After forestry nailed all four corners of the wooden house.

This layer of walls becomes a whole.

After everything was done, it was already late.

After checking that there were no problems one by one, Forestry put all the tools into the storage space and prepared the meal by hand.

Since the advent of ladders, beast-eared ladies have often climbed tall trees to dig out people’s eggs.

So now you can often eat a boiled egg.

When the forestry industry first discovered that the beast-eared ladies were pulling out the eggs, he warned them.

Don’t take all the eggs away at once, leave a few for them.

Nor is it because nothing can be exhausted.

As long as they are taken all at once, the birds will not choose this place to lay eggs in the future.

In this way, there are no boiled eggs to eat in the forestry.

I have to say that these wild animals are really delicious to eat.

After eating, everyone went back to the cave to sleep.

Forestry pondered this, the wooden house is now poor roof.

The rest of the doors and windows are made in a short time.

Talent Probe is also available in two days.

But forestry hasn’t figured out who to explore next.

Lying on the straw mat, Forestry also slowly slept.

Today, Susu did not sneak over to sleep with forestry.

Waking up the next day, Forestry went to the bamboo forest with an axe.

This time, the forestry industry found a dead and dried yellow bamboo and dragged it to the clearing.

To do roof forestry, I plan to use hay and bamboo chips together.

Only using hay is easy to leak rain, and if you only use bamboo sheets, the cover is not tight.

After the beast-eared ladies came over, they all looked at Forestry and waited for Forestry to speak.

Forestry saw that the beast-eared ladies had arrived, nodded and said.

“The wooden house is now only roofed.”

After Forestry finished speaking, the beast-eared ladies all looked at Forestry in surprise.

Then Forestry continued.

“But building the roof requires everyone’s help.”

After hearing this, the beast-eared lady showed an excited look on her face.

Yuki took a small step forward and asked towards the forestry.

“Karma, what needs us to do.”

Forestry looked at the beast-eared ladies and nodded with a smile, and then began to tell the beast-eared ladies what they should do.

“It takes a lot of hay and bamboo to build the roof.”

“So someone needs to collect hay, but there’s no need to rush about this.”

“We’re going to get the bamboo right now.”

The forestry plan is to frame the roof with bamboo and thin trees, and then tie a layer of hay to the frame for warmth, and then cut the bamboo into the shape of tiles and spread it on the hay to protect from rain.

After Forestry finished speaking, the beast-eared ladies all looked at the bamboo dragged by Forestry.

Then Forestry took an axe and began to show the beast-eared ladies what the bamboo had to be cut into.

Forestry first cut a piece of bamboo about two meters from above.

Then split it from the middle, and then split the bamboo strips two fingers wide from the top.

After the forestry chopped a few sticks, he stopped, and then bent down to take the bamboo strip that had just been chopped off from the ground in his hand and show it to the beast-eared ladies, while talking with his mouth.

“Everyone helped me split the bamboo into small strips as long and wide as these.”

“I’m going to split all this bamboo.”

“After the bamboo strips are chopped, I go to collect the long hay, and I also need a lot of bark that makes hemp rope, not to make hemp rope, just the bark.”

The beast-eared lady kept nodding to the forestry.

Forestry looked at the beast-eared lady’s impatient look, nodded with a smile, and finally said.

“Okay, let’s all go find tools, be careful not to scratch your hands.”

This work forestry can be safely taught to the beast-eared ladies.

Because when the beast-eared girl makes arrows, those processes are actually similar to this.

The only difference is that this time the split bamboo strips are a little wider than the ones that make the arrows.

Everything else is exactly the same.

After Forestry finished speaking, the beast-eared ladies all ran to the cave to get tools.

Forestry looked at the bamboo on the ground.

Take an axe and divide the whole bamboo into sections of about two meters.

Then returned to the chalet.

Then forestry began to cap.

The roof, like the ground, was sealed with logs one by one.

Make a flat layer.

It’s just that the logs of the roof have to stick out of the wall at both ends.

The wood is picked out of the wall so that it does not get wet when it rains or snows.

When the forestry plant covered the roof with logs.

The beast-eared ladies also came over holding bamboo sticks, hay, and bark.

“Karma, we have brought everything you want.”

Sakura’s voice came from below.

Forestry was checking for a relatively large gap above, when he heard a voice sticking his head out, and saw that the beast-eared ladies were all standing there with things.

“Just put things on the ground.”

Forestry said to the beast-eared ladies.

After seeing that the beast ear lady put down everything in her hand, Forestry thought for a moment and continued.

“Go to the bamboo forest and cut two bamboos, the thinner the better, also bring them here, and you will use them later.”

After hearing this, the beast-eared ladies nodded to the forestry and immediately turned and ran towards the bamboo forest.

Forestry checked each log on it, and after making sure it was safe, Forestry climbed down the ladder from the roof.

The next step is to start making the ramp.

Although now the roof has been sealed with logs.

But there must be a gap between the log and the log, if you don’t make a slope to protect against rain.

When it rained, it rained heavily outside and light rain in the wooden house.

Forestry intends to make a single-slope roof.

It is to stack one side of the wooden house a little higher again, and then connect it with the other side, so that a slope can be formed.

Forestry had already thought about what to do, so Forestry took a little more look and began to transport the small logs to the roof.

These are all logs cut down by forestry to make doors and windows, and now they can come in handy.

This time, forestry used wedges to connect the logs to the walls of the wooden houses.

The forestry was also not piled too high, only piled about one meter and five meters before stopping.

As long as there is a slope is enough, the slope is too steep is not good, and it is not good to put bamboo chips on it when it will be put up.

After doing it, as soon as Forestry wanted to go down and get those bamboo sticks up, the beast-eared lady dragged two bamboos back.

Seeing this, Forestry did not go down, and shouted to the beast-eared ladies.

“Help me hand over all the bamboo strips below.”

Hearing the sound of forestry, Sakura trotted over, picked up a pile of bamboo sticks, and climbed up the ladder.

Forestry watched Sakura walk up step by step without using the escalator with both hands.

Forestry couldn’t help but ponder in his heart: “It’s worthy of being a cat-eared lady, and the sense of balance is so good.” ”

When Sakura held the log with her little head over the roof, she saw the scene above and couldn’t help but exclaim.


Seeing Sakura so amazed, Hayashi turned his head and looked around, but he didn’t see anything special.

A low wall made of logs, underneath which is also a roof paved with logs.

And the other beast-eared ladies also heard Sakura’s exclamation, and put down the bamboo one by one, and they all held the bamboo strips, looking at it curiously.

Forestry looked around and found nothing to marvel at, a little confused about Sakura’s brain circuits.

So Hayashi walked over and took the bamboo strip from Sakura’s hand.

After one last glance, Sakura walked down the ladder.

Then one by one, the beast-eared women climbed up the ladder.

And then everyone: “Wow~!” ”

But after everyone finished “wow”, there was doubt in their eyes.

I don’t know what the person in front of me is wowing.

But the beast-eared ladies who had not yet seen it behind heard everyone climb up “wow”.

They waited even more curiously, so when they waited for their turn, as soon as they showed their heads, before they could see anything, they involuntarily let out: “Wow~!” ”

But then he wondered: “There is nothing to ‘wow’, what did I miss?” ”

Every beast-eared lady “wow” is over, and she goes down with doubts, but immediately after that, the next beast-eared lady comes up and “wow” again.

From the initial doubts, forestry has now become expressionless.

The beast-eared ladies are willing to “wow” just “wow”, anyway, there is no harm.

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