With the last beast-eared girl “wow” finished.

All the bamboo strips were shipped up.


Forestry glanced at the beast-eared ladies below and sighed, it seemed that he still wanted to go down.

Carrying an axe down the ladder, Forestry came to the two bamboos dragged by the beast-eared ladies.


Then coughed twice, attracting the attention of the beast-eared ladies, and Forestry spoke.

“Next, everyone will help me make something out of bamboo.”

Hearing that the forestry had another task arrangement, the eyes of the beast-eared ladies lit up again.

Seeing the appearance of the beast-eared ladies, Forestry nodded, and then continued.

“This time, cut off every bamboo knot, hollow out the blocked place in the middle, and divide it into four parts.”

Speaking of forestry, he also demonstrated it to the beast-eared ladies.

After the bamboo is divided into four parts, it becomes a piece of bamboo.

These bamboo pieces are the tiles that play a role.

Forestry also burns tiles, but that’s too slow.

Such a large wooden house, if all tiles, would take several days to fire.

It is better to use bamboo chips quickly and conveniently.

Forestry allows beast-eared ladies to find as fine bamboo as possible because such a bamboo knot will have a little curve after it is divided into four bamboo knots, so that it is suitable for making tiles.

Otherwise, if it is too flat, the rain will flow from both sides.

Forestry and the beast-eared ladies simply said, and the beast-eared ladies all understood what to do.

After seeing that the beast-eared ladies all understood, Forestry moved several very thin tree trunks to the roof.

This is the frame to be used to make the slope.

If only bamboo strips are used, it is still too soft, and this small tree needs to be used in the middle to make the frame.

After transporting enough small trees, Forestry climbed to the roof with an axe.

Before climbing up, Forestry glanced at the beast-eared ladies and saw them cutting bamboo with bear claws and bone knives, and Forestry shook his head again.

It is still necessary to make iron as soon as possible.

Previously, in the underground of the Winged Man tribe, a very large iron ore mine was discovered in forestry.

When the wooden house is built, the forestry industry will have to see how many points are needed for the knowledge of iron smelting in the system store.

Making iron must be on the agenda.

Not just because of making tools.

It is also necessary to craft various weapons to guard against that distant tribe.

The urgency of discovering the Hog-headed tribe returned to forestry again.

Fortunately, that big tribe is far away.

Let forestry still have some time to lead the tribe bigger and stronger.

After returning to the roof, Forestry first took the small tree and began to make the main skeleton of the roof slope.

This kind of small tree, forestry still uses a mortise and tenon structure to fix.

Small trees are connected one by one.

It seems to divide the roof into squares.

Once all the trees have been installed, the next step is to use bamboo strips to make a frame that connects each tree.

At the same time, the hay and bamboo pieces are also tied to these bamboo strips.

Forestry first found a place in a small tree, and then took a chisel to carve out a small hole that was slightly smaller than a bamboo strip.

Then stuff the bamboo strips into it so that the bamboo strips are fixed to the small tree.

Then the other side inserted into the tree in the same way.

In this way, one by one, forestry fills the hollows in the middle of small trees with bamboo strips.

Just less than halfway through, the sun went down.

Forestry came to the edge of the roof and looked down, and the beast-eared lady had divided the two bamboos.

Standing on the roof, looking towards the clearing, smoke had risen in the clearing, and the beast-eared ladies were busy there.

Forestry looked at the roof, which was still much worse, and decided to finish work today.

Going down the ladder to the ground, Forestry looked at the bamboo slices made by the beast-eared ladies.

Forestry nodded in satisfaction, so that it seemed that the wooden house should be completed tomorrow.

Forestry plans to let the beast-eared ladies move in first, and then make them a bed or something later.

Crowding into a cave every day, you may run into other people when you turn over.

And Forestry plans to get itself a private room in the future.

Or wait for the kiln to burn the bricks and build the brick house directly.

Instead, you can have one room for each beast-eared girl.

In this way, the beast-eared ladies are convenient, and it is also convenient for forestry.

Forestry came to the well, took a bucket of water and washed his hands.

Then he walked towards the fire.

The beast-eared ladies had already roasted the dried meat, and when the forestry arrived, the beast-eared ladies immediately handed over the roasted meat and salted potatoes.

Forestry was eating and eating, and suddenly asked Shi.

“Shi, I burned pottery twice before, how much have you learned?”

It was listening to Forestry suddenly asking himself, he was stunned for a moment, stretched his neck and swallowed the roast meat in his mouth before answering.

“Bad… I almost remembered everything, but I don’t know if I missed anything,”

After listening to it, Forestry nodded thoughtfully, and then spoke.

“Forget it, I’ll teach you again.”

Forestry originally planned to directly let Shi take the beast-eared ladies tomorrow to make another pottery bowl and spoon.

But I haven’t taught them seriously before, so wait for me to teach them again when I’m free.

But unexpectedly, at this time, a voice came from the fire next to him.

“Karma, I… I memorized the steps of firing pottery. ”

Hearing the voice, Forestry turned his head and looked over and saw Gan Yu looking at him with a red face.

Forestry’s eyes lit up, and he said in surprise.

“Ganyu, do you really remember everything?”

Although Gan Yu blushed, he still nodded firmly to the forestry.

After seeing that Gan Yu was very determined, Forestry stood up and said to all the beast-eared ladies.

“Listen, tomorrow everyone will follow Gan Yu to re-make their own pottery bowls, and if the pottery blanks are kneaded early, they can be fired without waiting until the evening.”

The beast-eared ladies were eating roasted meat and potatoes, and when they heard Lin’s words, they all cheered, and then they all looked at Ganyu.

Gan Yu heard that Forestry explained that he let him take everyone to burn the pottery bowl tomorrow.

Then seeing that everyone was looking at him, Gan Yu was a little flustered.

But when he saw Forestry looking at him with encouraging eyes, Gan Yu plucked up his courage and nodded with a smile at the others.

Then he looked at the forestry and smiled.

Forestry also smiled at Gan Yu and nodded, then sat down and continued to eat the dinner in his hand.

After everyone had eaten, they put out the fire with water from a clay pot and went back to the cave to sleep.


The next day, Forestry was still sleeping.

He was shaken awake by Sakura.

Forestry opened his eyes in ignorance, only to see that only Sakura and himself were left in the cave.

Forestry looked at Sakura suspiciously and asked.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong? Did something happen? ”

Sakura saw that Forestry was awake, looked at Forestry with wide eyes, and said to Forestry.

“Karma, when you showed Shi Tian’s innate ability before, you said that it would take seven days to see it once, right?”

Forestry listened to Sakura’s words, and looked at her even more suspiciously, Sakura, who usually only cares about eating, suddenly asked this.

Forestry nodded, then asked.

“What’s wrong, why are you suddenly asking this?”

After Sakura saw Forestry nodding, her eyes immediately lit up, and then said excitedly to Forestry.

“Karma, today is the seventh day, can you help Sakura take a look?”

Hearing Sakura’s words, Forestry thought back and found that seven days had indeed passed.

So Forestry closed his eyes and perceived, and found that the talent probe was indeed ready to use.

Forestry opened his eyes, and directly saw Sakura staring at Forestry with two big watery eyes, looking at Forestry expectantly.

This time forestry hesitated.

The talent exploration every seven days is very precious.

Forestry originally intended, this time to show the luck.

Because Yuki’s natural ability is so strong, and Yun is Yuki’s own sister.

Therefore, the forestry industry feels that the natural ability of luck may also be very strong.

But now look at Sakura like this.

Hayashi felt that if he rejected her now, Sakura might cry directly.

And then leave yourself alone for days.

Sakura seemed to see Lin’s hesitation, the expectation in her eyes slowly turned into grievances, and her small mouth slowly pouted.

Forestry watched as Sakura’s big eyes slowly covered with a layer of mist, and her little nose began to twitch slightly.

Seeing Sakura like this, the psychological defense line of forestry instantly collapsed, and he quickly comforted and touched Sakura’s head and said.

“Don’t worry, Karma will show you.”

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