Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 189 Sakura Successfully Unlocked Her Talent! Have A Baby!

But I didn't expect Sakura to be anxious after seeing that Shi and Yun had activated their natural abilities.

But since Sakura said so.

Lin Ye decided to take her for a special training, so he spoke to her.

"Okay, then I'll take you to practice for a while, you have to persevere.

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Sakura nodded excitedly at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye doesn't know if the special training is useful.

But it should be exercised for Sakura.

It doesn't hurt anyway.

Lin Ye sat there, thinking a little bit about what to do with Sakura.

In the end, I decided to just do burpees.

First try to see if this can stimulate Sakura's talent, after all, this is how Yu stimulated her talent last time.

I have taught them one side before, and Sakura will do it too.

So Lin Ye went back to the cabin and took out a wolf skin.

Give Sakura a cushion under her body.

After taking Sakura to move the body and doing some warm-up exercises.

Sakura began to do burpees one by one.

Lin Ye was at the side giving Sakura the count.

After doing more than 30 in one go.

Sakura was too tired to speak.

But still gritted his teeth and kept jumping one by one.

Knowing that Sakura's hand slipped and fell on the wolf skin.

Lin Ye saw Ying falling, and hurried over to help Ying up.

Seeing that Sakura was fine, she was just panting rapidly from exhaustion.

Sakura stood there panting for a while.

I felt my body, but it was still the same as before.

Sakura's current state is that she can feel her natural ability, but she can't use it.

After feeling it for a while.

This time, Sakura felt a little discouraged.

But after thinking about Shi Heyun, Sakura gritted her teeth and persisted.

This time, Lin Ye didn't let Sakura continue to do burpees.

Instead, let Sakura stand on the animal skin and take a horse step.

If Bobby Jump is the 200 destruction of the flesh mountain.

That squatting is mental torture.

Sakura just finished doing burpees.

The muscles of the body are already very tired.

Now take another step.

Lactic acid builds up very quickly.

Soon Sakura felt her legs began to feel sore and swollen.

But thinking of activating her natural ability, Sakura still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Lin Ye kept correcting Sakura's out-of-shape movements.

Until Ying's legs were already trembling, Wan Ping fell to the wolf king.

Feel the sensation of the lactic acid in your legs receding.

Sakura sensed her talent again.

But the innate ability didn't respond, but the stomach rang first.

Immediately, Sakura felt that a sense of hunger began to appear in her stomach.

This time Sakura completely gave up her natural ability.

Sitting on the wolf fur, he kicked his legs angrily, pouted and said to Lin Ye.

"I won't activate my natural ability anymore, no matter how powerful my natural ability is, I won't activate it anymore."

Lin Ye shook his head at Sakura when he heard that Sakura said that she would not activate her talent ability.

"What? Disabled? This is not acceptable!"

"Get up and go on!"

Sakura's natural ability plays a vital role in the development of the tribe.

It can be said that other people's natural abilities do not need to be activated.

But Sakura's must be turned on.

It's just that there's no rush right now.

But if Sakura has resistance to her natural ability.

It will be very difficult to open after that.

And after Sakura heard what Lin Ye said.

Pouting his lips and kicking his legs twice, he said to Lin Ye aggrievedly.

"I won't do it, I'm so hungry, ye, let's eat first, okay?"

Lin Ye's face darkened when he heard Sakura's words.

I was so tired just now.

I just couldn't bear the hunger.

It is only afternoon.

The sun is still overhead, and there is still a long time before Li Tianhei.

Sakura is doing so much exercise just now, so stop now.

Immediately felt hunger.

With a dark face, Lin Ye shook his head at Sakura, and said.

"It was you who said that you wanted me to help you unlock your natural abilities. How could you say you gave up first?"

"Get up quickly and continue to zap!"

When Ying heard Lin Ye's words, she was so wronged that she was about to cry.

Stomach growled continuously.

Lin Ye still didn't let her eat.

At this time, Sakura saw a lot of small fruits growing on the bushes on one side.

But it's not mature yet.

Sakura reached out and picked the only two purple, barely edible berries on it, and stuffed them into her mouth.

Sakura tasted the sweetness of the berries and closed her eyes immediately.

But two berries no bigger than a fingernail were eaten.

Suddenly, Sakura felt even hungrier.

Look at those other green berries on the bush.

Sakura couldn't help thinking in her heart.

"It would be nice if the berries were all ripe."

Sakura was thinking about it.

Suddenly, I felt as if something in my body was broken.

Then, Sakura saw those blue berries.

Really according to what I thought, I started to quickly transform into a mature purple-black color.

Sakura's eyes suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

At this moment, Lin Ye saw Sakura sticking out her ass.

Lying motionless on the edge of a bush.

Thinking that Sakura was being lazy, Lin Ye walked over quickly.

As a result, I just saw that "the berries on the bushes are rapidly changing from blue to purple-black.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye froze there.

The appearance of the berries in this way can only be a possibility.

Sakura's talent has awakened!

Lin Ye didn't expect that he had been busy with Ying for a long time.

In the end, it was indeed because she was hungry that the talent was activated.

But fortunately, I took her to exercise.

Otherwise, I would be so full every night.

Sakura will not feel hungry for another 30 days.

Lin Ye was about to ask Sakura, but (acad) froze when he saw Sakura's movements.

When the berries have turned a purple-black color indicating ripeness.

Sakura's two hands began to quickly pick the berries and put them into her mouth.

Seeing Sakura's hand speed, Lin Ye was stunned for a moment.

It wasn't until Sakura bulged her two cheeks that she stopped.

Then Lin Ye watched Sakura's mouth begin to chew.

At this moment, Sakura turned her head and saw Lin Ye looking at her.

After being slightly taken aback.

I saw that Sakura's mouth speeded up its chewing.

Then he raised his head and made a "gudong".

Swallowed all the berries in his mouth.

After swallowing all the berries, Sakura looked at Ya warily again.


Looking at Sakura's appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

"Sakura, you...can you see if your talent is activated?"

After Lin Ye laughed a few times, he quickly asked about the serious matter.

Sakura was stunned when she heard Lin Ye's words.

Then he immediately sensed it.

After Sakura felt that her innate ability was really activated.

Sakura's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at Lin Ye.

A pair of small and exquisite cat ears trembled slightly with the surprise in his heart.

"How is it, is it turned on?"

Lin Ye looked at Ying's appearance, walked to Ying's side, knelt down and looked at her and asked.

Faced with Lin Ye's question, Sakura couldn't control her emotions, she grinned and nodded to Lin Ye.

After Lin Ye saw that Sakura had really opened up her talent, bursts of surprises flooded her heart.

Lin Ye couldn't help but fell backwards, sat on the wolf fur, and laughed along with Ying.

At this time, Sakura once again stimulated her innate ability against the wild flower that was still a bud on one side.

I saw that flower bud grew bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally opened into a small red flower.

Seeing this scene, Sakura was suddenly overjoyed.

"Ye, you are too powerful! You really activated my talent!"

Seeing Ying's excited look, Lin Ye also scratched Ying's nose dotingly, and said to Ying dotingly: "This is still thanks to your snack food gene!"

Although Sakura doesn't understand what genes mean, but she looks at Lin Ya with more and more admiration!

It's getting hotter and hotter!

Lin Ye also noticed the change in Sakura's expression!

Just after the two looked at each other for two seconds.

Before Lin Ye could react, Ying jumped on Lin Ye directly.

Lin Ye originally thought that Sakura was too happy.

However, Lin Ye soon felt that something was wrong with Sakura today.

Seems a little, overly enthusiastic...

Lin Ye, as a strong young man, how could he bear this kind of stimulation.

If you don't do it today, when will you wait!

And at the same time.

Susu heard that Ying was looking for Lin Ye, and wanted Lin Ye to help unlock her talent.

Thinking that he had already drank the potion and awakened his talent.

So I also walked over to Lin Ye while I was idle.

When Su Su was not close.

I heard a crisp crash coming from the front, and Sakura's voice was different from the past.

After hearing this movement.

Su Su froze in place immediately.

Lin Ye and Sakura, what are you doing here...?

Susu stood there for a while, then slowly walked a few steps forward, and poked her head out from behind the tree quietly.

After seeing the scene in front of him.

This time Susu was completely stunned.

This is the first time Susu has seen such a thing!

And it's still Lin Ye and Sakura!

Although Susu is usually very proactive, she was shocked when she saw an unprecedented event!

Just like that for a while.

Su also naturally experienced a flow.

But Su Su, who didn't know what was going on, was a little frightened when she saw all this, and flowers bloomed on her face.

At this time, Su Su didn't dare to look any further, but covered her face, turned around and ran away. .

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