Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 173 No Matter How Much A Man Sleeps, He Will Definitely Find A Place With His Hand!

After that figure felt Lin Ye's hand on his body, his whole body froze.

At this time, Shi, Yun, Susu, Xiaorou and the twin raccoon girls all looked over with their hands.

It turned out that two feet protruded from Lin Ye's bed.

His toes were nervously digging.

That figure is luck.

They finally got their chance.

So the first day's chance was given to Xing.

Fortunately, he lay down on Lin Ye's bed.

I was so nervous that I didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, I have been looking forward to it for so many days, but now I feel that just being by Lin Ye's side is very satisfying.

But at this moment, Lin Ye turned around, and the eyes came over.

Fortunately, the whole person was stiff.

Xing felt like his heart was about to jump out.

At this time, Lin Ye also moved around in a daze.

Then he pulled Xing over.

Lin Ye, who was half asleep and half awake, didn't open his eyes either.

Just said something in a vague voice.

"Sakura, why did you grow up the size ii to ii today?"

Then, Lin Ye fell asleep again.

She has been sleeping with Sakura.

Now Lin Ye sleeps with nothing in his hands, and he is not used to it.

Fortunately, Lin Ye hugged him.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

Moreover, Lin Ye's hands are a little dishonest.

Fortunately, I couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

"How can it be that Ye's hand can grab it as soon as he turns over.

"Why is my heart beating so fast"

"No wonder Sakura has always been like that with Karma"

In this way, Xing fell asleep at some point.

And when Lin Ye was sleeping, he felt as if he was caught by something.

That thing is quite powerful.

Lin Ye didn't think too much, and fell into a deep sleep.

So the night passed.

When the next day was just getting bright.

Fortunately, he woke up.

Lin Ye was still sleeping with a smile on his face.

Xing opened his eyes and saw his current posture.

Xing's upper body was held in Lin Ye's arms.

However, her two long legs were wrapped around Lin Ye's body.

When Xing saw this scene, his face turned red again.

Then fortunately, Lin Ye was still awake.

Gently took Lin Ye's hand away from his body.

Then he carefully retracted his legs and walked down from Lin Ye's bed.

At this time, because of their previous habits.

Several members of the hunting team are now awake.

I saw Xing get off Lin Ye's bed.

They all squinted their eyes and looked at Xing with a cramped smile on their faces.

Xing got off Lin Ye's bed, turned his head, and saw the other six members of the hunting team looking at him with strange smiles.

Xing blushed suddenly, covered his face and ran out of the cabin.

The others looked at each other and laughed silently.

Then they all walked out of the cave together.

But it got up so early, the unicorns and wild horses hadn't come back yet.

Xing stood in the open space and didn't know what to do.

Seeing the other six people coming out from behind. After several of them looked at each other several times.

All froze in place.

After a while, Shi tentatively spoke.

"Why don't you go back to sleep again~?"

After the other people listened, they immediately began to nod, and then they talked.

"Walk, walk, sleep again, sleep again."

So, I went back to the wooden house and lay down on the bed for a while.

The other beast ear girls also woke up from the bed one after another.

After the beast ear girls woke up, they were a little confused for a while, and then they all walked out of the wooden house and went out to get busy.

This is the seven members of the hunting team sitting up again.

They looked at each other, speechless, but laughed at the same time.

Following the seven of them also walked out of the cabin.

Only Lin Ye, Ying and Diona were still asleep in the cabin.

After a while, Lin Ye also slowly opened his eyes.

After lying on the bed and stretching, he also went down to the ground.

Turning around, Sakura and Diona were soundly asleep.

Lin Ye scratched his head in doubt.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to sleep with Sakura in his arms last night.

But now Du Ying is lying on her bed and sleeping soundly.

Lin Ye didn't think much about it, just thought it was a dream.

After walking out of the cabin.

The sun has begun to show its power.

Lin Ye walked to the open space, and the beast ear girl started to practice horse riding again.

The unicorn was standing under the shade of a tree bored, with a piece of grass in its mouth.

Lin Ye walked to the water pipe, simply washed his face and rinsed his mouth.

By the way, I glanced at the vegetables in the vegetable garden.

It is estimated that in two days, potatoes can be harvested again.

Back in the clearing, Lin Ye called the unicorn over, turned over and climbed onto his back.

Direct voice control: "Take me to the river."

"Xi Lv--!"

After the unicorn let out a cry, it trotted out happily.

Since the last time Lin Ye rode it, he hadn't looked for it again.

The other wild horses run back and forth every day with the beast ears on their backs.

The unicorn almost grows hair every day.

Even the hooves can only be ground by themselves, there is no chance of running wear and tear.

Finally, Lin Ye finally rode it again today.

The unicorn Sa Yazi ran out towards the river.

Riding the unicorn, Lin Ye arrived at the river in less than half an hour.

Then Lin Ye rode the unicorn and let it walk slowly upstream along the river.

Lin Ye came this time to inspect the terrain.

Lin Ye wants to build a wooden bridge that can pass unicorns and horse-drawn carriages across this river.

Therefore, Lin Ye had to first find a place with higher terrain and a shorter distance from the opposite shore.

The reason is that when the river swells, the river water will not wash away the hard-working wooden bridge.

The reason why the distance to the opposite bank is relatively close is that when the bridge is built, it can be built shorter.

Lin Ye rode the unicorn and walked upstream slowly.

Lin Ye saw several suitable places to build a bridge.

Keep it all in mind.

Finally, choose the most suitable place.

There was nowhere to go until Lin Ye and the unicorn stopped.

Lin Ye let the unicorn walk back, while he sat on the back of the unicorn and began to think.

There are two places that are most suitable.

All terrains meet the requirements.

The only difference is.

The two places are not the same distance from the other side of the river.

And the one closer to the other side of the river.

After crossing the river, it takes an extra half an hour to walk.

Lin Ye began to consider two locations.

The distance between these two places and the opposite bank of the river is still relatively large.

Otherwise, Lin Ye wouldn't have to be so entangled.

Seeing Lin Ye thinking, the unicorn honestly didn't act like a demon.

Lin Ye checked the two locations again.

In the end I chose the shorter one.

The longer the bridge, the more difficult it is to build.

And, Lin Ye found out, that short spot.

You can be lazy and use the trunks of those towering trees to directly cross the bridge,

Cut down a few taller trees in this way, and put them on both sides of the river, and after they are fixed.

A bridge would have been better.

So Lin Ye decided that he would rather spend more time on the road and build this short bridge.

After making sure, Lin Ye let the unicorn return to the tribe.

(Okay, okay) The next time, we have to make preparations for this market.

Lin Ye rode a unicorn and galloped back to the tribe.

The whistling wind in his ears made Lin Ye very enjoyable.

After a while Lin Ye returned to the tribe.

He came directly in front of the beast-eared girls who were riding horses.

"`"Listen first, I have something to say. "

Lin Ye stopped the beast-ear girls who were practicing horse riding, and said to them.


The beast ear girls also quickly stopped the wild horse.

Sakura and Diona also got up and played around in the open space.

It seems that there is something wrong here.

The two of them also ran over.

Lin Ye took a brief look and saw that everyone was behind.

Lin Ye said to the beast ear girls.

"When Mingyun came the day before yesterday, she told me some news."

"It is said that there is a market in the distance that is about to open. If we want to go, after thirty days, we will go to the Yiren tribe and set off with them.

"The bazaar is where the tribes exchange things, and I thought I had to go see it."

"So for the rest of the days, we started to prepare."

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