sentence that made him pay points to download, Forestry’s heart stopped beating for two seconds.

“Good guy, I’m directly good guy, it’s really worthy of you, my system!”

Forestry complained a few words in his heart, and then honestly began to look up.

At this time, the system sounded a tone again.

“Ding! What goods the host needs, you can ask the system, and the system can recommend it for you. ”

Forestry heard the sound of the system and buttoned his ears.

After making sure that he did not have auditory hallucinations, Forestry complained in his heart angrily.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“Ding! The system has prompted, this system has questions and answers! ”

The system of this sentence, forestry thought of it. The system seems to have really said before that it has a question and answer.

At this time, forestry directly died down.

However, then Forestry remembered that the system had just said that he could be found to find commodities, so Forestry immediately did not ask in his mind.

“System, I’m going to make a trolley. Quickly help me find it. ”

“Ding, the system has detected that there are three items in the store that meet the requirements of the host.”

Then Forestry saw a small shelf appear in front of him with three commodities on it.

The first one is a finished cart, and it is still metallic, but the exchange price is enough to cost 100,000 points.

Forestry glanced at the past and then looked at the second.

Both the second and third items are a book.

The second product is a book called “Introduction to Mechanical Manufacturing” Forestry glanced at it, did not even look at the price, and directly skipped it.

Just kidding, now there is not even a single piece of iron, let’s make dry wool by machinery.

Then Forestry took a deep breath and looked at the last book.

After locking his eyes on the book, the information of that book automatically came to Forestry’s mind.

“Beginner Carpenter’s Craft”

Redemption points: 10,000.

Forestry looked at the introduction of this “Junior Carpenter Craft” with a satisfied smile on his face.

This “Elementary Carpenter Craft” is similar to the basic weaving technique, only those most basic techniques.

Like tables, stools, chests, cabinets, ordinary everyday things.

And inside just happened to carry the wooden cart practice.

Moreover, 10,000 points, forestry can also be exchanged.

Therefore, the forestry did not think much and directly exchanged it.

With the confirmation of the exchange, a wave of knowledge flooded into Forestry’s mind.

But this knowledge was digested by forestry in a moment.

Although compared with the total knowledge of the Encyclopedia of Plants, the Elementary Carpenter’s Craft is not even a tenth of it.

But it’s the same price as the Encyclopedia of Plants.

The difference between the two is that the Encyclopedia of Plants is common sense knowledge, just telling you how to identify, but not how to apply.

But “Beginner Carpenter Craft” makes technical knowledge not only tell you how to make it, but also transfer experience to you after redeeming it.

After Forestry digested the knowledge in his mind about the “Junior Carpenter Craft”, he was directly the same as an old carpenter who had been working for decades.

But forestry carefully read the knowledge that had just come out of his mind.

But a serious problem was discovered.

If you want to make a trolley, you must have planers and chisels.

Other tools can be replaced by something else, but these two special tools are irreplaceable.

Forestry has seen these two things in the system store, and the exchange price is not low, with the only more than three thousand points left in Forestry, it is definitely impossible to exchange.

Forestry did not expect that the “Junior Carpenter Craft” that was exchanged for 10,000 points was smashed into his hands like this, and it can be said that almost everything in this “Junior Carpenter Craft” needs those two tools.

Just when Forestry was helpless and was about to scold his mother.

The system’s prompt sounded.

“Ding! The system detects that the host redeems “Junior Carpenter Craft” and lacks important tools to ensure the principle of after-sales, and the system automatically deducts 100 points and issues the necessary tools for the host: planer, chisel, axe. ”

Listen for the system’s tone.

The smile on Forestry’s face became more and more exciting.

For a hundred points, the system gives itself the planer, the chisel and the axe.

Forestry hurriedly opened the storage space.

See brand new planers, chisels and axes inside.

Forestry’s breathing became rapid.

I never dreamed that I could actually get the wool of the system.

Forestry sat on the stone for a while, then took the three tools out of the storage space.

With these three tools in hand, Forestry stood up and began to go to the forest to find suitable trees.

Forestry looked at the tools in his hand, and Forestry finally had iron tools.

Moreover, this axe, on one side is an axe blade, the other side is a hammer face.

This time, both the axe and the hammer are there.

Forestry loves this axe.

After looking around the woods, the forestry found a suitable tree.

Although the tree does not have a name, the forestry industry knows that the tree generally does not have cracks or anything.

Perfect for making trolleys.

Forestry carried an axe and began to cut down trees vigorously.

The system gives the axe, the sharpness that is not said.

Coupled with the strange power of forestry, a tree was quickly cut down by forestry and rolled to the ground.

Then forestry cut down all the branches that didn’t have them.

Only a whole stump remains.

Forestry put the axe into the system space and carried the stump out of the woods.

When carrying the stump, forestry is still thinking.

This system space, one hundred cubic meters, such a large space, can only be used to hold system rewards or store exchanges.

If you can put everything in it, you can save a lot of effort.

There is no need to bother to make a trolley, catch the prey, a sound arrow notification, go and put the prey into the storage space, easy and happy.

But who let the system stipulate so, Forestry just thought about it, or drove the stump to the edge of the clearing.

The beast-eared ladies are still feverishly unpacking their prey.

More than a dozen prey, so far there is still half of the beating has not been completed, several fires together at the same time bacon are a little busy.

However, although they are all busy, the beast-eared women are also full of joy, and in their eyes, food is a big thing.

Of course, they are happy to see so much food, and after experiencing starvation, they will not have too much food.

Forestry put the stump on the ground and took the axe out again.

To make wheels out of wood is not to cut a piece of wood into a circle.

Instead, first make the spokes one by one.

It is then spliced with a cut rim (wang) with a curved shape nailed to the spokes.

The first wooden trolleys, without a single bit of iron, were all spliced together with a tenon and tenon structure.

All the forestry industry has to do is this kind of cart.

Forestry first cut tree stumps into pieces.

Then start making the spokes.

The only requirement for a spoke is to be straight.

Forestry, on the other hand, has decades of carpenter experience that is systematically transmitted without the need for instruments and references.

With your eyes and hands, you can ensure that the spokes are made to meet the requirements.

A total of ten spokes were made in forestry, and the spokes were all long.

The intention of forestry is to make a bigger wheel, because there is no road in this world, and if you don’t make the wheel bigger, you may not be able to get by after loading the prey and encountering any tree trunks and stones.

After the spokes are ready, the forestry industry starts making wedges again.

This thing is used when the spokes are connected to the outer rim.

It is the most basic application of mortise and tenon structure.

These wedges are small triangular shapes, and when the time comes, place them on top of the spokes and nail them together into the outer rim.

When nailed into the rim, this wedge stretches the top of the spokes apart, allowing the spokes and rims to be firmly nailed together.

In the past, there was a famous hanging temple on the earth, which used this method to nail wood into the cliff and then build the hanging temple on these wooden piles.

The Hanging Temple has been around for more than 1,400 years now, and the tenon and tenon structure has been firmly nailed to the cliff face for more than 1,400 years.

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