Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 174 Prepare To Repair The Bridge And Arrange Tasks!

All the beast-eared ladies present had been to the market except fortunately.

The other beast ear mothers either don't know about this thing at all.

Or just heard of it.

Even Xing's younger sister Yun didn't go with her because she was too young at that time.

So after hearing Lin Ye's words, everyone's first reaction was to look at each other in blank dismay.

Those who didn't know about the market all looked at the others suspiciously.

"What is the market?"

Some of the beast-eared girls asked others suspiciously.

Immediately, the beast-ear girls who knew about it gave them a brief explanation.

At this time, Gan Yu looked at Lin Ye and asked.

"Ye, you said just now that you need to be prepared, what do you need to prepare for?"

Shi also thought about it and asked Lin Ye.

"That's right, Karma, does everyone have to prepare? Are you going to take everyone with you?"

After Shi finished speaking, all the beast ear girls started to get excited.

But Lin Ye shook his head at the beast-eared girls, and then said.

"No, I only plan to take three people to go together, Xing, Shi, Gan Yu, the three of you will go with me when the time comes, and the others will be waiting in the tribe.

The three beast-ear girls whose names were named, nodded to Lin Ye excitedly.

But the other beast-ear girls lowered their heads in disappointment.

At this time, Xing turned around and explained to the other beast-ear girls.

"It will take at least ten days to go to the market, and I don't know how many dangers I will encounter along the way."

"Besides, after arriving at the market, you may also encounter danger, and I don't let you go to 610 because of everyone's safety considerations [don't do this.

Hearing Xing's explanation, the other beast ear mothers are still very sorry.

But he also raised his head and smiled at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye also looked at Xing, smiled and nodded.

After taking a few breaths, Lin Ye continued to talk to the beast ear girls.

"I've thought about it for a long time. For the safety of the tribe, we only bring straw sandals and straw mats to exchange with others this time.

"With other things, they may be coveted by other tribes."

"So in the remaining days, everyone has to weave more straw sandals and straw mats.

"You can weave less straw sandals, but the more straw mats, the better."

Lin Ye considered that the straw sandals may not be known to other tribes. If everyone has to explain it, it would be a waste of time.

But straw mats not only take up less space.

When you get there, you will know the benefits of the straw mat by touching it with your hand.

After hearing Lin Ye's words, the beast ear girls all nodded to Lin Ye seriously.

At that time, I had to dismount to find hay and start weaving.

Lin Ye saw how impatient the beast-ear girls were, so she quickly stopped her.

"Everyone, don't worry, there is still a lot of time, and now we have many more important things to do.

"First, we're going to build a bridge over that river."

The beast ear girls heard Lin Ye finished speaking, this time all the beast ear girls looked at Lin Ye with doubts on their faces (acbe).

Fortunately, Lin Ye was the first to ask this question.

"Ye, what is a bridge?"

Then Shi also asked.

"Build on the river? Yes, the river is full of water, how can we build something on the river?"

Lin Ye pondered for a few seconds this time, raised his head and said this to the beast-eared girls.

"A bridge is a path that connects the two sides of this small river."

"When the bridge is repaired, everyone can go to the other side of the river through the bridge at any time, and don't have to wait until the small river dries up to cross the river.

"Tomorrow we are going to repair the bridge. I will tell you how to build it later."

After finishing speaking, the beast ear girls looked at Lin Ye excitedly.

Xing was even more surprised, and the joy on his face could not be concealed, and he asked Lin Ye with a smile.

"Really? Ye, can we cross the river to find Mingyun and the others at any time in the future?"

Sakura and Diona also widened their eyes excitedly, waiting expectantly for Lin Ye's answer.

Lin Ye smiled and nodded at Xing, and then said.

"Yes, you can go to the other side of the river to find Mingyun and the others at any time in the future."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the smile on Xing's face instantly became brighter.

On the other hand, Sakura and Diona jumped up and down excitedly, and cheered happily.

"That's great, I can play with Ling'er in the future!"

The eyes of Lin Ye and others were attracted by the two little cat-eared loli who were holding hands[excitedly] spinning and jumping.

The other beast ear mothers actually didn't have any expectations for being able to cross the river at any time.

But seeing the two little lolis so happy, gentle smiles appeared on their faces.

At this time, Shi blinked, looked at Lin Ye again and asked.

"Ye, what preparations are we going to make today?"

Hearing Shi's words, the other beast ear mothers also shifted their eyes from the two little lolis to Lin Ye.

Seeing that the beast-ear girls looked over, Lin Ye nodded to them, and then said.

"If you want to build a bridge, you need a lot of hemp rope, and each one needs to be longer and thicker, so everyone is going to collect some bark and weave hemp rope today."

"Gan Yu, I'll leave the weaving of the hemp rope and the weaving of the straw mats and sandals to you. You are responsible for leading everyone to weave. There are still many beast ear girls who haven't learned before the straw mats, and you are also responsible for teaching them."

"Fortunately, you come with me with a hunting team, we are going out to find those tall trees, which are needed for building bridges.

Lin Ye assigned all the tasks, Wu and Gan Yu also nodded to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye could see that Gan Yu became a little nervous after hearing the task he gave her.

However, Gan Yu did a good job in making pottery with everyone before, and Lin Ye believes that she can also do it well this time.

Then Lin Ye went out with the seven beast ear mothers of the hunting team.

The seven beast-eared girls of the hunting team often go out hunting, so they are very familiar with the surrounding terrain.

This time Lin Ye directly let them ride and follow him.

And he helped them control these wild horses with animal taming.

There is no need to worry that these wild horses will suddenly startle and run away.

After walking out of the camp, Lin Ye asked the seven beast ear girls.

"Do you remember that there are very tall trees growing there? The taller the better."

Because the tree must grow thicker and thicker as it grows upward.

And the trees for building bridges must be as uniform as possible.

That's why Lin Ye looks for books that grow very tall, and it will be more even if he cuts off a sufficient length from its trunk.

As for the thickness of each tree is not the same, it does not matter much.

These trees must be planed with a planer when they fall.

The bridge deck cannot be uneven, otherwise it may fall into the river if it is opened fully.

After the seven beast ear mothers of the hunting team heard Lin Ye's words.

Everyone said several places in a row, but Lin Ye, who was chattering, couldn't catch any of them.

And Lin Ye didn't know where they were talking about.

However, Lin Ye was quite happy to see the beast-ear girls mention so many places in one breath.

After all, Zeng'er girls know where to plant trees, so they don't have to look everywhere.

So Lin Ye reached out and pressed down, and then said to them.

"Follow me to the place where the bridge is to be built, and find the tree closest to it first.

Because when the tree is cut down, it must be transported to the river.

For such a big tree, the weight must be very scary.

Well, those trees must be as close as possible.

Fortunately, it was also the first time for them to ride out of the tribe on horseback.

They were in a good mood along the way. Although Lin Ye has been controlling the speed, everyone is not moving fast.

But the smiles on the faces of the beast-ear girls were still very bright.

A few people went all the way to the place that Lin Ye had chosen.

Lin Ye also re-measured the distance from here to the other side of the river.

About fifteen meters away.

Lin Ye just roughly measured the distance with his eyes.

Tomorrow when the bridge is being built, I will call the Yiren Tribe to help with loud arrows.

Otherwise, only Lin Ye can swim to the other side of the river, and the bridge cannot be built.

After coming to this place, several beast ear mothers looked at each other for a while.

They all nodded, and then said to Lin Ye.

"Ye, there are many very tall trees growing not far from the upstream of this small river."

Lin Ye's eyes lit up when he heard it, and seeing the beast-eared girls, the distance should be very close.

But the next sentence of the animal ear girl made Lin Ye's face serious. .

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