Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 194 Unable To Move An Inch! New Invention!

After Ling'er heard this, a look of enlightenment appeared on her face.

At this time, Gan Yu, who had been listening by the side, said something.

"Yehuan chased the wolf king to death by himself."


When the Yiren ladies heard Gan Yu's words, they immediately gasped.

At this time, a voice came from outside the carriage.

"Ming Yun, you just need to know it. Don't talk about this matter with others when you are in the market, or you may attract others' coveting like Nanrong's grandma said in the daytime.

Hearing Lin Ye's voice, they all looked serious.

Ming Yun turned her head to look at the other Yiren girls, and after nodding to each other, Ming Yun spoke to Lin Ye outside.

"Okay, Karma, don't worry, we all know.

"Okay, go to bed early, get up early tomorrow and hurry, the sooner you get to the big city, the better.

As soon as Ming Yun finished speaking, Lin Ye's voice came from outside again.

This time, Yirenniang and Beasterniang didn't speak, they lay on the ground obediently and fell asleep.

The unicorn lay sideways on the ground, its ears moved when it heard Lin Ye's voice, and it continued to sleep without opening its eyes.

Lin Ye leaned on the carriage, and there was silence everywhere, not even the sound of bugs.

Lin Ye, who had nothing to do, opened the system mall and started researching.

The first night was spent peacefully like this.

Lin Ye spent almost one night looking at all the medicines in the system mall and the medicine category.

The effect of the number one potion is that after drinking it, you will have eternal life.

But the price of 177 made Lin Ye daunted.

But just before dawn.

A breeze blows.

The originally muggy air was also blown away by the breeze.

This brought a smile to Lin Ye's face.

But soon, Lin Ye couldn't laugh anymore.

Along with the breeze, a thick white fog floated over the sky and covered the sky.

After Lin Ye saw the thick fog, his heart skipped a beat.

Originally, on the grassland, we could only rely on the sun to tell the direction.

Now if there is a heavy fog and the sun cannot be seen, Lin Ye and the animal ear girl will be unable to move forward.

But although Lin Ye was in a hurry, he couldn't resist the power of nature.

After a while, thick fog drifted over, covering the grassland.

Now Lin Ye doesn't dare to act rashly.

If you start now and deviate from the direction, it will take several days to make up for the direction you are traveling that day.

Moreover, I don't know when this thick fog will dissipate.

If it lasts for a few days, then everything will be delayed.

What's more serious is that the fog will not dissipate for a long time.

That way, when the water in the carriage was drunk, they would be trapped in the fog.

Lin Ye knew how to wait for the fog to clear.

We must find a way to save ourselves.

Just when Lin Ye frowned and thought.

The Beast Ear Girls and the Winged Girl Girls all woke up.

Opening the doors and windows and stretching out their heads to see, they were completely blinded.

In this thick fog, the visibility is less than twenty (acfj) meters.

After they saw it, they hurried out of the carriage.

After looking around for a while.

Seeing Lin Ye leaning on the carriage and meditating.

"Ye, there is such a heavy fog, what should we do?"

After seeing Lin Ye, Shi asked anxiously.

Lin Ye looked up, shook his head and said.

"Now wait for a while, I will find a way."

Shi also looked sad when he saw Lin Ye.

My heart suddenly became more anxious.

And Mingyun and the others were also anxious and at a loss.

With such a thick fog, they dare not fly at all.

Although there was nothing around here after them.

But now after they fly up, they will not be able to see the carriage below.

It is not so simple to think back.

It is easy to go straight off course and never get back unless the fog clears.

The unicorns are also anxiously woken up by the beast ear bitches.

After standing up from the ground with his head down.

When he opened his eyes, the unicorn was also dumbfounded.

"What's the matter, am I blind?"

The unicorn didn't understand why he woke up after sleeping, and the surroundings turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.

Turning his head to look left and right, the unicorn felt relieved after seeing Lin Ye.

And Lin Ye frowned, keeping his head down in thought.

The girls with animal ears were also watching Lin Ye and waiting anxiously.

At the beginning, Lin Ye kept thinking, is there any way to find some reference, and always ensure that his direction will not deviate.

But I came up with several methods that were all rejected by myself.

Finally, Lin Ye wondered if he could make something.

The good choice that can solve the current dilemma is the compass.

Then Lin Ye began to recall the practice of the compass.

Soon, Lin Ye remembered when he was surfing the Internet.

See how to make a simple compass.

And making a compass is out of the magnet.

You can find Lin Ye everywhere.

But the magnet is the most crucial thing in making a compass.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye opened the system store.

"System, show the magnets and magnets."

With a straightforward sentence, the system immediately screened out the magnets and magnets and listed them on the shelf in front of Lin Ye.

There are only a dozen items in total.

Most of these dozen or so products are still magnets.

It's just that the magnets are divided into three top levels: strong, medium and weak.

The three grades of strong, middle and weak are divided into big, middle and small respectively.

Lin Ye took a direct look at the magnet marked as, weak magnetic · small.

After seeing that 10,000 points are needed.

Immediately looked at the lodestone.

Natural magnets are enough to make a compass.

Lin Ye just took a look at the price and if it was cheap, he used a magnet.

But the price of this kind of thing produced through modern technology has always been ridiculously expensive.

And natural magnet, because it exists in nature.

Therefore, the price given by the system is only a small piece of two hundred points.

This small piece is enough to make a compass.

It took two hundred points to exchange for natural magnets.

Lin Ye set out to make a compass.

The beast ear girl and the wing girl girl suddenly acted when they saw Lin Ye.

The brows that were originally tangled together also relaxed.

At this time, Lin Ye raised his head and saw that the beast-ear girls were all looking at him expectantly.

Now that he had the magnet, Lin Ye was able to get out of the thick fog, so he smiled at the Beast Ear Girl and the Wing Girl Girl.

"I have a way to move on, go to the carriage to fetch a glass of water."

Lin Ye smiled and said something to them.

Hearing Lin Ye's words, they were all overjoyed.

Shi reacted the fastest and ran to the back of the carriage.

Lin Ye was there, and took out a bottle of talent awakening potion that the beast-eared girl had drunk.

Put the empty bottles on the wagon.

Grab the magnet and approach slowly.


Accompanied by a crisp impact.

The empty bottle was directly attracted by the magnet

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye laughed happily.

Lin Ye tried again on his own.

It turned out that only the bottle cap part is iron, which will be attracted by the magnet.

The rest of the empty bottle, the magnet will not respond.

But that's enough.

Lin Ye originally planned to use his pair of tattered sneakers.

There is a small iron ring on the small holes for shoelaces.

Now it's rusty and rusty.

But it is also made of iron, which can be used to make a compass.

But now that there are better materials, there is no need to destroy this pair of sneakers.

Take the ax out of the storage space.

Cut off the top of the empty bottle.

"Boom! Boom!"

After cutting off the top of the empty bottle.

I saw Lin Ye raised the ax and chopped it down with two axes.

The bottle cap was cut in half by Lin Ye, and there was a very thin wire in the middle.

This was cut down by Lin Ye on purpose.

This is the needle of the compass.

Lin Ye picked up the thin iron wire and began to rub against the magnet continuously.

This makes the thin wire magnetic.

After a while, Shi came over with a full glass of water.

Only then did Lin Ye stop rubbing, and the wooden cup was placed on the carriage from Shi's hand.

Then Lin Ye lowered his head and began to search.

It turned out that the unicorns had eaten all the grass blades that grew taller on the ground near the carriage.

Lin Ye glanced at the unicorn.

It was found that it was holding a tender grass in its mouth, but it hadn't chewed it yet.

Lin Ye looked at the grass in the unicorn's mouth, his eyes lit up.

He rushed forward with one stride. .

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