Hearing Yuki’s voice, Forestry and Yun all looked at Yuki’s face.

I found that my breathing was much calmer now.

Although still breathing heavily.

But that uncomfortable look has disappeared.

Yuki looked at Hayashi and Yun looking at him, and a smile appeared on his face to the two.

Luck saw that Lucky was okay, and also made it to the ground, and then cried with joy, tears gushing out of his eyes.

Forestry is also a long breath.

Fortunately, he slowed down for a while, and then saw the barrel that was set aside.

Sit up with your hands on your body, lay your head on the barrel and start drinking.

Once you drink it, you have to raise your head to rest for a while, take two breaths, and then drink again.

Forestry saw that Yuki’s stomach was bulging, and Yuki stopped.

Forestry looked at Yuki intently.

Yuki wiped the water stain from the corner of his mouth, and then looked at the forestry as well.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and then Yuki’s face bloomed into an incomparably bright smile and said to Forestry.

“Karma, it’s on! The talent ability is really on! I just used my innate ability! ”

When Forestry heard Yuki’s words, his face also laughed.

Yun was still shedding tears on the side, and when he heard Yuki’s words, his face also showed a surprised expression.

The tears had not stopped, and with tears in his eyes, he smiled in surprise, and then said to Yuki.

“Sister, can you use your natural ability? Did you just save me with your natural ability? ”

Yun wiped the tears from his face while looking at Yuki.

Yuki turned his head and looked at his sister, crying and laughing, looking at himself in surprise.

Yuki reached out and hugged Yun and said in her ear.

“Yes, luck, my natural ability can be used, I saved you and scared me to death.”

After saying that, Yuki couldn’t help but cry.

This tear was originally unstoppable, and he couldn’t help but burst into tears, hugged Yuki, put his chin on Yuki’s shoulder, and cried.

Forestry looked at the two of them holding a headache and crying, and a warm smile appeared on Forestry’s face.

Then Forestry touched his chin and began to think.

Yuki and luck are sisters born to a mother and the only relatives of each other in this world.

Just encountered danger, fortunately, that harsh cry could not be issued if it was not anxious to the extreme.

Then he saw that the tree was about to fall down, but luck couldn’t dodge.

So the talent ability was turned on, rushed over to save luck?

Forestry felt that things might not be that simple.

Even if the awakening talent ability is random.

Those who have awakened, but cannot yet use it.

In this crisis-ridden world, there must have been times when your loved ones were in danger.

If this logic is followed, then this method should have been discovered in this world long ago, and the innate ability can be used in advance.

But before, Grandma Nan Rong told Forestry with certainty that there was no way, and no one had found a way to artificially open the talent ability.

Just when forestry pondered.

The other beast-eared ladies also gathered around.

Seeing everyone gathered around, Yuki and Yun also separated, each wiping their tears.

At this time, Sakura looked at the two with excitement on her face and asked.

“Luckily, you’re just so good, you’re here in the blink of an eye.”

Diona stood beside Sakura, also excitedly asking Yuki.

“Yes, lucky, how did you do it, knocking such a big tree out so far at once.”

The two little loli were excited and curious, waiting to look at Yuki with big eyes.

Shi took two steps forward at this time, came to the side of the two, squatted down with a worried face, and asked the two of them in a low voice.

“Luck, luck, are you all right, are you injured?”

Both shook their heads at the stone, and Yuki moved to crash into the shoulder of the tree, indicating that he was really fine.

Seeing that the two of them were fine, the nervous expression on Shi’s face also eased.


“Luckily, weren’t you too tired to move just now? How did it suddenly become so powerful again? ”

Then Shi thought for a moment, just wanted to continue speaking.

Reaching out, there was a voice of sweet rain.

After daring to finish speaking, he also found that he seemed to have snatched the stone, and looked at the stone in amazement.

But Shi nodded at Gan Yu, and then spoke.

“I want to ask this too, fortunately, you just obviously can’t stand up, why can you suddenly burst out with such a powerful force.”

After Shi and Gan Yu asked, the other beast ear ladies also took a step forward, and one by one the beast ears all stood up and listened carefully.

Yun heard Gan Yu and Shi Du ask this question, wiped the tears on his face, and then spoke.

“Sister. Sister, she has successfully turned on the talent ability! ”

As soon as Yun’s words came out, all the beast-eared girls were in an uproar.

Shi reached out and grabbed Yuki’s arm and asked with wide eyes in surprise.

“Fortunately, you really succeeded in activating the innate ability? Did you use your innate ability to knock that tree off just now? ”

Yuki looked at the beast-eared ladies who were all looking at them in shock, and nodded at them with a smile.

Seeing Yuki nodding, all the beast-eared girls burst into a deafening cheer.

“Ah——! Fortunately, awakened the innate ability!!! ”

“Great, great, Yuki’s innate ability has awakened.”

Sakura and Diona held hands and cheered as they ran in circles around the men who were crouching on the ground.

The other beast-eared ladies also jumped up happily.

The cheers of the beast-eared ladies also awakened Forestry from his musings.

Forestry watched the beast-eared ladies celebrate happily as if they were celebrating the New Year.

It took a while for everyone to quiet down, and then looked at Yuki sitting on the ground again.

Susu covered his chest at this time and asked with a smile on his face.

“Fortunately, what did you feel like when you awakened your innate ability?”

“Yes, lucky, did you feel anything at that time? How did you turn on the innate ability, can you tell us about it? ”

After Susu finished speaking, Gan Yu’s eyes also lit up and he asked.

The other beast-eared ladies were also very interested and looked at Yuki curiously.

After hearing this, he tilted his head and thought about it, and finally scratched his head and said to the other beast-eared ladies.

“It’s that I saw that the tree was about to be smashed to luck, and I really wanted to save her, but my body didn’t have any strength at all.”

“I was watching the tree get closer and closer to luck.”

“In the end, I desperately tried to rush to save my luck, but because I had just finished training with karma, I couldn’t even stand up.”

“I tried to stand up strongly, using all the strength in my body, and at this moment, my body suddenly surged with a force, and I didn’t have time to think, so I ran out desperately and saved my luck.”

“Later, I sensed it and realized that the power just now was a natural ability.”


Listening to what Xing said, the beast-eared ladies all made sounds in amazement.

And then they all looked at forestry.

And after hearing Xing Xing’s words, Forestry also had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Then he frowned to catch that glimmer of light.

The beast-eared ladies looked at the forestry.

I was shocked.

And Shi’s heart was as if a terrifying wave was beating her heart, and her heart was beating violently as if it was about to jump out of her mouth.

Now the beast-eared ladies all think that luckily in order to save luck, they opened their innate abilities.

However, Shi knew that luckily he had only awakened after drinking the [Talent Awakening Elixir] given by Forestry.

And now fortunately, after training with forestry, I have completely opened up my innate ability.

Shi thought for a moment and understood the horror of this.

Those people of those big tribes in this world can even kill their own biological parents and brothers and sisters in order to open up their innate abilities.

If you let them know, forestry can directly open up natural abilities.

That would be an absolute disaster for their small tribe.

Once this news is revealed, almost all the big tribes will definitely send people to catch the forestry.

Thinking of this, Shi turned his head to look at the beast-eared ladies who were looking at Xing Xing excitedly, and he couldn’t help but start worrying in his heart.

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