
At this time, Grandma Nan Rong seemed to be a little tired.

After coughing twice, Mingyun came up and helped Grandma Nanrong into the tent.

Then everyone dispersed.

Forestry just wanted to step aside and think about countermeasures, rummaging through the store to see if there was anything that could be used.

As a result, the anxious shouts of the winged lady were heard.

“Grandma Nan Rong, come and see, Xiaoya, what’s wrong with them?”

Grandma Nan Rong heard the voice and quickly walked out of the tent and walked towards the three unconscious winged women not far away.

Forestry heard the movement and followed suit.

After approaching, Forestry saw that the three winged women began to foam at the mouth and couldn’t breathe smoothly in a state of unconsciousness.

Grandma Nan Rong looked at the appearance of these three winged women, and immediately closed her eyes in pain and shook her head at the other winged women.

Grandma Nan Rong did not speak, and shook her head, which meant that these three winged women might not be able to survive.

The other winged women saw Nan Rong’s grandmother shaking her head in pain, and several winged women made it to the ground, and tears flowed out of their eyes unstoppably.

The other Winged Lady were also very grieving, they had already been mentally prepared, and this situation had occurred several times in the tribe before.

They had to survive on their own every time.

If they really couldn’t survive, then the few clansmen of their Wing Terran clan would suffer huge losses.

Forestry watched the winged lady kneel beside the three unconscious winged lady in grief, silently shedding tears.

“I’ll try it, maybe I can save them.” Just when everyone was helpless, Forestry said at this time.


When the winged ladies heard the sound of forestry, they all looked over.

It was as if a light suddenly appeared in the darkness of despair.

Nan Rong’s grandmother’s eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope, she remembered that she had said that forestry was also a witch, maybe forestry had a witchcraft that could save the three of them.

For a while, all the winged women looked at the forestry with hopeful eyes.

Why didn’t the Winged Man Ladies want to save the three of them, the entire Winged Man tribe, a total of these Winged Men survived, but now because they were injured while hunting, three more Winged Men wanted to leave them and return to the sky.

However, even their witch, Nan Rong’s grandmother, has already said that there is no way, and they can only accept reality.

But suddenly hearing Forestry say that there might be a way to save them, the Winged Lady looked at Forestry as if they had grasped a life-saving straw.

The beast-eared ladies also stood aside and heard the words of forestry.

Yuki walked up to Forestry and asked Forestry in disbelief.

“Karma, can you really save them?”

The other beast-eared maidens were also very puzzled, when they were in the tribe before, forestry had never shown anything in this regard.

Now he suddenly said that he might have a way, which made the beast-eared ladies a little unbelievable.

Forestry just smiled at them and nodded.

Forestry had just checked the injuries of these winged women.

As a result, Forestry found that their wounds were not very serious, all of them did not hurt the point, and they were basically skin injuries.

However, they developed a coma and high fever, which indicates that they are the result of infection of their wounds.

And forestry has just received a systematic reward for primary treatment today.

When the system was taught, forestry knew that primary treatment techniques could cure infection in this wound.

But Forestry didn’t say too much, after all, looking at the appearance of the three winged women, the situation was no longer optimistic, and half of their feet had already stepped into the ghost gate.

Forestry is also not very sure, just a primary healing technique, not enough to pull these three winged women back from the ghost gate.

But forestry decided to give it a try, after all, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Although the forestry system is a bit out of tune, the things given are all excellent.

Forestry took a deep breath and walked to the side of the three winged women.

I recalled the use of the treatment technique in my mind.

This is also the first time that therapeutic techniques have been used in forestry, although the knowledge given by the system has been passed on to forestry directly and empirically.

But the first time I used it, forestry was still a little nervous, after all, this is real magic.

Forestry stood there, stretched out a hand, and silently ran the method of primary healing.

Then Forestry used his spiritual power to mobilize the green energy that had been integrated into his mind before, and slowly flowed and gathered in his hands.

Then green light spots slowly appeared in the air, converging towards the palm of the forest.

When a green light mass gathers in the palm of the forestry hand, the forestry also feels that it has reached its limit.

Then, with the movement of Forestry’s palm, the green light mass split into thousands of small points of light again, merging into the bodies of the three unconscious winged women on the ground.

After the light point melted into Tsubasa Niang’s body, he saw that the wounds on Tsubasa Niang’s body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, a stream of dark red blood and a little infected rotten flesh fell off Tsubasa Niang’s body.

In the end, the wounds on Tsubasa Niang’s body healed completely, and her skin became as smooth as ever, leaving no scars.

The wounds on the three beast-eared maiden’s bodies had been completely healed, and the originally locked brows were now stretched, and the painful expression had now been relieved.

After the release of the treatment technique, he immediately felt a strong sense of exhaustion in his body, and a slight dizziness appeared in his head.

“It seems that this healing technique is not casual, and it is still so weak after using it.”

Forestry felt the feedback from his body and thought silently in his heart.

At this time, Forestry found that the winged ladies all knelt on the ground and looked at themselves in shock.

Grandma Nan Rong was also shocked and stared at the forestry deadly.

When the forestry was just performing the healing technique, I watched the green points of light that represented life converge towards the forestry hand.

Those winged women all involuntarily knelt on the ground facing the forestry.

The shock in their hearts was indescribable for a while, and they only knew to look at the forestry industry intently.

The beast-eared ladies are also looking at the forestry in disbelief!

All of them are extremely stunned and confused!

Although they and forestry have always been getting along day and night, this is the first time they have seen forestry use such a powerful healing technique!

And Grandma Nan Rong watched the forestry perform healing techniques, and remembered that when she went out to travel before, she heard an old witch of the crane tribe tell her about something.

The witch of the crane race mastered witchcraft with healing properties.

But the effect of that witchcraft is to consume the life force of the injured person to speed up the healing of the wound.

That Crane Race witch said to Nan Rong that there was a real healing technique a long time ago.

It is to absorb the energy between heaven and earth to heal others, and that kind of witchcraft can be regarded as a real healing technique.

But by now it has been completely lost, and many powerful witchcraft have all been lost because there is no written word to inherit in this world.

All that remains are flawed witchcraft, and the use of those witchcraft comes at a terrifying price.

Grandma Nan Rong never dreamed that in her later years, she would see a lost healing technique.

At the same time, Grandma Nan Rong also knew that the three winged women were saved.

Forestry looked at the winged lady kneeling on the ground suspiciously, not understanding why they were doing this, and opened his mouth to ask them.

“What are you doing, what are you all kneeling on the ground?”

The voice of forestry came out, and the winged lady who was kneeling on the ground reacted.

The beast-eared ladies who had just froze in place as if they were petrified also slowed down a little with a look of amazement.

Yuki jumped up from the ground excitedly, then ran to Forestry and asked excitedly.

“Karma, what was that just now, it’s amazing.”

Several other beast-eared maidens also ran to Forestry’s side.

Shi Liang’s eyes lit up, looking at Forestry and asking.

“Karma, what did you do just now, what kind of new witchcraft is that? How come I’ve never seen you use it before? ”

Susu grabbed Forestry’s arm excitedly, and also asked excitedly.

“Yes, karma, when did you do this, it’s so powerful, the wounds on those winged people are growing right in front of my eyes!”

Forestry itself has just finished its healing techniques and is already very tired.

Now surrounded by beast-eared ladies asking questions about the east, forestry really has no energy to explain to them.

So he thought for a while, smiled and said to the beast-eared ladies.

“I just came here and suddenly felt like I had a lot of things in my head, and then I learned this thing.”

What the?

Learned on the way here?


Hearing Lin’s explanation, the beast-eared ladies all made a sound in shock.

Forestry did not give the beast-eared ladies a chance to continue asking questions, squeezed out of the encirclement of the beast-eared maiden, and came to the side of the three winged lady to check the situation.

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