Then Grandma Nan Rong clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and raised her head to the sky, silently crying.

After a while, Grandma Nan Rong wiped the tears from her face and asked Yukiwa Yun in a trembling voice.

“Who is the karma you just talked about, and is he also here? Can you let me see me? ”

Kowa nodded and replied.

“Karma is also coming, I’ll call him.”

Then Kowa got up and trotted towards the forestry.

After the two left here, Grandma Nan Rong said to Mingyun beside her.

“Call all the clansmen over, quick!”

After Ming Yun listened, although she didn’t know what Grandma Nan Rong was going to do, after listening to it, she immediately ran out to inform the others.

After the three people around Grandma Nan Rong ran away, Grandma Nan Rong’s face showed a very solemn look, and a very worried gaze flowed out of her deep eye sockets.

Forestry heard Xing Heyun say that this Nan Rong grandmother wanted to see herself, and followed without much thought.

Ming Yun also walked over with all the eleven winged Terrans who could still move.

The other beast-eared ladies saw everyone gathered, and they also walked over.

After everyone stood in front of Grandma Nan Rong, Grandma Nan Rong looked at the forestry carefully, and then spoke.

“You are karma?”

Forestry looked at Grandma Nanrong in front of him, and after hearing him ask himself, he nodded slightly.

Grandma Nan Rong also nodded with satisfaction, and then said to all the winged ladies.

“Just now, fortunately brought us good news.”

“The pig-headed tribe that destroyed our Winged Man tribe has been completely killed by Karma and Yuki’s tribe.”

As soon as Grandma Nan Rong’s words came out, the few Winged Men who didn’t know about this all exclaimed.


“The pig-headed tribe has all been killed?”

“Karma? Did he kill the pig-headed tribe all? ”

The few winged ladies who were by the river before did not react so strongly because they had already heard it once.

But when the other winged women couldn’t help crying, they hugged those winged women and couldn’t help crying.

After crying for a while, those winged women all looked at the forestry with grateful eyes.

The pig-headed men killed their parents, their siblings, their friends.

Now that it is learned that forestry has killed all the pig-headed people, their great revenge has been rewarded, and they all look at forestry with great gratitude.

Forestry stood there, looking at the eyes of the winged women, in fact, a little deserved.

After all, the pig-headed people went to attack the Beast-Eared Lady tribe, and forestry can only kill all the Pig-Headed People, otherwise the Pig-headed Man Tribe will hurt the Beast-Eared Lady.

At this time, Grandma Nan Rong spoke again, and this time what Grandma Nan Rong said made everyone, including Forestry, chuckle in their hearts.

“It is naturally very happy that the pig-headed tribe has been completely killed, but there is also bad news.”

“As far as I know, the Pighead Tribe is a small tribe that branches out of a large tribe.”

“Even the witches of the pig-headed tribe were sent by that big tribe a long time ago.”

“Every once in a while, that tribe of pig-headed people needs to prepare some food, hides, and even plundered women to send to that big tribe.”

“I only know that the interval is relatively long, but I also don’t know when the pig-headed tribe last sent something to that big tribe.”

“However, as long as the time comes, the pig-headed tribe does not send things on time, and the big tribe will definitely send someone over to check.”

“When that tribe finds out that the pig-headed tribe has all been killed, someone will definitely come to investigate what is going on.”

When Forestry heard this news, he couldn’t help but get nervous, and after thinking a little, Forestry asked Nan Rong’s grandmother a few key questions.

“Is that tribe strong? Where are their tribes? ”

Hearing the forestry question, Nan Rong’s grandmother nodded solemnly, and then replied.

“That tribe is all a naturally strong race such as the Tiger Race, Lion Race, Werewolf Race, and Leopard Race, and the strongest race of that tribe, the Bear Race, is even more terrifying in combat, even stronger than wild bears.”

“Moreover, in that tribe, there are more than a dozen witches alone, and there are countless people who awaken talent.”

“The races of pig-headed people, dog-headed people, and lizardmen can only exist if they are attached to that tribe.”

“Their tribes are far away, where there is more water and prey, and there are many very large tribes, and they are all very powerful races.”

Hearing Nan Rong’s grandmother’s answer, Forestry couldn’t help but be puzzled, and continued to ask.

“Then since they are already so powerful, why do they send people around plundering other tribes?”

Grandma Nan Rong shook her head and replied to Forestry.

“That’s because there is a kind and most powerful Elephant Terran tribe in that land, and they shelter most of the races there that are not good at fighting, and even that tribe does not dare to plunder the tribes sheltered by the Elephant Terrans.”

“But hunting alone makes it difficult to save enough food for the people of the tribe to survive the winter.”

“That’s why that race will continue to split into small tribes like the pig-headed tribe, establish tribes elsewhere, and plunder other tribes everywhere.”

Grandma Nan Rong patiently explained to Forestry, and after Forestry listened, she frowned and began to think.

After thinking for a while, Forestry asked again.

“They split out so many small tribes, just a tribe of pig-headed people, will they really send people to investigate?”

Grandma Nanrong listened to the words of forestry, still with a solemn face, and said to forestry.

“If it’s just a few pig-headed people, that tribe may not really care, but a witch dies here, then they won’t sit idly by.”

“And even if you don’t investigate why, a race will split again to establish a tribe here, and it will definitely be a more powerful race than the original.”

This time, after listening to it, Forestry completely understood the seriousness of this matter, and his face also showed a very solemn expression.

The other Beast-Eared Maidens and Winged Lady had already clenched their fists nervously.

Fortunately, the Winged Terrans established a small tribe in this place, and that tribe easily would not find this place.

However, the situation of the Beast-Eared Lady tribe is very unoptimistic.

If the people of that tribe found out that it was the Beast-Eared Lady Tribe that killed all the Pig-headed Man Tribe, then the Beast-Eared Lady Tribe would definitely usher in a catastrophe.

The eyes of several beast-eared ladies present were all full of worry.

Unexpectedly, there was a more powerful tribe behind the pig-headed tribe.

The beast-eared ladies all looked at forestry, and now at this time, they subconsciously want to rely on forestry.

But forestry is also frowning, standing there with a solemn face, in such a short time, forestry did not think of any way for the time being.

After knowing this, everyone’s mood became tense, and they all frowned and no one spoke.

At this time, Grandma Nan Rong spoke again, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

“Don’t be so nervous, that place is very far from here, when I first went there, it took me more than a dozen days and nights to fly, and if I walked, I don’t know how long it will take.”

“At such a distance, it is not certain that the tribe will really send people over.”

After listening to what Grandma Nan Rong said, everyone relaxed.

But Forestry knew that Nan Rong’s last words were only those of the other person.

Even if it is true, forestry will not have a fluke mentality, such a big thing is pinned on that tribe will not send people over, forestry will not do such a thing.

Therefore, although Forestry showed a relaxed look towards the beast-eared lady on the surface, there was still no slack in his heart.

It feels like someone holding a gun to your head and about to shoot.

You do nothing, just pray that there is no bullet in that gun.

Forestry doesn’t let that happen, so I started thinking about countermeasures.

But the good news is that the tribe found that there was still some time before forestry could develop something with the beast-eared maiden.

In this world, the only safe way is to keep developing!

Make the tribe bigger and stronger!!

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