Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 188: An Alternative Use Of Susu's Talent: Infinite Refills!

What's more, it can be used on others.

Lin Ye thought, other people's use of talent is a waste of energy.

But Susu's talent is to restore physical strength.

That is, can Susu become a charging treasure, so that others can use her natural ability continuously.

Susu watched as the golden light in Lin Ye's eyes disappeared.

His eyes widened in shock.

Susu blinked and asked Lin Ye tentatively.

"Ye, what is my talent? Have you seen it?"

Hearing Susu's voice, Lin Ye came back to his senses.

Looking at Susu, he smacked his mouth and nodded to her.

Susu saw Lin Ye nodded.

He watched Lin Ye's mouth nervously, waiting for Lin Ye to reveal his natural ability.

"Your innate ability is physical recovery, that is, you can restore physical strength."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he paused for a moment, looked into Susu's eyes and continued.

"And not only can you restore your own, but you can also help others recover."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Susu tilted her head and thought for a while, but the doubts in her eyes became more and more intense.

Finally, Su Su still asked.

"Ye, is my talent powerful? What's the use?"

Because just now Susu saw Lin Ye's appearance.

But after hearing about his natural ability, he couldn't figure out why Lin Ye did that just now.


And after Lin Ye heard Susu's words.

Slightly coughed twice, and explained to Susu.

"Your innate ability itself is very good, and you can also restore the physical strength of the victim, then your innate ability becomes very powerful."

"For example, after Xing used her natural ability a few times, her physical strength has been exhausted, and she collapsed on the ground like last time, but at this time, you go over and restore her physical strength, and she can continue to use her natural ability .”

"Moreover, not only using natural abilities, no matter what you are tired of doing, you can help yourself or others recover.

Listening to Lin Ye's words, Susu's expression gradually became more and more joyful.

When she heard the last sentence, Susu's eyes suddenly brightened, and she looked at Lin Ye.

Seeing Su Su suddenly looking at her, Lin Ye was also taken aback, and looked at her suspiciously.

At this time, Susu's eyes were full of longing, and she spoke to Lin Ye.

"Ye, does that mean that as long as I keep helping you recover your strength, then I can continue indefinitely?"

Hearing Susu's words, Lin Ye looked at Susu.

Seeing Susu's look of anticipation and longing, the corner of Lin Ye's mouth twitched violently.

Naturally, Lin Ye would not answer this question.

I just lowered my head and thought for a while, whether I should directly activate the talent ability for Susu.

After a little thought, a decision was made.

He directly exchanged the Talent Awakening Potion for Susu to drink.

These innate abilities with only positive effects, now that the points are sufficient, they can be awakened directly.

What's more, Susu's natural ability has such a big effect.

This time, Lin Ye directly pulled the ring away for Susu before handing it out.

Susu looked at the potion that Lin Ye handed over.

Throat wriggled and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Then he couldn't wait to reach out to take it, and immediately raised his head and started drinking.

"Drink it all, not a drop left W.

Lin Ye opened his mouth to remind him.


After Susu drank the talent awakening potion.

The potion bottle slipped from his hand and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Then Susu's whole person began to become charming.

The way Lin Ye is being scratched and posed by her is a bit...

But after Susu aroused Lin Ye's fire.

He fell directly to the ground and fell asleep.

Lin Ye picked Susu up from the ground in a speechless manner, and sent her back to the wooden house.

After returning to the open space, the beast ear girls have all experienced the carriage.

Continue to weave straw mats under the shade of trees.

The straw mats woven by the beast-ear girls have already piled up quite high.

A few days ago, Lin Ye asked Xing to close sixteen straw mats.

Sakura and Diona also went to the Yiren tribe together.

Stayed there for one night before returning.

In this way, the time passed peacefully day by day.

After installing railings on both sides of the wooden bridge.

Lin Ye found time to make a lot of Zhuge Liannu, but there is no bowstring yet.

Moreover, Lin Ye didn't stop after making one for the beast ear girls in the tribe.

Instead, another twenty were produced.

Because Lin Ye thought, if Ming Yun and the others learned to use the Zhuge Liannu.

Hold the Zhuge Liannu in the sky and shoot at the enemies below.

Doesn't this mean that he has mastered the air supremacy?

If other tribes have not mastered effective long-range attack methods.

Wouldn't they just be beaten and not fight back?

But Lin Ye was a little worried.

In this world, the Zhuge Liannu is destined to be made only by oneself.

In this way, the Zhuge Liannu was handed over to the Yiren tribe.

Lin Ye always felt something was wrong.

They were always from other tribes.

So Lin Ye temporarily put this matter aside.

What's more, the Zhuge Liannu doesn't have a bowstring yet.

There are less than ten days left before departure to the market.

At this time Shi gave Lin Ye a surprise.

At that time, Lin Ye was studying how to make the bed crossbow.

Shi ran over excitedly, and said to the mouth with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, my innate ability has been activated and can be used!"

Hearing Shi's words, Lin Ye also widened his eyes, and laughed along with Shi.

"How about it, after opening the talent ability, do you have any special feeling?"

Lin Ye asked with a smile.

But Shi shook his head at Lin Ye, and said with some doubts.

"My innate ability seems to be always on, and there is no way to turn it off."

"Moreover, it doesn't consume stamina or anything else."

Lin Ye was taken aback when he heard Shi's description, and then began to ponder in his heart.

It is always on, and it will not consume physical strength or other things.

Doesn't this mean that Shi's innate ability is passive!

"`" Ye, it will be all right, "

After Shi saw Lin Ye heard what he said.

He froze there directly, and asked a little worriedly.

After Lin Ye heard Shi's words, he came back to his senses.

Then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It will be fine, you are a good thing, you will be in the state of innate ability activation all the time from now on."

When Shi looked at Lin Ye with a surprised expression on his face.

I'm already relieved.

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Shi also laughed happily.

"By the way, how did you suddenly activate Talent Wan?"

Lin Ye suddenly thought of this question and asked Shi.

After hearing this, Shi tilted his head and thought for a while, looked at Lin Ye and replied.

"Just now when I was in the carriage, I wondered how Ye made such a miraculous thing.

"Thinking about it, it was as if something shattered in my brain, and then I felt my natural ability turn on.

Lin Ye nodded while listening to Shi's words.

It seems that the activation of innate ability can be activated directly as long as there is any opportunity.

Lin Ye smiled at Shi, (Qian Qian's) and said.

"Okay, it's a good thing that your innate ability is activated, go and tell everyone."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Shi smiled and nodded.

Turn around and run towards the open space.

Lin Ye smiled and looked at Shi's back.

There are more and more beast-ear girls in the tribe who have activated their natural abilities.

This is also an improvement in the strength of the tribe.

After Shi left for a while, Sakura pouted and came to Lin Ye's side again.

"Ye, is there any way you can help me unlock my natural ability?"

After Sakura came to Lin Ye, she looked at Lin Ye aggrievedly and said softly.

Lin Ye was taken aback by Sakura's question.

"What's the matter, why did you come here and ask me so suddenly?"

Sakura pouted, eyes full of grievances, and said to Lin Ye.

"Yun and Shi and I are talents awakened together."

"But both of them have already activated their natural abilities, and only I haven't activated them yet.

Hearing Sakura's words, Lin Ye smiled and patted Sakura's head.

Lin Ye originally planned that neither Ying nor Susu's talents should be activated in a hurry.

Judging from previous experience, anyway, with the passage of time, sooner or later it will be opened. .

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