Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 193 The First Step To The Market, The Green Ocean!

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Ming Yun nodded.

The shocked expressions on Xing and Gan Yu's faces became even more exaggerated when they saw it.

And the Yiren girls seem to have known about this for a long time.

Looking at the shocked three beast ear girls with a smile on their faces.

And Lin Ye also looked at the endless grassland after seeing Ming Yun nodding.

Ming Yun spoke again at this time.

"Next, just follow the place where the sun sets until you reach the edge of the grassland and you will see the market."

Lin Ye nodded thoughtfully.

It's just where the sun sets, so the direction can't be wrong.

Lin Ye thought for a while, then turned to look at Ming Yun and asked.

"On the grassland all the way, are there only these grasses? Are there other things, water sources, woods, etc.?"

Ming Yun shook her head, and said to Lin Ye.

"When I was up there, I saw nothing but the endless green grassland."

Hearing what Ming Yun said, Lin Ye couldn't help frowning.

There is no water source on the grassland, so the ten days will be spent entirely by the water carried in the carriage.

Water is one aspect.

Lin Ye also thought of a question.

"This grassland is so big, we can't just go in like this."

"Everyone has to split up and get ready."

Lin Ye frowned and raised his head and said to everyone.

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Er Niang and Yi Ren Niang also looked at Lin Ya.

Shi also frowned and thought about it.

But after thinking for a while, he still raised his head and asked Lin Ye.

"Ye, what should we prepare? Didn't we bring enough water when we set off?"

Hearing Shi's question, Ming Yun also tilted her head to look at Lin Ye and asked.

"That's right, Karma, what should we prepare for?"

Lin Ye shook his head at Beast Ear Girl and Yiren Girl, and said with a frown.

"The water we brought is enough on the way to the market, but what if there is no water in the market? What will we do when we are there and going back."

"Also, I don't know that there will be trees on the grassland, and even if there are, there will be very few."

"And what if we don't have wood to light a fire when we have dinner at night?"

"Also, I don't know if there are any wild animals on the grassland. If there are any, if there is no fire, we will be easily attacked by wild animals, and we will be in danger at that time."

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Beast Ear Girl and Yi Ren Girl also knew the seriousness of the problem.

One by one, Shendu became worried.

Xing looked at Lin Ye, and asked slightly in a low voice.

"Karma, what should we do, what should we prepare~"?"

After Xing finished asking, everyone else also looked at Xiangya and waited for Lin Ye to speak.

"Ming Yun, take Ling'er and the others to find water sources around, and fill up all the containers on the carriage.

"Gan Yu, teach them how to use the filter first."

In the days before departure, Lin Ye thought about what might happen on the road every day.

Lin Ye first ensured the most important three elements of survival.

Water, food, shelter.

That's why Lin Ye brought enough water for nine people to drink for ten days.

Moreover, a filter device was remade and put on the carriage.

Food Lin Ye brought plenty of potatoes, even two sprouted potatoes.

The shelter already has a carriage, even if the carriage is broken.

The wolf fur in the carriage can also be taken out directly to build a tent.

But I didn't expect that such a situation would happen.

Gan Yu and Ming Yun immediately started to act when they heard Lin Ye's words.

Then Lin Ye spoke again.

"Fortunately, I will take the three of you to find firewood until the carriage is full."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, Zeng Erniang and the lady operator nodded at each other.

After Yirenniang learned how to use the filter device, she immediately flew away with all the containers on the carriage, even the clay pots for cooking.

And Lin Ye took the beast ear girls to start looking for dry dead trees in the nearby woods.

After we acted separately for a while.

When Mingyun and the others came back with a container full of water.

Lin Ye and Beast Erniang had already tied the roof of the carriage to tree trunks.

Lin Ye didn't stop until there was nowhere to put it.

This time, the unicorn just watched the tree trunks being loaded onto the carriage.

Quietly without making a sound.

Although Lin Ye thinks it is still not enough.

But the carriage has no place to install it.

And if you install a unicorn, it really won't be able to pull the carriage.

It is now approaching noon.

After everyone sat in the carriage again, the unicorn pulled the carriage and set off again.

This time the unicorn really felt the weight of the carriage behind him.

It's also a little hard to run.

Mingyun and the others often go out to fly for a while now, and only return to the carriage when they are tired from flying.

But driving on the prairie also has an advantage.

That is, the ground is relatively flat.

Unicorns are also fine as long as they move in a straight line.

After running for an unknown amount of time, when Lin Ye turned around again, the woods behind him had disappeared from sight.

The carriage kept moving forward, and the sun began to set before we knew it.

Lin Ye also stopped the unicorn and started to light a fire for cooking.

Unhook the unicorn from the wagon so it can take a break too.

On the grassland, there is food for unicorns everywhere, so don't worry about it being hungry.

Stone lit the fire in no time.

Lin Ye positioned the direction of the carriage towards the setting sun.

In this way, you don't have to wait for the sun to rise tomorrow before you can start.

Because there is no reference object on the grassland.

The only thing that can tell the direction is the sun.

After everyone finished their meal, they added a few pieces of thick firewood to the fire.

All climbed into the carriage and began to prepare for bed.

Lin Ye took out all the Zhuge Liannu and distributed them to Beast Erniang, and put them aside when she was sleeping.

In case of a wild beast attacking at night, you can fight back immediately.

Because along the way, there are many traces of animal activities on the ground.

There are many holes made by animals on the ground.

This shows that it is definitely not quiet here at night.

It was the first time Yirenniang saw Zhuge Liannu.

Keep looking at it with curious eyes.

Lin Ye also took a handful and sat outside the carriage.

On the first night, Lin Ye was really worried, so he decided not to sleep tonight, but to watch the night outside.

Both the Beast Ear Mother and the Wing Ren Mother were lying in the carriage.

In the end, Ming Yun couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart, and asked Xing.

"Xing, what is the one you just asked about? Why didn't I give you bows and arrows?"

After Mingyun finished asking, Linger also nodded and said.

"Yeah, why don't you use bows and arrows? How powerful bows and arrows are."

The other Yiren girls also nodded in agreement.

They were all very envious of the bows and arrows that Lin Ye made for the beast-ear girls.

But now I saw that what Lin Ye gave them was a thing made of wood.

If it's a crossbow, maybe Shanren Niang doesn't recognize that it also has a bow on it.

But the shape of the Zhuge Liannu is really different from the bow.

This led to the fact that the winged girls didn't know what it was.

Fortunately, after hearing what Mingyun and Linger said.

A smile appeared on his face, he held Zhuge Liannu in his hand and said. (promised)

"This is a new weapon that Ye made not long ago, it's called Zhuge Liannu, it's much more powerful than bows and arrows, and now our tribe only has six usable.

"More powerful than bows and arrows? Is there a weapon more powerful than bows and arrows?"

Ming Yun cried out in surprise when she heard Xing's words.

The other Yiren mothers also covered their mouths in shock.

Seeing Ming Yun's reaction, Xing smiled with satisfaction and said proudly.

"Of course, there is another one that is more powerful, and we have also brought it.

After Xing finished speaking, Shi also said with a smile.

"Yes, we still have these two kinds of crossbows. We shot and killed a whole pack of wolves. We shot all those gray wolves to death before they ran in front of us."

The Yiren ladies listened to Shi Hexing's words.

All of them couldn't believe it.

"Wolf pack, you killed all of them? My father and the others didn't dare to provoke the wolves when they went hunting before, and you actually used this to kill the whole pack of wolves?"

Shi smiled and nodded, then spoke to Ling'er.

"Ling'er, haven't you seen the three little wolf cubs raised by Ying and Diona? Those are the descendants of that wolf pack, and we captured them back."

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