Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 175 New Weapon, Zhuge Liannu!

After the beast ear girls finished speaking.

Then Xing added another sentence.

"But there is a group of gray wolves living there. There are about twenty of them. They have been living in that place. We almost encountered them before. Fortunately, when we went there, the adult wolves were all out hunting. We only saw a few Little wolf."

After Xing finished speaking, Susu also said to Lin Ye, clutching her chest in fear.

"That's right, it was very dangerous back then. We saw the pack of wolves come back just after we left, and we only dared to count them roughly, and now those little wolves should have all grown up.

The other beast ear mothers also had expressions of fear on their faces.

After Lin Ye heard that there were still wolves, his expression became serious.

After thinking for a while, Lin Ye raised his head and asked.

"Besides there, where else are those tall trees~?"

After thinking about it for a while, the beast ear mothers answered.

"Except for there, the closest one is an hour's walk from here."

Hearing this news, Lin Ye's complexion became even more difficult.

If you walk for an hour, if you want to transport the tree, you don't know how long it will take.

Lin Ye frowned tightly.

He bowed his head and muttered silently.

"System, what level of animal taming skills do you need to tame wolves?"

Lin Ye turned to the system in his mind.

Lin Ye knew that it was impossible to tame those gray wolves with basic animal taming skills.

It was still a pack of wolves, Lin Ye would rather have a tiger or a black bear living there.

Lin Ye thought for a while but couldn't think of any good way to deal with the wolves safely.

So I asked the system in my mind.

And Lin Ye is very strict about wolves.

Because Lin Ye knows that a creature like a wolf is completely two kinds of creatures when it is alone and when it gathers into a pack of wolves.

"Ding! Taming a pack of wolves requires at least advanced animal taming skills. Intermediate animal taming skills can tame a lone wolf, but the success rate of taming a wolf king is extremely low. It is not recommended to try."

Hearing the system's answer, Lin Ye's expression became more serious.

It seems that only advanced animal taming skills have a chance to tame the pack of gray wolves.

So Lin Ye tentatively asked again.

"System, how many points do you need to upgrade from elementary animal taming to advanced animal taming?"

"Ding! It takes 75,000 points to upgrade to Intermediate Animal Taming, and 225,000 points to upgrade to Advanced Animal Taming. A total of 300,000 points are required."

Hearing the system's answer, he sighed heavily.

A full 300,000 points are needed to upgrade to advanced animal taming.

The path to upgrade the animal taming technique is not going to work.

Lin Ye frowned and began to think.

Seeing Lin Ye's pensive look, the beast ear girls of the hunting team also looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, his eyes suddenly flashed fiercely.

He raised his head abruptly, looked at the beast ear girl and asked.

"How big are those gray wolves?"

Lin Ye wanted to kill those gray wolves.

The beast ear girls were taken aback by Lin Ye's fierce gaze.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses after hearing Lin Ye's question.

The beast-ear girls tilted their heads and began to recall.

Shi thought for a while, then looked at Lin Ye and spoke first.

"I remember what Susu said when he saw those gray wolves. These gray wolves were as tall as Sakura when they landed on all fours."

Hearing what Shi said, everyone turned their attention to Susu.

"Huh? Ah? Ah?"

Su Su panicked a few times later.

After calming down and thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized and said to Lin Ye.

"Yes, I remembered, because the gray wolves were just walking up to a small tree, and that small tree was as tall as Sakura, and the gray wolves were as tall as that small tree."

Hearing what the animal ear girl said, Lin Ye frowned in distress.

Then asked again.

"Is there any change between Sakura then and now? Has she grown taller?"

There is no unit of length in this world. According to the description of the animal ear girl, Lin Ye has no way of judging anything, so he can only continue to ask for some details.

After Lin Ye finished asking, Shi nodded directly to Lin Ye and said.

"Sakura has grown such a distance since then."

While talking, Shi made gestures with both hands, the distance was only about ten centimeters.

Lin Ye looked at Shi's gestures, and he probably knew how big those gray wolves were.

Ying is now 1.5 meters tall, so it will be counted as 1.5 meters.

Then at that time, it was more than 1.3 meters.

That is to say, the shoulder height of those gray wolves is at least 1.3 meters.

It's a little scary for a wolf to grow to this height.

You must know that on the earth before, a gray wolf with a shoulder height of 80 centimeters could reach a body length of 1.6 meters.

In this world where everything is magnified.

Lin Ye has no idea how big these gray wolves can grow.

Lin Ye thought about it for a while, and then said to the beast-eared girls.

"Let's go, go back to the tribe first."

After speaking, Lin Ye rode the unicorn to the tribe.

Along the way, Lin Ye drove automatically.

All in his mind were thinking about how to kill those wild wolves.

First of all, the bow and arrow used by the beast ear girl must not be able to hurt the wolf.

It may be possible if it is replaced with an iron arrow.

Lin Ye ruled out fire attacks, traps and other solutions.

In the end, there was only one last way left.

That is, crafting new weapons.

Originally, Lin Ye planned to upgrade all the weapons of the beast ear girls before going to the market.

When upgrading an intermediate carpenter.

Lin Ye found that there are many ways to make crossbows in his mind.

From the simplest loose hair crossbow.

From the most powerful bed crossbow used to defend the city, all are included.

What Lin Ye most wants to make is the "Yuanrong Crossbow" made by Wuhou during the Three Kingdoms period

Also known as the 'Zhuge God Crossbow'.

This may be the first long-range weapon in history that can fire in bursts.

And who can refuse a long-range weapon that fires in bursts?

But now it is the huge wolf that has to be dealt with.

0…ask for flowers……

Lin Ye decided on the way back to the tribe.

Make some foot crossbows and kicking crossbows for the beast ear girls first.

The Godly Zhuge Crossbow can also be made together, but the point of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow lies in the continuous firing.

In terms of power, it is much worse than the pedal crossbow and kicking crossbow.

But making the Godly Zhuge Crossbow has another advantage.

That is, these arrows in the tribe can be directly used on the body of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow.

It may be a little longer, and it will be fine to cut off a section from the tail.

Once the method is determined, all that remains is to implement it.

Although thirty days seems like a long time.

But there is much more to do.

Fortunately, Lin Ye planned to build the bridge ahead of schedule.

Otherwise, if you discover this problem when you are about to set off, you will have no time to solve it.

After returning to the tribe, Gan Yu is taking the beast-ear girls to make straw sandals.

After seeing Lin Ye, the beast ear girls all smiled and greeted Lin Ye.

The stones behind them are covered with freshly collected bark, drying in the sun.


Lin Ye forced a smile and nodded to the beast-ear girls.

Then he went straight to the cave.

The beast ear girls saw that Lin Ye seemed to be in a hurry, and all of them showed puzzled expressions.

At this time, Xing and the others got off the horse and came to help Gan Yu and the others start weaving straw sandals.

Gan Yu saw Xing and the others also came back.

Ask them a few doubts.

"Ye just seemed very anxious, what happened after you went out?"

Xing shook his head at Gan Yu, and then began to tell the beast-eared girls about the fact that there was a pack of wolves in the big tree used to build the bridge with a worried expression on his face.

"What should I do? The wolves must not be easily provoked."

"That's right, wolves are vengeful animals. If you mess with them, they will definitely come back for revenge."

Beast ear mothers are well aware of the power of wolves.

So after listening to Xing's words, the hearts of all the beast-eared girls were aroused.

"But, with those wolves around, Lin Ye can't build the bridge."

After everyone finished speaking, Shi said another sentence.

This made everyone even more worried.

And at this time, after the sika antler girl heard about the group of gray wolves.

Clasp your hands in front of your chest.

Then a pang of grief welled up from the eyes.

The other beast ear mothers were all worried about the wolves, and no one noticed Lulu's abnormality.

Lin Ye came to the cave and took some extra bows that he made before.

Then Lin Ye came to the branches and pieces of wood cut down from the previous construction of the wooden house, looking for wood suitable for making bows and crossbows.

Because making bows and crossbows is not like making other things, the wood used is all particular.

Among the seven kinds of raw materials, Zhe is the top, camphor is next, mulberry is next, orange is next, papaya is next, jing is next, and bamboo is next.

That is to say, among the seven materials, Zhe wood is the best material for making bows, while kuai is the worst. .

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