Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 183 The Wolves Are Destroyed, Hunt Down The Wolf King!

Lin Ye found that the gray wolf seemed to be unable to run himself.

So he slowed down and waited for Gray Wolf.

All the beast ear girls were waiting at the edge of the woods.

But as time went by, the beast ear ladies waited more and more anxiously.

Until they heard a loud wolf howl from the woods.

The beast-ear girls all raised their crossbows when they heard howling wolves.

However, the wild horse below him was disturbed and there was a commotion.

But as soon as the commotion appeared, the unicorn gave a low growl and controlled the wild horse.

The beast-ear girls held their crossbows and waited for a while.

Finally, Lin Ye appeared in the eyes of the beast ear girls.

Lin Ye also saw the beast-eared girls, so he immediately quickened his pace and ran at full speed.

This time, Lin Ye ran to the side of the beast ear girl in one breath.

"All ready. About thirty adult gray wolves!"

Lin Ye just ran to the side of the animal-eared girl, and immediately reminded the animal-eared girl.

While speaking, he took out two arrows from the quiver made of animal skin on the unicorn, and added them to the arrow compartment of Zhuge Liannu.

Hearing Lin Ye's words, the beast-ear girls focused their attention on the forest in front of them.

Soon, huge gray wolves rushed out one by one.

When the beast-eared girls saw it, their breath was stagnant, and then they immediately started aiming.

The wild horse under the beast ear girls, when they saw the gray wolf.

All the fear from his bones came out.

But as soon as this situation appeared, Ya forcibly suppressed the fear of the wild horses through animal taming.

After controlling the restless wild horses, Lin Ye also looked at the wolves rushing straight ahead.

Those gray wolves chasing Lin Ye were all red-eyed.

When I saw a row of wild horses standing in front of me and a person on top.

There was a trace of doubt in the eyes for a short time, but it was immediately swallowed up by the bloodthirsty desire.

The speed of the wolves didn't slow down, and they came straight towards the beast-eared girls.

When the wolf king appeared and realized that something was wrong, it was already too late.

The gray wolf rushing forward had already entered the attack range of the crossbow.

"Aim and shoot!"

With Lin Ye roaring.

There was a sound of bowstring trembling.

Immediately afterwards, after the seven or eight gray wolves rushing to the front were shot.

He was directly knocked to the ground by the powerful kinetic energy of the arrow.

After rolling several times on the ground, he fell to the ground and remained motionless.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye immediately understood that he had overestimated the defensive ability of these gray wolf furs.

So he immediately yelled at the beast ear girls.

"Take ordinary arrows, they can't hold the pedal crossbow!!!"

"Zhuge's crossbow doesn't move!"

The power of the Zhuge Liannu is far inferior to that of the Pedal Crossbow, so these poisoned arrows are needed to increase the lethality.

After hearing this, the beast-eared girl immediately pulled out another ordinary arrow in her quiver.

After all, it is impossible for them to come out with only ten arrows.

However, the change of arrows was delayed for several seconds.

Gray wolves are already approaching.

The wolf king looked at his eight clansmen from behind, and they were killed as soon as they met each other.

Eyes instantly turned blood red.

Although it is the wolf king of this wolf pack, it sounds awesome.

But in the eyes of Lin Ye and Beast Erniang, it is only a little bigger than other gray wolves.

So no one noticed it all the time.

The wolf king circled around in place a few times.

Then he raised his head, facing the sky, and let out a wolf howl with strong penetrating power.


After the sound came out, the wolves immediately rushed towards Lin Ye and the Beast Erniang even more fiercely.

But this time, Lin Ye also noticed the gray wolf.

I saw that he was not rushing forward, and there were a few gray wolves wandering around like bodyguards.

But as it howled, the gray wolves around it also rushed up.

At this time, Zeng Erniang had already finished loading the arrows again.

The gray wolf had also rushed to within a hundred meters.

Lin Ye and the other five Zhuge Liannu had also raised their hands.

Always be ready to shoot a gray wolf that gets too close.

But with the second shot of other beast ears.

The six gray wolves rushing forward fell to the ground again.

This time Lin Ye really saw what it looked like after the arrow shot from the crossbow hit the gray wolf.

Lin Ye just watched with his own eyes, an arrow hit the skull of a gray wolf.

Because the wooden arrows are not hard enough, and the gray wolf's skull is very hard.

So the arrow explodes immediately after hitting it.

However, although the arrow couldn't pierce the gray wolf's skull, the powerful force directly made the two eyes of the gray wolf completely bloodshot.

I don't know if the exploded arrow directly shattered your wolf brain through the skull.

Because several arrows shot the gray wolf immediately afterward.

The gray wolf that was rushing forward was shot by several arrows, and its whole body rolled back.

After shooting the arrow, the beast-ear girl immediately began to wind the string.

At this time, the gray wolf behind continued to sprint forward without hesitation.

The death of the same kind will only make these ferocious beasts more bloodthirsty, but it will not make them afraid.

It takes about seven to eight seconds for the Beast Ear Bitch to load and wind on horseback.

But at the speed of the gray wolf, it can run a distance of 100 meters in seven to eight seconds.

So Lin Ye immediately got ready to shoot.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and pointed to the other beast-eared ladies holding Zhuge Liannu.

"Zhuge Liannu is ready, Gray Wolf is about to rush over!"

As soon as Lin Ye finished speaking, Gray Wolf had already rushed to a distance of less than 70 meters.

There is no mark on the ground indicating the number of meters, and Lin Ye can only control it by feeling.

After speaking, Lin Ye immediately swung the camera.

An arrow shot out along the Zhuge Liannu in Lin Ye's hand towards the gray wolf who was rushing forward.

This arrow is also the signal to start shooting.

Immediately, the other five Zhuge Liannu also started firing arrows out one by one.

After Lin Ye shot the first arrow, he stopped.

Holding the Zhuge Liannu, he kept aiming at the Gray Wolf who was rushing forward.

But soon one or more arrows will be shot at the gray wolf.

Lin Ye regards himself as an insurance policy.

In case the beast ear girl missed the gray wolf.

Or miss, Lin Ye will make up an arrow.

However, from the looks of it, those five Zhuge Liannufei's performances were very stable.

Every second after Lin Ye took aim, an arrow would fly past.

When the arrows in the five Zhuge Liannu are about the same.

Other animal ear mothers have also completed filling and winding.

Without the slightest hesitation, the beast-ear girls immediately raised their crossbows and started aiming.

At this time, five Zhuge Liannu just shot out all ten arrows in the arrow chamber, and began to reload.

At this time, Lin Ye already knew that the situation had been decided.

After Zhuge Liannu had shot fifty arrows, there were very few gray wolves that could move.

Lin Ye put down the Zhuge Liannu and looked at the wolf king standing in the distance.

It is about 300 meters away from here.

The battle ended too quickly, before it could react.

Its kind of people are already dead.

The wolf king froze there, but hadn't reacted yet.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye took a crossbow from Susu's hand behind him and started aiming at the wolf king.

At this time, the wolf king seemed to sense that danger was approaching.

The moment on his body exploded.

He also reacted from a stupefied state.

At this time, the beast ear girls have shot all the gray wolves.

Now there is only the wolf king left.

But the wolf king just sensed danger.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran away immediately.

Lin Ye was aiming, but before he could take aim, he saw the wolf king running away.

Seeing this, Lin Ye yelled.

"`"Hurry up! One ran away!"

Then he lifted his legs and ran out.

Lin Ye is faster than a unicorn.

The beast-eared girls just realized that when the wild horses started to chase.

Lin Ye has run away and disappeared.

Because Lin Ye was carrying the crossbow, his speed was affected a little.

The distance with that wolf king has not been shortened much.

Lin Ye was also a little anxious for a while, so he threw the crossbow in his hand.

Go after it with all your strength.

This time Lin Ye (good) could clearly feel that the distance between himself and the wolf king was getting closer and closer.

The wolf king was running frantically for his life now, and his originally fierce eyes became frightened now.

After just running for a distance, it glanced back.

It turned out that the intruder just now was chasing after him!

At this moment, the wolf king started to run wildly with panic in his eyes.

It didn't dare to look back, but it could hear the voices behind it getting closer.

As the distance continued to increase, Lin Ye took the ax in his hand from the storage space.

Lin Ye worked hard and accelerated a little bit at a time.

Finally, he ran side by side with the fleeing wolf king.

The wolf king also saw that the intruder had already run to his side.

Then in the wolf king's frightened eyes.

Lin Ye smiled cruelly at the wolf king, and then used the hammer part on the back of the ax to directly hit the wolf king's back spine.

The wolf king who was running was hit hard, and his body flew straight up.

The spine was directly broken by Lin Ye, and the two hind legs lost control in an instant.

After the wolf king flew out, he rolled on the ground for a long distance.

Panting heavily, Lin Ye walked over slowly.

Without any hesitation, amidst the wolf king's wailing, Lin Ye ended its life with an axe.

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