Fortunately, when I heard Forestry ask this, I was stunned at first.

After perceiving it for a moment, Yuki looked at Forestry with a lost look, and then shook his head.

“It’s okay, the later the innate ability is turned on, the stronger your innate ability is.”

Seeing the loneliness of Lin, Forestry whispered comfort in her ear.

Then Forestry helped Yuki aside to find a piece of wood and let Yuki sit on it and rest.

The other beast-eared ladies sat on the ground and rested for a while.

Then they all got up and collected the hides and straw mats on the ground.

The black bear skin on Yukiga’s body.

Shi Gang picked it up.


A large amount of sweat ran directly down the black bear’s fur to the ground.

Because the bear skin is waterproof, Yuki’s sweat drips on it all remain on it.

As soon as the stone was mentioned, it all flowed down.

Fortunately, seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but blush.

Seeing this, the corners of Lin’s mouth couldn’t help but skim, and said to Shi Yousu.

“Take this bear skin to the water pipe and wash it, then spread it on the stone to dry it and take it into the wooden house.”

Then turned his head slightly, looked at Yun, and spoke.

“Luck, you go to the well to get a bucket of water for your sister and let her drink hard.”

After hearing this, the three of them all nodded to the forestry.

Shi and Susu took the bear skin and walked towards the water pipe.

Transport to the well to fetch water.

Because it rained so much yesterday, the river has begun to flow again.

So the water pipes also flowed out of the water again.

Although the water flowing from the water pipe cannot be drunk directly, it is still possible to wash things or something.

After cleaning up everything on the ground, the beast-eared ladies went to look for dry firewood and hay.

Yesterday because of the rain, everyone did not eat, until now.

Just now, everyone has done a lot of burpees, so now many beast-eared girls are already hungry and dizzy.

Forestry thought for a moment and reminded the beast-eared ladies.

“If you can’t find dry firewood, just collect some fine twigs and let them dry in the sun for a while.”

The beast-eared ladies nodded to the forestry, and then they all looked for it in the vicinity.

At this time, after Shi and Susu put the washed bear skin in the sun to dry, they also walked back and began to look for firewood with the other beast-eared ladies.

Yuki sat there and rested for a while, trying to get up and look for firewood with the other beast-eared ladies.

Then I found that I didn’t even have the strength to stand up now.

Both legs began to tremble as soon as they were forced.

The hands are now completely limp and weak, and the arms can’t lift to the forehead to smooth the sweat-soaked hair.

So I could only sit there and continue to rest.

At this time, the barrel filled with water came from the other direction.

Fortunately, I sweated so much, and I exhaled through my mouth all the time.

Now I also feel that my mouth is very dry, and the saliva in my mouth has a bitter taste.

So fortunately, when I saw Yun carrying the barrel to this side, my face also showed an expectant look.

However, just as Yun was about to walk to the wooden house, passing a forest next to it.

Fortunately, looking at luck, the look of anticipation suddenly changed.

Xing, who was still waiting for Yun to bring the water with a smile in the last second, suddenly changed his face and shouted in the direction of Yun with a frightened expression.

“Luck, back! Flash away——! ”

Forestry heard Xing’s harsh shout, and immediately turned his head to look at Yuki.

Then I found that she was looking to the side with a look of horror.

Forestry followed Yuki’s gaze.

It turned out that Yun was carrying the barrel towards this side.

But behind her, a dry tree just happened to fall, and luck happened to be walking in the direction that the tree was falling.

After Yun heard Yuki’s voice, he immediately reacted and immediately looked around.

Then I felt a shadow coming towards me.

But when Yun found out, it was too late to dodge, and in a hurry he could only raise his arm for the final struggle.

Seeing that the tree was getting closer and closer to Yun, Forestry first tensed up, and then rushed towards Yun.

But at this moment, Forestry felt a strong wind passing by.

Just like an off-string arrow, I saw a figure rushing towards Yun.

The speed was so fast that the forestry industry was slightly stunned.

Then Forestry saw that the figure was Yuki, who was still sitting on the side just now.

In the blink of an eye, Yuki came to Yun, who was holding the barrel with his eyes closed and his hands high.

In such a short time, Xingdu didn’t have time to think, seeing that the big tree was about to smash into Yun, Xing directly rushed unabated, and hit the big tree that was smashing towards Yun with his shoulder.


Then there was the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground.

A puff of smoke and dust drifted, and Yun still stood there motionless with his eyes closed in fear.

And the big tree that fell down was directly knocked out by Xing and fell heavily on the ground.

And after Yuki knocked the big tree out, the whole person also lost his strength again, and sat down on the ground.

The beast-eared ladies heard Yuki’s voice and looked over, just in time to see the scene where Yuki knocked the tree away.


The beast-eared ladies were all stunned in place.

The wood slipped from the hand and did not react.

I just looked over there stunned, and I didn’t react for a long time.

And after seeing Yuki rushing out, Forestry was slightly stunned and rushed out.

On the way to that side, Forestry watched Yuki hit sideways, and was directly knocked out by Yuki before the big tree hit Yun.

Forestry also opened its mouth wide, and his footsteps slowly stopped.

Fortunately, he sat on the ground, lowered his head and gasped, and his body rose and fell sharply.

At this time, Yun heard the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground.

But I didn’t feel it.

Yun’s ears moved, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Then he saw that the big tree that had smashed towards him had disappeared.

Instead, Yuki was sitting on the ground in front of him.

Yun didn’t know what was happening, looked left and right, and found that the big tree had fallen to the ground not far away.

Then Yun looked at Yuki who was sitting on the ground suspiciously, squatted down, put the barrel in his hand aside, and asked.

“Sister, what just happened? Didn’t that big tree smash into me? ”

Yuki was still sitting on the ground panting heavily, hearing Luck ask himself, Yuki shook his head at Yun while breathing heavily.

Yun looked worried and kept breathing heavily, unable to say anything, but he didn’t know what to do, so he could only squat on the side and wait.

Fortunately, he finally lay directly on the ground, and his chest cavity continued to rise and fall.

Gulping breaths came out of the throat with the sound of bellows.

It seems that just now, she is more tired than jumping more than two hundred burpees with forestry.

At this time, the forestry and the beast-eared ladies all reflected.

Forestry looked a little worried when he looked at Yuki, and quickly walked towards Yuki.

And the beast-eared ladies began to discuss in shock.

“Did you just see that? Boom! With a bang, such a big tree was knocked out by luck! ”

“Really, I also saw Yuki running over there from the door of the wooden house, and it was really a blink of an eye.”

“The tree almost hit the luck just now, fortunately it was for the past to save the luck.”

“But even if it was to save luck, luckily it was too powerful, and I ran over at once, and then knocked such a big tree away.”

The beast-eared ladies had excited expressions on their faces, gathered together and talked about me every word.

Forestry walked to Yuki’s side.

I saw Yuki still lying on the ground with his eyes closed and breathing heavily.

But Forestry found that fortunately he had been breathing and nothing else happened.

Then when he went to forestry, he walked to his side and there was a shadow hanging over him, but fortunately he opened his eyes and looked at forestry.

Yuki breathed heavily, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth at the corner of his mouth.

Yun saw the forestry coming over and asked the forestry anxiously.

“Karma, what’s wrong with my sister, what just happened, how did he suddenly appear here directly from there.”

Looking at the anxious luck, his eyes were red, and he was about to cry.

Forestry did not answer for the time being, but first checked whether it was okay to hit the shoulder of the big tree.

Yun also looked worriedly at the body of the forestry inspector Yuki.

But Yuki shook his head at the forestry.

After a few more breaths, a few words popped out of his mouth.

“I… I’m fine. ”

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