Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 184 Luck Talent Is Activated, And The Little Milk Wolf Is Captured! Ow! Ow!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

After solving the wolf king.

Lin Ye stood there panting heavily.

Looking at the body of the wolf king on the ground.

Lin Ye raised his eyebrows happily.

Fortunately, he caught up with his life, otherwise the wolf king would have escaped.

There is no way to sleep peacefully in the future.

A creature like a wolf is the most vengeful creature.

Lin Ye and the beast ear mother killed all her clan.

This wolf king can miss them forever.

Lin Ye stood there resting, and after a while, the beast-eared girls arrived on horseback.

Seeing that Lin Ye had killed the wolf, the beast ear girls also breathed a sigh of relief.

The fight ended much faster than Lin Ye's.

It took me a day to practice riding and shooting, but I didn't use it much. I just killed the wolves by standing on the ground.

"Let's go, everyone dismounts, puts the wolf's body on the horse's back and brings it back to the tribe."

After Lin Ye rested, he said to the beast ear girls.

Then, the beast-ear girls began to carry the dead wolves on horseback.

It takes four beast ears to lift a wild wolf and put it on a horse.

At this time, Su Su on the side suddenly let out a scream.

"Oh my god, luck, how do you..."

Lin Ye and the other girls with animal ears followed the sound.

It turned out that a man lifted up a wild wolf.

It's a little unbelievable to transport yourself.

But she clearly felt that the wild wolf in her hand didn't weigh much.

Lin Ye's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, and he hurried over to 827.

Yun put the wild wolf gently on the horse's back.

At this time Lin Ye also came over.

"Luck, feel it, is the talent ability successfully activated and ready to use.

As soon as Lin Ye said this, all the beast ear girls looked at Yun in surprise.

"Luck, your innate ability has also been activated?"

Xing covered his mouth and looked at Yun with surprise.

Yun did not answer.

He just frowned and began to feel it.

Soon Yun raised his head in surprise.

"The karma has really been activated, and my innate ability has really been activated."

Lin Ye nodded, showing Rong on his face.

Xing even rushed forward and hugged Yun.

The other beast ear mothers looked at the two sisters hugging each other with smiles on their faces.

With luck talent ability to open the incentive of this good news.

Everyone worked harder to pick up the gray wolf corpses.

Just when the beast ear girls are busy.

Sakura suddenly ran out from the side, with an excited smile on her face, and shouted at Lin Ye.

"Ye, come and see, we found a litter of wolf cubs."

Since Sakura and Diona couldn't help much, the two of them started wandering around.

I really didn't expect them to find out.

After Lin Ye heard it, he turned his head and looked over.

The beast ear girls also looked at Sakura curiously.

Lin Ye walked over quickly again, and said to Sakura.

"Where is it, take me to see it."

Sakura smiled and nodded, (acae) walked ahead to lead Lin Ye.

Lin Ye followed Sakura for a few steps.

I saw Diona squatting in front of a big rock, looking in curiously.

Ying also pointed to the big rock and said to Lin Ye.

"Yam, just under that big rock, there are quite a few of them.

Diona looked over when she heard the voice, and after seeing Lin Ye coming over, she also smiled sweetly at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye walked over quickly, squatted down and looked inside.

Under the boulder, there was a little gap, from which there was a constant cry of milk.

"Aw! Aw!"

A few gray wolf cubs were screaming in fear inside.

Diona squatted beside Lin Ye, blinked and asked Lin Ye.

"Ye, what about these little wolves, they will definitely starve to death here.

Lin Ye stroked his chin and thought about it.

As a result, he turned his head and saw Sakura and Diona's loving gazes.

Lin Ye smiled and stretched out his hand to touch the heads of the two little lolitas, then asked.

"Do you want to bring them back to the tribe to raise them?"

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Ying and Diona stared at Lin Ya with their eyes widened in surprise.

"Ye, can we really bring them back to the tribe to raise them?"

Sakura raised her cat ears, looked at Lin Ye and asked in surprise.

Diona at the back also looked at Lin Ye expectantly.

"Haha, of course."

Lin Ye laughed twice, and Taguchi answered a few words.

The two little loli hugged each other happily.

Then Lin Ye half-kneeled on the ground, bent down and put his hands under the boulder and began to grab these little wolf cubs.

The little wolves shrank back in fright.

But there is only so much room for you inside.

They were caught by Lin Ye one by one.

When a wolf is a child, it is actually no different from a dog.

Moreover, dogs were originally domesticated slowly by hunters in ancient times using wolves.

After these little milk wolves were caught by Lin Ye, each one of them was so frightened that their legs went limp.

Lie down on the ground, shivering, and kept screaming with the sound of milk.

The least courageous one even pissed in fright.

Lin Ye looked at the three baby wolves he had caught.

They have now grown tiny teeth.

That means they are basically weaned now.

In this way, at least they can be brought back to the tribe to support them.

Lin Ye taught Ying and Diona to pinch the back of the necks of these little wolves and lift them up.

These little wolves had already grown their teeth, so Lin Ye ordered them both.

You must not hug them, otherwise it will be very painful to be bitten by them.

The two little girls listened to what Lin Ye said seriously, and kept nodding their heads.

Then, the three of them picked up the little milk wolves one by one, lifted them up by the backs of their fateful necks, and walked towards the beast ear mother.

To be honest, these little milk wolves are really cute in their current state, covered in fluff and full of milk.

The beast ear girls also showed affection when they saw the three little milk wolves.

Lin Ye watched that all the gray wolves on the ground had been mounted on the backs of wild horses.

So he opened his mouth and said to the beast-eared girls who were teasing the little milk wolf.

"Let's go, go back to the tribe first, these three little wolves will be kept in the tribe, and I will have time to tease them later, go back to the tribe first, there are so many wild wolves to classify!"

After speaking, Lin Ye walked out first.

Susu looked at Lin Ye who was also holding a little milk wolf in his hand.

So he walked up quickly.

Seeing this, Lin Ye handed over the back of the little milk wolf's neck to Susu's hand.

With these three cute creatures, the beast-ear girls kept making various laughter along the way.

After walking for more than an hour, the family group walked back to the tribe.

The beast ear girls started unloading.

And Lin Ye stuck the branches on the ground and circled a small area.

Put the little milk wolf here first.

Wait until you are free in a few days.

Make a kennel for the three of them again.

It's a kennel.

Lin Ye plans to try to domesticate the three of them into dogs.

If not, just contract directly.

That's the same, when the time comes, it's up to Lin Ye whether it's a wolf or a dog.

The beast ear girls unloaded all twenty-eight gray wolf corpses from their horses.

Lin Ye stood on the side looking at the bodies of these gray wolves, and then at the three baby wolves on the side.

After thinking for a while, Lin Ye said to the beast ear girls.

"In the future, be careful not to feed the three little wolves these wolf meats, maybe there are their family members or brothers and sisters in it."

Because of the education Lin Ye received, he couldn't accept that such a thing happened.

At least when there is no shortage of food, Ya won't let that happen.

The beast ear girls also nodded.

Even Lulu, who hated the pack of gray wolves the most, understood Lin Ye's intentions.

Then Lin Ye explained to the beast ear girls again.

"First take a look at the arrows on these gray wolves."

"Separate gray wolves killed with poisoned arrows from gray wolves killed with ordinary arrows."

"Even the knives for planing them are separate."

"The gray wolves shot to death by poisonous arrows can only pull out their skins, and don't eat their meat, which may already be poisonous."

Lin Ye couldn't remember clearly, and he didn't know if the prey killed with poisoned arrows could still be eaten.

But Lin Ye remembers that it takes less than five minutes for a person to be completely cold after being poisoned by this poison, and it is too late to save him.

So Lin Ye felt that he would rather throw away all the meat, or fertilize the vegetable garden.

I don't want to take the risk and take a gamble.

"By the way, peel off that wolf king's skin and keep it for me."

In the end, Lin Ye gave some advice to the beast-ear girls.

When Lin Ye killed the wolf king, he directly remembered an axe, and a skull with an axe.

Therefore, there is no wound on the wolf king's body, and the skin is still very well preserved.

Then Lin Ye went to collect the poisoned arrows from the wild horses and unicorns.

Together with the previous crossbow, they were picked up together. .

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